View Full Version : Threedogs!

12th February 2014, 11:00 AM
Threedogs gone!

G’day folks,

It has been brought to my attention that John (Threedogs) has decided to leave the forum due to my comments regarding John commenting on every thread.

Yes, I have made comments several times commenting regarding his volume of postings. The following is a copy of both Johns and my forum history;

Threedogs Join Date 25th June 2012
Total Posts 14,373
Posts per Day 24.08

RLI Join date 9th January 2012
Total Posts 2,150
Posts per Day 2.81

My only criticism of some of Johns post’s (and some others too) are the mechanical/technical post’s.

I'm of the opinion that it's better to leave a thread unanswered if you do not have the appropriate knowledge or don't know the correct answer.

I firmly believe it is better to wait for someone with the knowledgeable or correct answer other than you to answer the thread than posting incorrect or misguided opinions.

There is nothing wrong by letting people know that someone with the appropriate knowledge will be along soon.

John is probably a great and generous man and I did not mean for him to leave this fantastic forum, I only gave constructive criticism.

Farkkk, I am used to constructive criticism, I am always getting my arse kicked during my life’s journey, but I do not surrender or leave my friends if they criticise me, I embrace there honesty and their opinions and try and amend my ways accordingly!

In a nut shell John, I do not have a problem with you introducing yourself to every new member every day or commenting on other threads with knowledge that you personally know.

I am only advising as one forum member has stated, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

PS, it was not my intention to see you leave. I hope to see you back soon.

Kind regards,

Paul (RLI)


12th February 2014, 11:09 AM
John I have met you and know you are a good bloke with good intentions but I do agree with Paul.. you dont have to comment on every little thing mate!!!

You have helped plenty of people on here and have a good heart but just pull it back a bit.....

And Paul you are a big hairy nob!!!!!!!! lol..

12th February 2014, 11:16 AM
Paul. Mate you misspelled some there, their and they're in that post

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

12th February 2014, 11:29 AM
Paul. Mate you misspelled some there, their and they're in that post

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

Thanks, mate!

I am just a naughty boy! lol



12th February 2014, 11:34 AM
John you do have a lot to offer this forum so don't leave just because of what one insensitive nob has said.

PS: Paul don't leave because I called you a nob.:biggrin:

12th February 2014, 12:03 PM
John i have been in your situation here before. I learnt to grow thicker skin and just ignore it and also accept people for who and what they are and look past that and still treat people with the respect that they deserve. As no matter who it is, they have put their time into adding or creating very informative posts. Not saying that you or anyone else hasn't been disrespecting others, as i now just turn a blind eye to this shit and dont bother.
It just ends up making me feel crap and not wanting to help others where i can.
Please dont leave just because of this. I will personally miss your informative and somewhat medicated posts. You have my number, i lost yours so give me a ring anytime mate.

12th February 2014, 12:14 PM
Paul it seems there is more here than you that have upset him, I know I am one.
Been in touch with AB about this thismorning.
I have no thoughts about him contributing here one way or the other. I dont read B_All of his posts.
But others may genuinely look forward to his daily post count.
For those people I would like to see him back.
If this is just a tantrum and attention seeking I withdraw that support.
We have enough going on in our lives without that.
If I have upset you John I apologise.

12th February 2014, 12:20 PM
Seriously no offense macca, I went through the same thing and it does make you feel like shit. But I have no animosity toward anyone for this so I just moved on with my daily grind.

12th February 2014, 12:35 PM
I also think it was the dig at him for welcoming so many people to this forum.then he said "then my time here is done"there where a few that went on a said a few more things nothing nasty but if your having a bad day doesn't matter how people write it on forums your already having a bad day..
to me it's the same as the paper don't like it don't read it.

to those that are trying to right a wrong,good on you.

