View Full Version : Door hinge gu

25th January 2014, 11:01 PM
Hey, noticed the other day my driver door drops slightly when opened and you can actually lift the door and it moves in its hinge as if the hole is elongated is there a fix for this?

the evil twin
25th January 2014, 11:12 PM
Three options,

New Hinges (get the pair) $100 or so... or second hand ones( they all fit) ... or get your old hinge 're-pinned'.
There was a couple of blokes on here or Ebay doing refurb hinges but haven't seen an ad for a while
I believe the holes are OK it is the pins that wear, could be wrong tho.
I just replace 'em and hoik the old ones

25th January 2014, 11:17 PM
Yeah seems the way to go it shits me to tears because I have to slam the shit out of the door to shut it and it doesn't sound good when i do it lol oh well the car is 13 year old done 325000km so can't really complain it's doing well and considering I have only just done nads I'm suprised it didn't die when the old owners had it

the evil twin
25th January 2014, 11:23 PM
You will find that the door lock mechanism is hitting the catch mounted on the B pillar. If you lift it "gently" just as it is about shut it helps.

As a very temporary fix while you sort out hinges you can sometimes adjust the door alignment so it closes OK but you can only fudge it a little bit otherwise the door frame fouls... yours sounds past that point tho

26th January 2014, 06:03 PM
Mine is definitely farked lol I went to open my door and it dropped and hit my leg Farkn hurt lol

my third 256
27th January 2014, 08:49 AM
dont buy cheepies from ebay they wont last long
the ferret is the man to talk to he is a member here