View Full Version : Schapelle Corby Guilty or Innocent

10th February 2014, 12:06 PM
G'day Lounge Lizards!

I thought i would start a debate regarding Schapelle Corby.

Do you think she is Guilty or Innocent.

If you think she is innocent, then who put the drugs into her bag?

Please note that her younger brother is currently serving time in jail in Queensland for drug related offences and he was with her on the ill-fated trip to Bali when she was caught.



10th February 2014, 12:12 PM
Either way the corby family is making some coin aren't they with all the publicity.

10th February 2014, 12:16 PM
Really don't know.
It is quite possible she was the Patsy for her family? or persons unknown?
Really never thought she was the type to smuggle but who am I to judge? Mr Asia used a good looking young woman as his courier.
Her family, now that's a different kettle of fish completely.
That Mercedes is a nutter, stressed or not she has not learned to get people on her side. Very strange woman.

10th February 2014, 12:19 PM

Her whole family is involved in drugs. Her dad was a dealer, brother is in jail because of drug related offenses. If she was so innocent why did she serve 10 years?

10th February 2014, 12:24 PM
Guilty, as said by others the family is into drugs and she would have known.

10th February 2014, 12:30 PM
Corby who??

10th February 2014, 12:33 PM
Personally I couldn't care, IMO the whole family aren't worth debating

10th February 2014, 12:38 PM
Either way the corby family is making some coin aren't they with all the publicity.

Personally I couldn't care, IMO the whole family aren't worth debating

Pretty much..they are going to be set for life all Off of drugs..

10th February 2014, 01:02 PM

10th February 2014, 01:25 PM
Regardless on whether she is Guilty or not what gets up my Nose is the bloody Media offering large sums of Money for her story.
Also the Public waiting with baited breath for her story so they can somehow relate to her and satisfy their Goulash curiosity

So it looks like Channel 7 have bid the highest. Bloody Cheque Book Journalism

Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby, released on parole from Bali's Kerobokan jail this morning, has arrived with a Channel Seven crew at a luxury resort and spa, Sentosa Luxury Villas, in the fashionable Seminyak district.

10th February 2014, 02:05 PM
Regardless on whether she is Guilty or not what gets up my Nose is the bloody Media offering large sums of Money for her story.
Also the Public waiting with baited breath for her story so they can somehow relate to her and satisfy their Goulash curiosity

G'day Bob,

Well stated mate!

Today is an absolute disgrace with the bloody media circus. I turned on the TV only to be confronted with all 4 main stream channels broadcasting coverage of a convicted drug smuggler.

In Queensland where the media should been putting complete coverage, is the Daniel Morcombe trial, where an alleged monster Brett Peter Cowan, 44, is charged with murder, indecent treatment of a child and interfering with a corpse is standing trial for the young boys brutal murder.

We have a history in our great country for idolising criminals ie, Ned Kelly, Mark (Chopper) Read Schapelle (The Bali Drug Queen) Corby and others.

Do we set precedence now for the TV networks to buy TV rights to criminal behavior and those criminals to walk away from there crimes set-up financially. Even though we have a law from stopping criminals from profiting from there crimes. They can still get around this law, by allowing other family members to sell the story ie, Mercedes Corby and Mark (Chopper) Reads wife.

PS, I personally feel gutted when hard working, law abiding Australians struggling to make hens meat do not get the same support or media coverage as criminals do. What a sick society at times we live in.



10th February 2014, 02:11 PM
Guilty as sin.

And who really cares about her and her druggie families BS anymore.

10th February 2014, 02:47 PM
I think she is guilty by association. Either way all the money that family will now rack in should be confiscated as "proceeds of crime" and used to help say hard working, struggling farmers for eg.

10th February 2014, 03:07 PM
She is guilty of what she was charged with, possession of a drug.

Whether it was hers or she knew about it I don't know. The whole thing is a beat up.

Bet the Indo guards have had a windfall collecting some baksheesh from interested parties.