12th February 2014, 03:06 PM
Hey, at least everyone has a very clean MAF sensor :)

12th February 2014, 03:43 PM
It was great relief to have somebody reply to my first post, thanks.
If you personally don't know the answer to my question. But you know who would. Feel free to let me know where to find what I need.
I take all of RLI posts in the light hearted way they were meant, after meeting him l realise he means no harm and just loves a sh1t stir. Give it back to him as much as he gives you and have a laugh. We need a laugh!!!!

12th February 2014, 03:55 PM
I disagree with what a bloke has to say on a thread.
Surely if we believe that we are helping then so be it.
We can be told differently.
John is not the type of bloke to fill a thread with spam.
We have lost several people that belong to the top of our pile of knowledge and should try everything to keep them here.
Remember it's not just words when it's told to 3000 members.
Rant over.

12th February 2014, 04:15 PM
I disagree with what a bloke has to say on a thread.
Surely if we believe that we are helping then so be it.
We can be told differently.
John is not the type of bloke to fill a thread with spam.
We have lost several people that belong to the top of our pile of knowledge and should try everything to keep them here.
Remember it's not just words when it's told to 3000 members.
Rant over.

Except we all should be considered equal?
Because it's going to 3000? People it's important to be correct as possible.
What did you mean by the first I disagree line in the post?

12th February 2014, 04:17 PM
What is the fuss? He is not gone. He was logged in at 1 o'clock this arvo.

12th February 2014, 04:20 PM
What is the fuss? He is not gone. He was logged in at 1 o'clock this arvo.

Yeah lol. This has happened before, everyone just needs a break sometimes.

12th February 2014, 04:21 PM
We need people like John around, as a forum with no posts is a dead one. Although I dont agree for myself, with posting in every post just because...

It is all due to the different personalities and experiences of the forum regulars, which make this place great.....

it is a bit of a reality check for us all that we need to respect each other, even if we do things differently

Come back TD


12th February 2014, 04:29 PM
Except we all should be considered equal?
Because it's going to 3000? People it's important to be correct as possible.
What did you mean by the first I disagree line in the post?

I just read it again and I got no idea what it was meant to say.

All I want to say is I wanna feel that I can post anything on any thread without being made out a fool by others on the forum.
I am not trying to single out people by any means.
I shit stir a lot maybe 95% of my posts are shit stirring in one way or another.
I just say what I feel at the time of posting and hate being told , no, your wong, you font know, you can't say and anything else that I don't wanna hear.

We are all blokes, but I have feeling too.
Sensitive feelings at times.
I go up, I go down, sometimes it takes nothing at all to set me in a spin.

I think we need a psychologist.
But make sure she's gorgeous that way I'll go see her, otherwise ................
Wait what was I saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, I know, when we going wheelin again.
Wombat gotta be the go.
No that's not it.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

12th February 2014, 04:35 PM
I just read it again and I got no idea what it was meant to say.

All I want to say is I wanna feel that I can post anything on any thread without being made out a fool by others on the forum.
I am not trying to single out people by any means.
I shit stir a lot maybe 95% of my posts are shit stirring in one way or another.
I just say what I feel at the time of posting and hate being told , no, your wong, you font know, you can't say and anything else that I don't wanna hear.

We are all blokes, but I have feeling too.
Sensitive feelings at times.
I go up, I go down, sometimes it takes nothing at all to set me in a spin.

I think we need a psychologist.
But make sure she's gorgeous that way I'll go see her, otherwise ................
Wait what was I saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, I know, when we going wheelin again.
Wombat gotta be the go.
No that's not it.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

You are totally wrong with that post, are you stupid or what?:harhar:

12th February 2014, 04:36 PM
I take all of RLI posts in the light hearted way they were meant, after meeting him l realise he means no harm and just loves a sh1t stir. Give it back to him as much as he gives you and have a laugh. We need a laugh!!!!
Your spot on mate...
Paul you big bald tool! Go get a dog up ya:D

12th February 2014, 04:37 PM
You are totally wrong with that post, are you stupid or what?:harhar:

Or what........

