View Full Version : New member

23rd January 2014, 05:22 PM
Hey got recommended this forum by a mate have a gu 2.8l and looking at a conversion to 4.2l or potentialy a 6.5ltd. Any recommendations?

23rd January 2014, 05:23 PM
G'day mate welcome aboard

23rd January 2014, 05:33 PM
Welcome mate, surely the best forum on the net. If you need it, you can get it, if you want to know it, just ask it.
If you want to find it, go to the search bar for a universe of information.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of the greatest show on earth.

23rd January 2014, 06:23 PM
Welcome mate

23rd January 2014, 06:35 PM
Hello and welcome there are a few threads on both conversions you may wish to read,
jump in anytime and enjoy

23rd January 2014, 08:20 PM
Welcome to the forum mate.

23rd January 2014, 09:24 PM
Welcome mate, your friend made a great recommendation

23rd January 2014, 09:55 PM
Welcome aboard mate....... What's your budget?

24th January 2014, 05:49 AM
Its looking around the 6k mark at the moment but I may be able to convince the missus for more if there is any tastful modifications recommended.

my third 256
24th January 2014, 06:32 AM
welcome to the world of trolling

24th January 2014, 09:13 AM
Hi and welcome. As a newby this site is great. Enjoy!

24th January 2014, 04:06 PM
welcome along mate, at 6.5 k i think you will be looking at the 4.2 as it will cost a lot more to buy a 6.5, good luck with the swap.