Wish the lot of them would crawl under a rock and stay there.

10th February 2014, 06:25 PM
GUILTY AS SIN the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Now I heard (yeah yeah) from a mate that has indo cop mates that she did it before and payed em off as you do. When she got caught again they went the full monty on her for being so disrespectful, double standards, maybe another spin on a yarn that im bored with hahahahaha lucky shes alive to tell the yarn

10th February 2014, 06:35 PM
Refused to watch any news programs this evening.
The media headlining a convicted drug dealer is pathetic.
Money she or her family make out of this should be confiscated.

Sir Roofy
10th February 2014, 06:38 PM
Guilty --------and who cares wont be long and she,ll be inside again
and the lawyers will get all there money trying to get her out again
but then again it might be the firing squad this time

10th February 2014, 06:41 PM
The only good thing about her selling her story is that the Indos said if she lies in the interview she could be back inside

10th February 2014, 06:49 PM

10th February 2014, 06:54 PM
I'm on the fence in this one.
I don't think she was guilty but don't think she was completely innocent.
Was the investigation conducted by the indo police done like it would be here in OZ.

10th February 2014, 07:22 PM
I'm on the fence in this one.
I don't think she was guilty but don't think she was completely innocent.
Was the investigation conducted by the indo police done like it would be here in OZ.

Indo laws are not like Australian laws and so nor are the police investigation. Theres signs in their airports that tell you that trafficking is punishable by death. Simple really

10th February 2014, 07:31 PM
Indo laws are not like Australian laws and so nor are the police investigation. Theres signs in their airports that tell you that trafficking is punishable by death. Simple really

She is guilty of admitting that it is her boogie board bag.
But the contents not guilty.
In indo not the case.
Your bag your stuff no investigating required. Let hang her. Stamped. Done.

10th February 2014, 09:12 PM
The ugly mutt should have been shot along with the rest of her stinken drug peddling family

10th February 2014, 09:16 PM
She is guilty of admitting that it is her boogie board bag.
But the contents not guilty.
In indo not the case.
Your bag your stuff no investigating required. Let hang her. Stamped. Done.

I dunno Mego,

There are signs coming into Australia too, and Customs Declaration Forms that say 'Have You packed your own Bag' or 'Have You got anything to declare'
.....pretty sure that Your own bags are Your responsibility here too.


10th February 2014, 09:22 PM
Yep,cops knock on ya door smell a scube burning they can enter without a warrant,the person who is smoking it shits themselves and doesn't own up to the weed they find....no-one else does either.therefor the owner of the premises gets hit with it.How do I know.I just do happened to me years ago.

I reckon and am a great believer of do the crime do the time.Now wherther she is guilty or not she has done the time and should be able to carry on with her life(if you can call it that)still wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

10th February 2014, 09:26 PM
She is guilty of admitting that it is her boogie board bag.
But the contents not guilty.
In indo not the case.
Your bag your stuff no investigating required. Let hang her. Stamped. Done.

The real truth is that they knew if you got caught trafficking drugs out of Indonesia you are definitely a target. However, they knew that there was a 95% chance that the Indonesian authorities would not check folks coming in.

I have been to Bali on two occasions and never got checked coming into the place, however, i was checked with all my other friends whilst leaving the airport.

As reported 95% of all drug arrests in Bali/Indonesia is trying to smuggle drugs out.

I am convinced that one of her group was the guilty party!

PS, i am curious to know that if the same group of family and friends that she went to Indonesia with are still friends? She either took the fall or she was the guilty party!



10th February 2014, 09:35 PM
Guilty of being a royal pain in the arse!

I wish I could sit on my arse for 10 years doing nothing but whinge and come out a multi millionaire. Pretty good deal.

Way to promote people for doing the wrong thing!