12th February 2014, 04:39 PM
Your spot on mate...
Paul you big bald tool! Go get a dog up ya:D

There ain't nuffin wrong with being bold or bald.
With his arse it will need to be a Great Dane.

12th February 2014, 04:44 PM
There ain't nuffin wrong with being bold or bald.
With his arse it will need to be a Great Dane.

Mate bold and bald! A big black dog for you and your leather seats too Mick :D

12th February 2014, 04:47 PM
Mate bold and bald! A big black dog for you and your leather seats too Mick :D

Hmmmmmm, fur inserts in the middle if my leather seat, now I see what your getting at. Good one.

12th February 2014, 05:15 PM
I just find it strange that some people get so offended about a few words on public forum they feel the need 2 leave the forum and in some cases delete all there posts before leaving ( even ones that may help other people ). Yeh a few 100 thousand people ( most you don't personally know anyway ) will see it but who really cares.

Yeh I can understand sometimes we all need to take some time out for one reason or another but no need 2 post it for everyone 2 see, sh!t being a MOD I have coped some not so nice PM's from various long standing members for various reasons, so what, I'm sure all of them I could sit around a campfire with and have a beer with and get on like nothing happened.

Yep, I tend to stay out of the technical threads if I can't give an answer, unless 2 say "sorry can't help but I'm sure someone will be along soon enough" but so what if someone posts and they aren't correct, really they are offering free advise on something they obviously believe is correct, yes hopefully they will be corrected by someone that does now the correct answer. I recall starting 2 threads myself on the GQ ECU and TCU locations believing the info I had 2 give was correct only to be corrected by ET saying I was incorrect in my post, Yep I got it wrong amended my post and thanked ET for the correction and moved on.

Come back back John, I certainly don't care what you post or if your right or wrong

12th February 2014, 05:19 PM
It is hard to type emotion.
That is the number 1 thing that needs to be remembered when on forums..

12th February 2014, 05:31 PM
Oh for f@cks sake 3 pages of shit.......... waaa waaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

12th February 2014, 05:33 PM
It is hard to type emotion.
That is the number 1 thing that needs to be remembered when on forums..

Your right.
For example.
"Your a hick dead"
Can be seriously aggressive
Or funny dig.
But reading it doesn't tell you much except "your a hick dead."

12th February 2014, 05:34 PM
Oh for f@cks sake 3 pages of shit.......... waaa waaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

How else can we become post whores.

12th February 2014, 05:37 PM
but so what if someone posts and they aren't correct, really they are offering free advise on something they obviously believe is correct,

Yes true, but what if that incorrect advise kills someones engine or proves to be fatal?
People get on forums seeking advice and some take it for granted being correct or incorrect. So, if not 100% sure than don't post crap or at least let them know you are not sure

12th February 2014, 05:39 PM
Yes true, but what if that incorrect advise kills someones engine or proves to be fatal?
People get on forums seeking advice and some take it for granted being correct or incorrect. So, if not 100% sure than don't post crap!

At least preface your post with "I think" or similar.

12th February 2014, 05:41 PM
At least preface your post with "I think" or similar.

Yeah, just changed my post while you were posting...LOL

12th February 2014, 05:43 PM
I don't want people to be scared of offering advice on questions either.

After all this is a forum not a nissan bible of 100% correct answers each and every time.

However duty of care should be taken if the answer to the question could cost money, damage the vehicle or worse hurt someone.

If the subject matter is related to the above and you are not 100% sure of your answer or suggestion then mention it and ask for confirmation from others before proceeding.

Many basic and broad questions will have multiple answers too. Suspension set ups and modifcations, etc so please don't let this thread stop people from helping on general questions.

John, look forward to reading your comments mate. Get your ass back here!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

12th February 2014, 05:51 PM
Keyboard warriors are everywhere generally hiding with pick camp on.

I see this place as it is somewhere to hangout when I am bored or on the dunny. Also people need to take responsibility for their actions and if they ask for advice also talk to a professional as well as back yard mechanics can be some of the dodgiest.

