View Full Version : To Drewboyaus

13th February 2014, 08:07 PM
Hows the training go for that big ride mate
Have you worn out that nice bite of kit yet
Also how`s the fund raising going.

13th February 2014, 08:20 PM
Oh! Please tell me someone has a pick of drew in lycra to post up.

13th February 2014, 08:43 PM
40602Never seen him but is this him on a training run

13th February 2014, 08:49 PM
http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x260/jpgpz/20140124_195206_zps1c5714ce.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/jpgpz/media/20140124_195206_zps1c5714ce.jpg.html)

13th February 2014, 08:56 PM
G'day Pearcey!
Yes mate. Thanks for asking. I'm up to 65km for my long ride at the weekend now and I'm doing (or trying to at least) 2 or 3 shorter 25-30km rides during the week to build some more speed.
I've raised $750 so far (only been going at it 1 month) and need to raise a minimum of $2500 to ride.
I was going to post my fundraiser on here a couple of weeks ago but Macca is doing his Worlds Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation (who have given me heaps of support over the last 2 years) so I didn't want to impinge on his ability to raise money for that.
I'll post up my ride once the shave is done.

And Mark, I'm not a fan of Lycra mate. Only on the bottom half as it's not possible to ride those distances without it (and still be able to walk).


13th February 2014, 08:58 PM
http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x260/jpgpz/20140124_195206_zps1c5714ce.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/jpgpz/media/20140124_195206_zps1c5714ce.jpg.html)

What a fine specimen of manhood that is! LMFAO

13th February 2014, 09:07 PM
I'll chuck in a $50 mate!!!!!!

13th February 2014, 09:22 PM
40603My son did the Bupa ride which was the 155k stage from Unley to Victor Harbor, which raises money for med research.
He set a goal of 5 hours and did it in 5 hours 1 min. average 30.9 Kph There was close to 7000 riders but not all did the 155 k

13th February 2014, 09:37 PM
40603My son did the Bupa ride which was the 155k stage from Unley to Victor Harbor, which raises money for med research.
He set a goal of 5 hours and did it in 5 hours 1 min. average 30.9 Kph There was close to 7000 riders but not all did the 155 k

Good one! Nice wheels too. I'm averaging about 25km/h now for the shorter rides (up from 18-19km/h a month or so ago) but closer to 20 for the longer ride. That's ok, if I can get the 100km done each day at around the 4hr mark or below I'll be pretty happy. But really, I'll just be pleased to have finished!

14th February 2014, 08:01 AM
Getting fitter by the day thats great. The wheels are full carbon fiber even the spokes and run ceramic bearings, also blxxdy expensive. While in training I hope you are observing all the rules IE no grog LOL. Best of luck with the training and fund raiseing

14th February 2014, 09:22 AM
I have a donation earmarked for you too mate. just let me know the details.

Awesome effort!