View Full Version : Dual Tanks - Pollack Valves - has anyone used one or made the switch?

18th January 2014, 09:11 PM
Has anyone changed their dual tank fuel system to make use of a Pollack Valve or similar? Or in other words, make the tanks work the same as how Toyota have theirs set up?

I must admit to being a little frustrated by the Aux fuel tank pump in recent times. After having used both the Toyotas and Nissans now in long ranging trips, relying on a small pump to transfer fuel from the Sub tank to the Main tank (aka Nissan) does not seem like the best way of doing things and if it stuffs up somewhere remote, it could be seriously inconvenient. I am seriously considering packing a spare pump!

First my Sub tank pump got full of metal filings and carked it. I replaced it with another one from the wreckers, and now this pump is playing up to the point where I can't transfer fuel properly. To go and buy a replacement fuel pump, I think my options are a) Nissan pump - quadrillion dollars. b) Patrolapart - $273, c) wreckers again for unknown quantity pump that may or may not work, $80-100, or d) a cheaper clacker pump of some sort for around the $80-100 mark. I was leaning towards the louder but still reliable clacker type pump (sorry, not sure of the real name), when a mate suggested that I get rid of it altogether and go with a valve that lets the main lifter pump draw from either the main, or the sub tank when you push the button on the dash. aka - a Pollack Valve.

This Valve is used widely by the looks of things and is considered ultra reliable from what I am told, but am I creating more dramas than it is worth, or is this a viable thing could be considered?

16th February 2014, 10:25 PM
Here's one solution. Made for using WVO, switches between tanks and the return goes to the same tank you are using so no need for pumping between tanks.