Threedogs come back mate when your ready. Also lads lets all keep it light hearted and of your going to pull the piss at least them know you are by a smiley face or a lol maybe

Effing political correctness gives me the skits sometimes

12th February 2014, 05:58 PM
Your spot on mate...
Paul you big bald tool! Go get a dog up ya:D

Farkk mudski,

I had to look in the mirror to realise that i am going bald. lol



12th February 2014, 06:03 PM
After all this is a forum not a nissan bible

Wash your mouth out @AB

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

12th February 2014, 06:04 PM
Yes true, but what if that incorrect advise kills someones engine or proves to be fatal?
People get on forums seeking advice and some take it for granted being correct or incorrect. So, if not 100% sure than don't post crap or at least let them know you are not sure

I occasionally do post "I'm not a mechanic" or "Not 100 % sure" Kris but really this is a forum not a mechanical workshop, if they really wanted 100% correct information they would spend the $$$$$$$$ and take it 2 a mechanic.

Well that's my view on the subject anyway

12th February 2014, 06:05 PM
G'evening Lounge Lizards,

I am now seriously thinking of changing my call sign from RLI to Fonc!(Friend of no _unt!) lol

To you pricks on this forum, you can call me Mr. Fonc! lol



12th February 2014, 06:08 PM
Oh for f@cks sake 3 pages of shit.......... waaa waaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep I think its time everyone took off there dresses and moved on. It's his choice if he decides to have a sook and leave, yes he may have some valuable information but that way I see it's his loss if he leaves here.

As threedogs once said "life is to short move on ".

12th February 2014, 07:13 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay.

I now realise that certain members on this great forum of our can not handle being criticized. Jack Nicholson made a famous statement in his movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he stated "You can not handle the truth"

I call a spade a spade, whether right or wrong. I will tell you if i do not agree with something that i do not agree with. I will not back-stab anyone by whinging behind their backs. That is me!

PS, we have lost some really good people over the last twelve months, because they have just walked away because they did not want to offend that person (" who was a pain in the arse".)



12th February 2014, 07:16 PM
Bring on the ripping yarns

12th February 2014, 07:16 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay.

I now realise that certain members on this great forum of our can not handle being criticized. Jack Nicholson made a famous statement in his movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he stated "You can not handle the truth"

I call a spade a spade, whether right or wrong. I will tell you if i do not agree with something that i do not agree with. I will not back-stab anyone by whinging behind their backs. That is me!

PS, we have lost some really good people over the last twelve months, because they have just walked away because they did not want to offend that person (" who was a pain in the arse".)



You have offended 2 people but made 1000 others piss their pants laughing. Fark those two blokes Paul!

Sent from my iPad using Motorculture mobile app

12th February 2014, 07:28 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay.

I now realise that certain members on this great forum of our can not handle being criticized. Jack Nicholson made a famous statement in his movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he stated "You can not handle the truth"

I call a spade a spade, whether right or wrong. I will tell you if i do not agree with something that i do not agree with. I will not back-stab anyone by whinging behind their backs. That is me!

PS, we have lost some really good people over the last twelve months, because they have just walked away because they did not want to offend that person (" who was a pain in the arse".)



Well whats the story?

12th February 2014, 07:40 PM
You have offended 2 people.
Fark those two blokes Paul!

This is exactly the stuff that could be controversial.

12th February 2014, 08:41 PM
You'll never be as funny as me Paul you old codger! Stop cyber bullying people and get that white heap you call a patrol on the road so I can get you bogged!!! I'm sick of being the only one around here having a go!!!!! :p

12th February 2014, 08:44 PM


12th February 2014, 08:45 PM


12th February 2014, 08:47 PM
Farkk mudski,

I had to look in the mirror to realise that i am going bald. lol



Just on the top Paul.

12th February 2014, 08:54 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay



Really.... 2 people put a stop to your hilaious anecdotes. Farken really Paul. 2 PEOPLE

12th February 2014, 09:03 PM
Bloomin big girls blouses, worse than a bunch of menstruating teenage girls for eff sake.

