View Full Version : So, they are going to bring back work for the dole

27th January 2014, 07:23 PM

27th January 2014, 07:31 PM
that'll separate the wheat from the chaff, long over due IMO

27th January 2014, 07:32 PM
And I'm sure they will get paid sick leave and holiday pay *LMAO*

27th January 2014, 07:33 PM
Compulsory subscription for anyone long term unemployed. Take away their free housing that us workers are paying for.

27th January 2014, 07:35 PM
And I'm sure they will get paid sick leave and holiday pay *LMAO*

Super like the rest of us only

27th January 2014, 07:45 PM
They should be subjected to random drug and alcohol testing to work too

27th January 2014, 07:57 PM
Bulid a large apartment block. Basic things. Bed, shower toilet. Nothing fancy. Have a massive kitchen. People who are genuinely on the dole can stay free. They get 3 meals a day. They have shelter. Basic amenities. Health care if genuinely needed.

These people on the dole man the kitchen. They cook the meals.
Or they mow the lawn
Or they repair stuff in the building
Or they sew up torn blankets.

If anyone goes spastic and starts smashing stuff, or refuses to chip in, they get kicked out.

They don't get given money to waste.

They get given what they genuinely need'

Why do we not have a system like this?


27th January 2014, 07:57 PM
They should be subjected to random drug and alcohol testing to work too

So 60% won't be able to work 2 start with but will still get paid there dole because of some stupid reason

They work, fail the test and they get sacked but would probable still get paid there dole because of some stupid unfair dismissal law

27th January 2014, 09:23 PM
yeh its a start but the one that angers me is cohabitation separation and they still pump out more babies while they are separated. go figure

27th January 2014, 10:30 PM
So 60% won't be able to work 2 start with but will still get paid there dole because of some stupid reason

They work, fail the test and they get sacked but would probable still get paid there dole because of some stupid unfair dismissal law

That's bullsh!t hey, I go to work every day and before I start I get breathalyzed every day and drug tested whenever they feel like it. If I fail I lose my job straight up but the bludgers will still get the dole.

27th January 2014, 10:42 PM
There is plenty of stuff which needs doing and dole workers are the key..

Ie, nation park clean up of rubbish.
Overgrowth trimming etc..

You wanna get paid, you turn up.. If you don't show and dont have a valid excuse, no pay..

27th January 2014, 10:44 PM
I reckon they'd be better off if you leave school without work you go to one of the forces,any longer than 6 mnths without work and the same...In saying that I hope I never have to rely on this benefit....

27th January 2014, 10:44 PM
Work for the dole is not a bad idea in principal in some circumstances.
It would annoy the crap out of me though, that as a taxpayer who has been fully employed and never taken a government hand-out in my life, that if I needed it, some forkin bureaucrat gets to tell me to go plant a tree or some nonsense for me to get the benefits I need? I've paid my taxes (and a bloody lot too) for more than 20 years. I reckon I'm allowed to get something back if I need it.
Life's not fair anyway and it never pays to worry about what the other bloke is up to. That's a short road to misery.

27th January 2014, 10:47 PM
They should be subjected to random drug and alcohol testing to work too

Bloody oath!
Once upon a time I would have argued against this (when I was younger and more stupid than I am today) but not any more. Totally unacceptable for anyone to be under the influence of any substance at work.

27th January 2014, 10:54 PM
I'm also ok with the dole.
There will always be some c@nts that don't want to work or add any value to society and I view it as a form of insurance that my house is less likely to be knocked over and my wife isn't going to be robbed on the street.......doesn't always work but it's better than what it could be.......

28th January 2014, 12:10 AM
Is Aus as screwed up as we are over here?

When you have time, watch some of this!


