View Full Version : New Auto Save Feature

22nd January 2014, 07:21 AM
With the updated version of VB we now have a handy little feature called Auto Save. You will notice every few minutes down in the right hand corner of the text box a message will pop up saying Auto Saved.

If for some reason you loose your post just go back into the thread you were posting in, go down to the quick reply box and press on the "Restore Auto-Saved Content" this will restore your post 2 the last saved point :)

This feature also works on new threads, all you have 2 do is go back into the category you were posting the new thread in and Post new thread


22nd January 2014, 11:12 AM
After some testing which I assumed was the case anyway the auto save feature is not supported for mobile devices using MC, I don't have tapatalk so can't test it but assume its not supported on tapatalk either.

It does work on mobile devices if using your web browser, but won't work if using your browser in "mobile" quick style mode