12th February 2014, 09:12 PM
Bloomin big girls blouses, worse than a bunch of menstruating teenage girls for eff sake.

Here here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel a spoon full of concrete coming this way!!!!

12th February 2014, 09:13 PM
I just read it again and I got no idea what it was meant to say.

All I want to say is I wanna feel that I can post anything on any thread without being made out a fool by others on the forum.
I am not trying to single out people by any means.
I shit stir a lot maybe 95% of my posts are shit stirring in one way or another.
I just say what I feel at the time of posting and hate being told , no, your wong, you font know, you can't say and anything else that I don't wanna hear.

We are all blokes, but I have feeling too.
Sensitive feelings at times.
I go up, I go down, sometimes it takes nothing at all to set me in a spin.

I think we need a psychologist.
But make sure she's gorgeous that way I'll go see her, otherwise ................
Wait what was I saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, I know, when we going wheelin again.
Wombat gotta be the go.
No that's not it.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.


Even though I haven't made it to any of the forum trips yet I am thinking of running a forum day trip to Mt Disappointment soon .... gotta wait for Jonathan to get his truck back together though and also the fire threat to diminish

Just ran the same trip for our club meet and it was great....close to home, good tracks and scenery and lots of fun ..... gotta sneak back out there first to trim some branches though, as I have only just finished polishing the last lot out, which wasn't fun....

Have to pick a date and just go for it.....


12th February 2014, 09:18 PM
BuuuRRRRRRpppp......that is all

12th February 2014, 09:22 PM

Even though I haven't made it to any of the forum trips yet I am thinking of running a forum day trip to Mt Disappointment soon .... gotta wait for Jonathan to get his truck back together though and also the fire threat to diminish

Just ran the same trip for our club meet and it was great....close to home, good tracks and scenery and lots of fun ..... gotta sneak back out there first to trim some branches though, as I have only just finished polishing the last lot out, which wasn't fun....

Have to pick a date and just go for it.....


Branches/vines/overgrown/my car/my wife are a mix of words I can never put in the same sentences

12th February 2014, 09:22 PM
Here here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel a spoon full of concrete coming this way!!!!

Are you that soft?

12th February 2014, 09:31 PM
Bloody hell I'm glad i missed this thread.. Next we will be swapping cross stitch patterns!

12th February 2014, 09:35 PM
Bloody hell I'm glad i missed this thread.. Next we will be swapping cross stitch patterns!

And what's wrong with cross stitch? In saying that though I do prefer crochet

12th February 2014, 09:36 PM
This is exactly the stuff that could be controversial.

Perhaps I should kiss their bruises better and tell them it will all be okay? I'm not here to censor myself. It blows me away that two individuals stopped Paul from posting his ripping yarns.

12th February 2014, 09:39 PM
Are you that soft?

Only until he sees you mate, then its ohhhhhhh hellllllllooooooo big boy ;)

12th February 2014, 09:45 PM
And what's wrong with cross stitch? In saying that though I do prefer crochet I'll tell my mum to look into it lol

Perhaps I should kiss their bruises better and tell them it will all be okay? I'm not here to censor myself. It blows me away that two individuals stopped Paul from posting his ripping yarns.

I was shocked it only took two morons but There's always a few prudes in the crowd and its simple Paul just tell them to fark off in a civil and polite way and do your thing.

12th February 2014, 09:47 PM
Wow, just logged on and read six pages! Geez you lot are really trying to catch threedogs post count while he is away aren't you.

I've meet Paul a few times, stayed at his place, and spoken to him often. One thing I can tell you he faces everything head on and you know where you stand with him, that's one of the things I like about him. You'll never be left wondering.
The multiple posts and comments issue has been giving heaps of people on here the shits, in typical Paul fashion he's come out and brought it to a head. I for one am glad he did, sometimes hitting the 'What's New' button was a page of responses by the same person. All I wanted to really see was what was new.