10th February 2014, 09:35 PM
With all the trouble you hear about her brother it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't involved in it. At least now she's free she can buy a boogie board there in Bali to use at the beach or her brother might take one lol

10th February 2014, 09:42 PM
New Song on the Hit Parade


10th February 2014, 10:17 PM
New Song on the Hit Parade


What a pisser.

10th February 2014, 10:44 PM
I stole it

10th February 2014, 10:53 PM
40490 40491 40489

10th February 2014, 11:44 PM
should have nailed the rest of the family as well and put a rope around and stretch a neck

menace 2
11th February 2014, 12:36 AM
easy fix regarding proceeds from crime....they should have made it a violation of parole to discuss anything relating to the it from the arrest to the release until parole is over...I think a lot more people outside of the family will be gaining from any funds...the arresting copper will be all over her...he is pissed....some idiot will probably light up a joint at one of the celebrations then bye bye shappelle ......

11th February 2014, 10:09 AM
The media only succeeds because we're too stupid to treat this cr@p with the disdain it deserves.

11th February 2014, 12:07 PM
The moment she stepped into spotlight all those years ago, it was very evident her complete family tree is into it. Very hard to believe she would be the odd one out and completely in the clear.
And yes it's messed up, that she is now making some serious $$$ out of it all ...

11th February 2014, 12:56 PM
Not my business.

11th February 2014, 01:31 PM
Channel 7 and all those that advertise need a good look into there own souls for any human life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th February 2014, 02:45 PM
Extract from an Article in the Age

Channel Seven has paid $150,000 to Rachelle Louise, the girlfriend of killer Simon Gittany, for a two-part Sunday Night interview, according to industry insiders.

and so Cheque Book Journalism goes on

11th February 2014, 02:48 PM
Might have to sell my story lol

11th February 2014, 03:16 PM
Guilty or innocent, she should not be financially benefitting from being a convicted criminal. I think it is 100% wrong.

11th February 2014, 04:40 PM
Sorry Paul. I know you started this thread, but could it be deleted, please. I'm sick of seeing the name pop up:P

11th February 2014, 04:52 PM
Personally I couldn't care, IMO the whole family aren't worth debating

The only thing guilt should be attached to is the shameless waste of peoples time perpetrated upon us by the media.

Oh for Farksake maybe I should head over to the what makes Drew angry today thread :( :( :(

11th February 2014, 06:42 PM
We are just suckers ourselves really gents.

There was 3 mins coverage of the vic fires yesterday and 10mins of this muppet on the news.

The thank you to cfa firerys thread on here also got half the attention of this thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

11th February 2014, 06:55 PM
I couldn't give a continental about any of this.......

11th February 2014, 07:09 PM
Funny stuff just seen some Aussie chicks leaving the hotel the drug runners staying at got one if them to cover her head and did a runner hahahahaha media chasing them. Then said you guys looked bored hahahahaha
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oy Oy Oy

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

11th February 2014, 08:44 PM

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

13th February 2014, 07:09 AM
Extract from an Article in the Age

Channel Seven has paid $150,000 to Rachelle Louise, the girlfriend of killer Simon Gittany, for a two-part Sunday Night interview, according to industry insiders.

and so Cheque Book Journalism goes on

I watched it and it was disgusting. They bullied Rachel Louise. She is a smart kid, I wonder how much editing went on???

13th February 2014, 07:49 AM
I watched it and it was disgusting. They bullied Rachel Louise. She is a smart kid, I wonder how much editing went on???

Stiff sh!t I say. You accept the cheque for the story, the network owns you. I have no sympathy.
Watching and making it a ratings success only encourages such lazy and one sided journalism.
Quite frankly, IMO the commercial networks excuse for journalism is a populist disgrace.

11th March 2014, 09:30 AM
Can anyone confirm a docu/movie is being made depicting the mother as the brains trust behind the whole operation and will be named Fat Corby and Co?

11th March 2014, 09:37 AM
I don't find it newsworthy at all as someone suggested close the thread

11th March 2014, 09:37 AM

Well I can't see why not. She's in for life now because of greed..