View Full Version : front left wheel bearing

7th February 2014, 08:54 PM
Will a blown wheel bearing loosen the wheel nuts

7th February 2014, 09:02 PM

I wouldn't think so, as with a loose wheel bearing the whole hub vibrates and rotates out of round, with the rim attached.

You will get horrible vibrations and noises, depending on how bad the bearing is.....

We had an 80 series do a front wheel bearing on a trip last year, rim didn't fall off, but we had to remove, repack, and bodgy it up to get him home, as the bearing had virtually disintegrated ( it had water ingress - which bearings don't like.... )


8th February 2014, 07:02 AM
I wouldn't think so either, have you have any work done recently.
You should check your nuts after 10 Ks of having them removed.
torque them to the right value 125 Nm

8th February 2014, 07:26 AM
Thanks guys. Yes we have had work done the front bearings where tightened. I guess the mechanics didn't tighten up nuts and I didn't think to check as we hit the road as soon as picking it up. Now I am up for New studs, rim, nuts and the inner hub casing.

8th February 2014, 07:27 AM
Are the studs and inner hub casing hard to change

8th February 2014, 07:42 AM
if you're handy with tools and have a manual you should be fine,
Bummer did the wheel nut come loose, maybe the tab washer wasn't
fitted correctly.
Have you confronted the mechanic with this

8th February 2014, 08:42 AM

Make sure that you get genuine studs, as they are better and stronger......front studs are shorter than the rear studs.

I carry a spare set of studs and nuts, for this very instance, and if you carry a rear set it can be used on both front and rear, even though if you use them on the fronts, they will break through the ends of the covered nuts.

A genuine set of studs and nuts wasnt too much more than 50 dollars from PatrolApart


8th February 2014, 08:49 AM
Studs are fairly easy, just gotta punch them out backwards by hitting the threaded end with a hammer, and then pop the new ones in.

You may be able to tap them back in with the hammer and a suitable piece of bar to make the hammer reach, or you can pull them through with a nut.

Any pics of the damage, so we can help you further?


8th February 2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the help guys I will post photos when I get back to the patrol. Do u have to pull much off to replace the studs. I have replaced studs on many other 4x4s just not a patrol

8th February 2014, 04:30 PM
just remove calipher and free wheeling hub to gain access

8th February 2014, 06:16 PM
How do I attach photos

8th February 2014, 11:30 PM
I have photos but not sure how to post

9th February 2014, 05:25 PM
What do u think I have to replace

9th February 2014, 05:54 PM
Thats fair cactus. Studs nuts and discs.

9th February 2014, 06:47 PM

The studs, nuts and rim will definitely need replacing.

The hub may be cosmetic damage only, which will be fairly easy to tell once you remove the rim. If it is cosmetic, then it is up to you whether or not you replace it


9th February 2014, 08:30 PM
ahh thats the rim. yeh its stuffed haha

9th February 2014, 09:07 PM
Happygtu how would I know the hub is cosmetic or not

9th February 2014, 10:42 PM
Happygtu how would I know the hub is cosmetic or not


Attached is a picture I found of the Main Hub itself, and you can see that the Auto/Manual Selecting hub has been removed form where it is bolted to the main Hub Assembly itself, and your damage is confined to the outside edges of the Main Hub Assembly.

This will still be fairly strong, as there is a solid ring of metal on the inside edge of the bolt holes, as well as the remaining metal on the outside edges of the Main Hub.


If you are OK with it the way it is, you could grab another hub, and change this over when the bearings are getting repacked, as this will save you a little in labour costs...


10th February 2014, 07:47 PM
Thanks guys just replacing the studs