View Full Version : My first boat cruise

19th January 2014, 06:12 PM
I'm heading out on the pacific island cruise in a few days aboard the Sea Princess for 13 days. Plan to mostly get fat, eat, drink and snorkel on each of the islands. Any tips for new players???

19th January 2014, 06:32 PM
don't fall off

19th January 2014, 06:34 PM
don't fall off

HAHHAHAha beat me to it

19th January 2014, 06:37 PM
Root any sheilas walking!

19th January 2014, 07:31 PM
You'll love it mate. We did an 11 day cruze a few years ago.
Was an awesome experience.
A couple of tips, just relax.
Hit up the free buffets for lunches but take time to have a silver service meal.
They treat you like kings.
Enjoy the drinks. I think the wife and I never had a sift drink in our hands. Cocktails and spirits the whole time and it only came to a few hundred..
Don't be shy with the locals. We made some great friends..
And enjoy it.

19th January 2014, 07:42 PM
Thanks Westy, looking forward to it :)

19th January 2014, 11:04 PM
Yeah I have done one. 7 nighter. Best value for money mate. Tips from just do whatever you want aye, don't hold back and as westy said chat to the locals they are great. If you wanna chat about it mate just give me a bell to much to write here.

20th January 2014, 07:47 AM
Firstly have a great time, I expect that forced relaxation can be a good thing.
Have never done a cruise myself. I have however spent time in some of the remoter areas in various islands of Vanuatu & seen the impact (in several places) that cruise ships visiting can have upon the locals outlook on life throughout the year in between the occasional cruise ship visits. To be honest it was heartbreaking to see the difference between villages that were ‘lucky’ enough to get the visits & those that weren’t. Those exposed to the intermittent (& often unreliable) income that a ship disgorging a cargo of large numbers of ‘rich’ tourists can bring to small traditional communities three or four times a year showed all the signs of a culture in disarray, whereas those without such income were more ‘solid’ & happier. Money changes everything. I don’t know the answer to such problems, the locals want the visiting cruise ships to come, I am just commenting on our observations & comparisons we were able to make. When later discussing our experience of one such spot, Champagne Beach on the island of Espiritu Santo, with friends who visited there on a cruise ship, they, like us, had loved the place, but it was as though we were talking about two completely different places!

Not trying to put a downer on your forthcoming holiday, but just offering the suggestion that depending upon what you hope to get from exposure to different culture that awareness of the situation might help you to get more from the experience.

And take care with the kava, it can be deceivingly strong!!!

20th January 2014, 09:15 AM
eat, drink, fall over take photos
they seem to be a thing of the past

20th January 2014, 09:19 AM
eat, drink, fall over take photos
they seem to be a thing of the past

Yea the titanic does that I guess...:D

But curzing is making a comeback. Australia now has 7 or 8 ships touring during the peak season.
They even do 3 aus only tours.

20th January 2014, 02:36 PM
I'm heading out on the pacific island cruise in a few days aboard the Sea Princess for 13 days. Plan to mostly get fat, eat, drink and snorkel on each of the islands. Any tips for new players???

G'day Sir,

What are you talking about "Plan to mostly get fat," I thought you were all ready there. lol

Good onya mate, Ally and i did the March 2000 cruise, Madeline our eldest daughter was born on 29th December that year! My advice is "eat, drink and snorkel on each of the islands." Just to be on the safe side!

PS, the forum could not handle another 50 year old love beast! lol



20th January 2014, 09:43 PM
G'day Sir,

What are you talking about "Plan to mostly get fat," I thought you were all ready there. lol

Good onya mate, Ally and i did the March 2000 cruise, Madeline our eldest daughter was born on 29th December that year! My advice is "eat, drink and snorkel on each of the islands." Just to be on the safe side!

PS, the forum could not handle another 50 year old love beast! lol



That should be fatter I mean :)

I'll try and be a good Fletcher Christiansen...... :-)

20th January 2014, 10:00 PM
I took the family on a cruise a few years ago, we all had a blast.
My boys have been susceptible to some green gills out in my boat before so my missus made sure that her and the boys took an Avomine tablet each night before hitting the sack.
Worked a treat, they didn't get crook at all, plenty of others did though.
Nothing funnier than watching the carnage just after the crew have hung the sick bags around the ship knowing the rough sea coming up.

I ate that much food that at one stage my wife said it was embarrassing and I should move tables, told her it would be easier for her to move as she had less to carry...

20th January 2014, 10:03 PM
Oh yeah and you'd pay to see the face plant at 2:32...
