View Full Version : 72 years since DARWIN was bombed

19th February 2014, 12:41 PM
Just shows how close the Japanese came to our shores. My father was the Radio operator in the RAF 13th squadron.
Like most of his generation he spoke little of the war, and that was his choice.
Another time to reflect on why Australia is the great country it is now


Sir Roofy
19th February 2014, 12:46 PM
And our best mate was in nappies

my dad was overseas he never spoke much of it either
he tried to but memories were to bitter

19th February 2014, 12:49 PM
yes when i first went to darwin in early 1970 there were still bomb craters in stuart park from the bombing as they had never built on those areas in all that time which i found quite astounding, friends of mine rented a house nearby to the craters and it was all tropical scrub there so if you didnt know about them you didnt see them. It was definatley an interesting time and there are still old airstrips along the side of the stuart hwy.

19th February 2014, 01:23 PM
I think the church up the top of Mitchell st has been left as is

19th February 2014, 11:06 PM
Went to the NT a couple of years ago and visited nearly every war memorial there is there I think..the east point war museum was well worth the visit.

19th February 2014, 11:30 PM
Went to the NT a couple of years ago and visited nearly every war memorial there is there I think..the east point war museum was well worth the visit.

Pretty good out there, back in the 70's we used to have underground parties at the old gun emplacements, good times in my hippy days lol

20th February 2014, 08:40 AM
I was not aware that there was bombing in WA until I read that, will have to look out for memorials when I am in the Kimberley's in June/July.

20th February 2014, 08:50 AM
I went to East Point memorial in 88 but never thought to look for any reference to my Father.

20th February 2014, 09:20 AM
G`day TD
The wife`s grandfather was stationed in Darwin during the bombings but again never spoke about it
My father was stationed on Thursday Island and only told me of the good times there. Mum has still got his letters he sent her there, have been lucky enough to have read some, not all mind you.
We went there on our Cape trip and also Horn Island (a must do if you get up that way).Spent a good half a day with Vanessa Seekee OMA who is the Director, Historian, and Curator of the Torres Strait Heritage Museum, where we were taken on a tour of the island and told how, why and what happened there. Found out a lot more from her than I ever did from mum or the old man
Also the Japanese got down as far as Townsville,, there is a lot we were not told about in school

20th February 2014, 10:15 AM
About all I know dad was stationed at the 40 mile mark. which is 40 mile south of Darwin,
I remember seeing all the signs saying there was an airfield here and there. I've sent all the info I know of dad to the Pres, of the Beaufort bombers squadron which I believe dad was a member. 13th squadron was inter changeable with 30th squadron, Later today I'll email dads info to get a reply. I also want a copy of his medals for my sons.
Don't forget the mini sub in Sydney harbour??

20th February 2014, 10:33 AM
yes the japanese were doing raids in WA looking for the airfield in the kimberlys that the raaf used to launch raids in indonesia and new guinea, cant think of the airfield at the moment but apparently there are still old relics scattered around

20th February 2014, 10:39 AM
I know the one you mean but can't think its name AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHhhhhhh

Edit heres some info.


20th February 2014, 02:13 PM
I know the one you mean but can't think its name AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHhhhhhh

Edit heres some info.


thats it mate Truscott, there is still a lot of shell casings and all sorts laying ROUND UP THERE.

20th February 2014, 02:34 PM
Read in the Catalina Flying Boat Museum at Lake Boga, Victoria, about the destruction of nearly all of Australia's flying boat fleet at Broome during the period of those raids on Australian shores.
Interesting place if you have time for a visit.

I worked on Horn Island in 1987, plenty of aircraft wrecks in the bush especially around the airfield, the locals didn't like us have a look around so we kept well back from them.

20th February 2014, 02:48 PM
one a different note Lake Boga is man made to allow planes to land therefore being gravel bottomed.
They say yu can eat the Carp out of this lake, maybe Mego would know more
@ Trusscot they say there is even 44s of diesel still laying about, heaps of Blitz trucks

20th February 2014, 03:19 PM
one a different note Lake Boga is man made to allow planes to land therefore being gravel bottomed.
They say yu can eat the Carp out of this lake, maybe Mego would know more
@ Trusscot they say there is even 44s of diesel still laying about, heaps of Blitz trucks

Are you sure about Lake Boga?

20th February 2014, 03:25 PM
100% positive it is man made lake, used to go there following the boat racing scene,
with Aussie endeavour

Well blow me down with a feather I'll have to rip into my mate, I do know it has a gravel base.
maybe it was drained at some stage to make the depth more even

20th February 2014, 03:32 PM
Read in the Catalina Flying Boat Museum at Lake Boga, Victoria, about the destruction of nearly all of Australia's flying boat fleet at Broome during the period of those raids on Australian shores.
Interesting place if you have time for a visit.

I worked on Horn Island in 1987, plenty of aircraft wrecks in the bush especially around the airfield, the locals didn't like us have a look around so we kept well back from them.

Hi Macca,

We did a Horn Island tour on our Cape trip last year, it took in all the wreck sites and fortifications. Also the museum, tour was run by a couple of locals and it was a war history tour.
Got heaps of pics of the sites and museum, I think they even have a website for their tours. I can chase up if interested.


20th February 2014, 03:35 PM

Sorry John

That would be great thanks Appollofish, we were there to build the gold treatment plant . Is it still there? and is it working?

20th February 2014, 04:25 PM
all I can say in one of the pubs up that way there are pictures of the lake drained and bulldozer doing their thing.
that is why I was lead to believe the lake was man made,
but a long way from 72 years since Darwin bombing

20th February 2014, 04:41 PM
The "sorry John" was for hijacking your thread, I don't appreciate the tone of your PM just now.
I also sent the Wiki link about Boga by PM as not to put fuel on a recent fire, if that's how you want it, well that's your call.
I am pissed off right now!

20th February 2014, 04:52 PM
stick to the OP as everyone points out to me and things will be fine I will not bring up past PMs from you. leave it at that

20th February 2014, 05:21 PM
John we need to slow down and have a think.
If talking about the Lake is straying off topic please reread my post that mentioned Lake Boga.
It was referring to where I got information about the bombing of Broome which happened at the same period of time as the Darwin bombing. On topic, I don't know.
IMO the next post is where the wheels fell off, so please don't have a go at me about going off topic.
Later I was OT and for that I am humbly apologetic.
As for my PM's feel free to cut and paste them so others see and make up their own minds.
Innuendo is not a good thing, and causes all sorts of misinterpretations.
I have cooled down and partially regret my previous post, I was still pissed.
Any way I said I would welcome you back and I do that now.
Iain Macca

Sorry to the rest of you, I have sent a PM to John to air my feelings.

20th February 2014, 05:49 PM
I remember seeing some sea side observation and gun posts in North west W.A. 20 odd years ago. The sand bags had rotted away years ago but the pattern of the hessian was still very visible in the solidified sand. I can't find the photos I took so I can't remember the location.