No one asked threedogs to leave, just to ease up on the multiple responses. It was his decision to leave, I recall it happened once before. Honestly I don't care if he returns or not, it's his decision.

There is some wonderful advice and knowledge on this forum, you read the question and just wait for people like Yendor or Nissannewby to respond (don't get a big head guys, there are other knowledgeable people on here - you two just spring to mind instantly). Cuppa is always ready to respond with solar advice, I've pm'd him a few times.

Let's get on with enjoying the forum. JMTCW

12th February 2014, 09:52 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay.

I now realise that certain members on this great forum of our can not handle being criticized. Jack Nicholson made a famous statement in his movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he stated "You can not handle the truth"

I call a spade a spade, whether right or wrong. I will tell you if i do not agree with something that i do not agree with. I will not back-stab anyone by whinging behind their backs. That is me!

PS, we have lost some really good people over the last twelve months, because they have just walked away because they did not want to offend that person (" who was a pain in the arse".)



Bloody hell, how can it be considered offensive? Hope that don't watch blokes world!!!

12th February 2014, 09:53 PM
Branches/vines/overgrown/my car/my wife are a mix of words I can never put in the same sentences

You should have bought a white Patrol ya wimp.
At least now we know why you are bald, its from your wife's thumb.

12th February 2014, 09:53 PM
Perhaps I should kiss their bruises better and tell them it will all be okay? I'm not here to censor myself. It blows me away that two individuals stopped Paul from posting his ripping yarns.

Ahhhhhhhh to be young and stupid again. Lol

12th February 2014, 09:56 PM
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!

12th February 2014, 10:00 PM
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!

On toast bwahahaha

12th February 2014, 10:04 PM
G'evening folks,

One of the main reasons that i have not put anymore of my stories on the forum is because i had 2 PM's when i was in hospital taking offence of my humor. That is why i did not follow up the remaining saga of my hospital stay.

I now realise that certain members on this great forum of our can not handle being criticized. Jack Nicholson made a famous statement in his movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he stated "You can not handle the truth"

I call a spade a spade, whether right or wrong. I will tell you if i do not agree with something that i do not agree with. I will not back-stab anyone by whinging behind their backs. That is me!

PS, we have lost some really good people over the last twelve months, because they have just walked away because they did not want to offend that person (" who was a pain in the arse".)



Mr faarken fonc,

Am a little disappointed about the lack of stories.

That is all.

12th February 2014, 10:05 PM
Totally agree, time to move on before someone else gets offended with the truth, sorry guys I'm over this thread.

12th February 2014, 10:06 PM
*walks into this thread*


12th February 2014, 10:08 PM
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!

12th February 2014, 10:09 PM

12th February 2014, 10:16 PM

12th February 2014, 10:16 PM

Careful clunk you may have someone take offence pml

12th February 2014, 10:19 PM
Careful clunk you may have someone take offence pml

Just being my usual jovial keyboard warrioring self ...................... i thought you said you were over this thread!!!!????? hahahahaha

12th February 2014, 10:21 PM
Another Monty Python classic, stuff this thread lets start one dedicated to Monty Python.

12th February 2014, 10:24 PM
Another Monty Python classic, stuff this thread lets start one dedicated to Monty Python.

Nah huh, I'm quite happy spamming this one with wonderfully glorious spam

12th February 2014, 10:27 PM

Pure gold mate. Few blokes at work I will be singing that one to.

12th February 2014, 10:35 PM
Another Monty Python classic, stuff this thread lets start one dedicated to Monty Python.