28th January 2014, 02:39 AM
I fully agree with work for the dole, they should be out there helping the elderly and cleaning up the streets and forestry and all that volunteer work. If you don't get a job within 2 months the no pay or go work for the dole. I also like the whole apartment thing that is a good idea. One of my sisters old boyfriend used to sit at home smoking all day long while she worked then came home and cooked,cleaned and so on ( and yep more fool her for doing it) but he just sat playing the ps claiming the dole. When I dobbed him in to centre link not a thing happened and he still got payments.

28th January 2014, 10:05 AM
There are heaps that make a lifestyle out of it up around Nimbin and some of the coastal towns

29th January 2014, 09:43 AM
Bulid a large apartment block. Basic things. Bed, shower toilet. Nothing fancy. Have a massive kitchen. People who are genuinely on the dole can stay free. They get 3 meals a day. They have shelter. Basic amenities. Health care if genuinely needed.

These people on the dole man the kitchen. They cook the meals.
Or they mow the lawn
Or they repair stuff in the building
Or they sew up torn blankets.

If anyone goes spastic and starts smashing stuff, or refuses to chip in, they get kicked out.

They don't get given money to waste.

They get given what they genuinely need'

Why do we not have a system like this?

That called communism isn't it

29th January 2014, 07:27 PM
I'm also ok with the dole.
There will always be some c@nts that don't want to work or add any value to society and I view it as a form of insurance that my house is less likely to be knocked over and my wife isn't going to be robbed on the street.......doesn't always work but it's better than what it could be.......

I had a good mate 20 years ago back at school. We finished school, me and other mates all got jobs, he applied fore the dole instantly. I saw him last year and guess what? He's still on it.

29th January 2014, 08:37 PM
I had a good mate 20 years ago back at school. We finished school, me and other mates all got jobs, he applied fore the dole instantly. I saw him last year and guess what? He's still on it.

That's crap but I'd rather he was on the dole than stealing my chit.

30th January 2014, 12:38 AM
That's crap but I'd rather he was on the dole than stealing my chit.

You think because someone is on the dole they dont steal? Not stereotyping just a general question...

30th January 2014, 04:22 AM
Tis a tough thing.
You need to make aid accessible but try and weed out the blunders..
I think it needs to be means tested for sure, and a fortnightly or monthly drug test aswell..
If you make it to hard to get to penalize the minority who rout the system, a lot of genuine people will suffer..
I think meal vouchers are a good thing, but again comes with complications..

30th January 2014, 06:57 AM
You think because someone is on the dole they dont steal? Not stereotyping just a general question...

Not necessarily but I believe that it reduces the chances of someone being completely desperate.

30th January 2014, 07:56 AM
You think because someone is on the dole they dont steal? Not stereotyping just a general question...

generally speaking we are talking about long term shit bags here not genuine unemployed so yes stereotyping is a good way of putting it sit at home smoking crap selling it and whatever else they do with all the time they have on their hands someone down the line is stealing shit to keep their shitbag lifestyle intact.kev

30th January 2014, 08:45 AM
Lol Kev. I was kinda thinking the same but was trying to be, erm, keep it nice. But yeah I here ya bud. Eff'ing frustrating it was when I saw old mate and he hadn't changed. He still blames everyone else for his problems, like he did at school over 20 years ago. Funny thing is he got his motorbike learners at 16, let it expire three maybe four time before I last saw him back then. I saw him not long ago and he still only has his bike learners. No car L's at all.... What a joke.

30th January 2014, 09:01 AM
Lol Kev. I was kinda thinking the same but was trying to be, erm, keep it nice. But yeah I here ya bud. Eff'ing frustrating it was when I saw old mate and he hadn't changed. He still blames everyone else for his problems, like he did at school over 20 years ago. Funny thing is he got his motorbike learners at 16, let it expire three maybe four time before I last saw him back then. I saw him not long ago and he still only has his bike learners. No car L's at all.... What a joke.

Do you think he might have an undiagnosed mental health issue? Or do you think he is just bludging?

30th January 2014, 10:10 PM
Nah he's just a bludger.