"Lord of the Spam"

"Harry Potter and the can opening of Spam"

"Spam man, the dark knighty"

"Green eggs and Spam"

12th February 2014, 11:03 PM
Dr Spam
From Spam with Love
Gold Spam
You only Live Spam
On Her Majesty's Secret Spam
Spam Are Forever
Live and Let Spam
The Spam with the Golden Gun
The Spam Who Loved Me
Spam Raker
For Your Spam Only
A View to a Spam
The Living Spam
Licence to Spam
Spam Never Dies
The Spam is Not Enough
Spam Another Day
Spam Royale
Quantum of Spam

and the unofficial Never Say Spam Again

12th February 2014, 11:06 PM
Dr Spam
From Spam with Love
Gold Spam
You only Live Spam
On Her Majesty's Secret Spam
Spam Are Forever
Live and Let Spam
The Spam with the Golden Gun
The Spam Who Loved Me
Spam Raker
For Your Spam Only
A View to a Spam
The Living Spam
Licence to Spam
Spam Never Dies
The Spam is Not Enough
Spam Another Day
Spam Royale
Quantum of Spam

and the unofficial Never Say Spam Again

A 00SPAM fan I see

12th February 2014, 11:08 PM

12th February 2014, 11:10 PM
A 00SPAM fan I see

James, James Spam, licence to spam

12th February 2014, 11:15 PM

12th February 2014, 11:18 PM

12th February 2014, 11:31 PM
This one's for all of our missing comrades who choose not to be with us for various reasons............ love to all


Now toughen up Princesses

12th February 2014, 11:34 PM
James, James Spam, licence to spam

Spammed not stirred

my third 256
13th February 2014, 05:05 AM
give the guy a break its his decision so whats your problem with letting hin go
you all sound like that julian kitane and want to through him off the balcony
now what do we do for recovery hooks yes pay full price
its my oppinion and yes you will shoot me down in flames so be it
but i enjoyed johns posts

13th February 2014, 06:56 AM
give the guy a break its his decision so whats your problem with letting hin go
you all sound like that julian kitane and want to through him off the balcony
now what do we do for recovery hooks yes pay full price
its my oppinion and yes you will shoot me down in flames so be it
but i enjoyed johns posts
I would like to see him back on here too and I am hoping he will see this thread and have a good laugh.
But I thought this thread was about Spam or Monty Python or James Bond.:clownredpuff:

13th February 2014, 07:54 AM
give the guy a break its his decision so whats your problem with letting hin go
you all sound like that julian kitane and want to through him off the balcony
now what do we do for recovery hooks yes pay full price
its my oppinion and yes you will shoot me down in flames so be it
but i enjoyed johns posts

Me to. The pill enduced replies are sometimes bloody funny..

I've written it before and I'll write it again, if a thread doesn't interest you, don't click on it..

Of course we're gunna get clashes of personalities but it's no means to pick on and down grade someone with posts.
What I've seen in here is plain bullying..
There was a line and it got crossed on page one..
We don't need this shoit here..
That's what the other forum is for..

13th February 2014, 08:18 AM
I agree Kallen I like John and personally dont give a shit about his posts... you dont have to read them.

My advice to John is based on people telling me that he is the reason some people are no longer on here which I think is a load of shit as you are not standing in the room with the guy.. you dont have to read what is posted.

It's not like he is in your ear constantly talking none stop blah blah blah!!!!!

There are a number of people I dont get along with but I dont make it my mission the to hunt them down I just ignore them for the most part!!!!!!

13th February 2014, 08:50 AM
I have known John for a couple of years now and have been on Fishing Trips with him on three occasions
and have always enjoyed his Company. His stories of his exploits travelling Australia are very entertaining.
He is very enthusiastic and he is always showing off his latest practical invention for Camping.He is generous
with his knowledge and time.
Has a habit of suddenly falling over (due to his Back Injury) which is confronting the first time it happens.
Usually goes to Bed early in the evening after taking his medication which is very strong.
Sometimes says things that don't make much sense as he is affected greatly by his medication.
Cut the man some slack .
Hopefully John will come back and I will be on a Fishing trip with him later this month and I will be encouraging him to do so

13th February 2014, 09:19 AM
Any one for spam????

13th February 2014, 09:26 AM
Bring on RLI's stories.

13th February 2014, 09:29 AM
bring on the gripping yarns which may or may not include me. Lol

menace 2
13th February 2014, 05:45 PM
Hmmmmmmm.....the Tarax show


GUtsy ute
13th February 2014, 06:32 PM
Bring on RLI's stories.

Sooner than later!!

13th February 2014, 10:23 PM
I have known John for a couple of years now and have been on Fishing Trips with him on three occasions
and have always enjoyed his Company. His stories of his exploits travelling Australia are very entertaining.
He is very enthusiastic and he is always showing off his latest practical invention for Camping.He is generous
with his knowledge and time.
Has a habit of suddenly falling over (due to his Back Injury) which is confronting the first time it happens.
Usually goes to Bed early in the evening after taking his medication which is very strong.
Sometimes says things that don't make much sense as he is affected greatly by his medication.
Cut the man some slack .
Hopefully John will come back and I will be on a Fishing trip with him later this month and I will be encouraging him to do so

Well said Bob and BA.
John is a bloke who will always help you out. Would just about give you the shirt of his back if you really needed it.
He was probably the first member to welcome me on here and it helped make me feel at home and part of what was going on.
Plenty of us crap on around this place and I have no problem with it given forums by their nature encourage opinion and conjecture.
It would be a pretty boring boring place if nobody expressed an opinion around here.
I'm a bit sad he's felt like he's been run out of town.

13th February 2014, 11:06 PM
The most disappointing thread I've read in the couple of months I've been here and I really am disgusted with a number of posts here.
Who cares what someone writes on a thread as long as it's with the best of intentions, NOT the outright bullying that has happened here.

I enjoy both threedogs and RLI's reply's in most instances.
Come back threedogs.

13th February 2014, 11:16 PM
The most disappointing thread I've read in the couple of months I've been here and I really am disgusted with a number of posts here.
Who cares what someone writes on a thread as long as it's with the best of intentions, NOT the outright bullying that has happened here.

I enjoy both threedogs and RLI's reply's in most instances.
Come back threedogs.

What bullying?

Sir Roofy
14th February 2014, 08:25 AM
i have known john for a couple of years now and have been on fishing trips with him on three occasions
and have always enjoyed his company. His stories of his exploits travelling australia are very entertaining.
He is very enthusiastic and he is always showing off his latest practical invention for camping.he is generous
with his knowledge and time.
Has a habit of suddenly falling over (due to his back injury) which is confronting the first time it happens.
Usually goes to bed early in the evening after taking his medication which is very strong.
Sometimes says things that don't make much sense as he is affected greatly by his medication.
Cut the man some slack .
Hopefully john will come back and i will be on a fishing trip with him later this month and i will be encouraging him to do so

i agree with bob i also have been fishing camping with john
and met him at the same time as bob

a great bloke very helpfull and does have a great deal of knowlage

14th February 2014, 09:32 AM
i agree with bob i also have been fishing camping with john
and met him at the same time as bob

a great bloke very helpfull and does have a great deal of knowlage

I don't think anyone was saying that John isn't a good bloke or that he isn't knowledgeable. The op was definitely not suggesting either of those things.

14th February 2014, 04:54 PM
As usual another thread goes to crap!

I thought this thread was about 3D being a dribbler and sometimes(or a lot) posting irrelevant or incorrect information in posts. There was nothing to do with him not being a good bloke or not being knowledgeable.
I haven't met the bloke but from the responses it looks like he is a champ, and I believe this after a few conversations with guys that have met him.

But, for those calling this bullying, farken wake up blokes. Get a life!

14th February 2014, 06:18 PM
I might shut this down too gents.

Without dissecting every comment I don't remember seeing any bullying here but it's a thread heading nowhere and I just hope that 3d can feel a bit of love, toughen up and get his ass back here!!!

To everyone else, smile its valentines day, go touch your misses.

If you don't have one go find one tonight even if lowering your standards just get some lovin!!

If there is zero chance of that then grab your iPhone and do some selfies in the shower!