View Full Version : Regular sex can improve IQ and help regrow brain cells, study reveals

16th January 2014, 02:37 AM
OK you dumb pricks, start throwing the leg again you Lounge Lizards!

The scientists exposed the fact that if the romps were to stop, then all the improvements would be lost

Scientists have proven that no matter how smart you are, you can always bonk your way to a better brain.

New research has revealed that frequent sessions between the sheets can boost your IQ and help regrow brain cells.

The scientists from America and South Korea decided to test the functions of rats and mice when they were going at it.

And when they got the results back, they found the randy rodents’ registered some surprising stats.

Psychologists at the University of Maryland found that sexual experience enhanced the number of newly generated neurons in the hippocampus.

That’s the part of the brain where long-term memories are made.

The kind-hearted brainiacs allowed the rats to romp for a half an hour a day, something which they monitored and even videoed.

And there’s good news out there for all those middle-aged folk who fancy boosting their brain matter.

The scientists tested older rats and found that sex restored age-related decline in brain function to young adult levels.

So this is how they came to the conclusion that the more sex you have, the greater the chance of you getting smarter later on in life.

But the research also came with a warning which will come to the delight of everyone.

The scientists exposed the fact that if the romps were to stop, then all the improvements would be lost.

A team from South Korea also found that a session between the sheets can battle mental health problems.

The crew from Kontuk University revealed that sex successfully counteracted the negative effects of stress on brain development.

They found stress was one of the biggest factors in stopping the regrowth of brain cells but that sex helped fight this.

Their report found: “Sexual interaction could be helpful for buffering adult hippocampal neurogenesis and recognition memory function against the suppressive actions of chronic stress.”

But watching porn can be harmful.

Viewing hardcore images can interfere with people’s memory- in particular their ability to multitask.

A recent study by psychologists in Germany tested the response of individuals who had access to pornographic material against those who didn’t.

They found that working memory performance was worse in those who were given the racy rags.

While having sex may make you smarter, more intelligent people do not necessarily have more sex according to research.

One person whose mind was aroused by this study was Sky News presenter Eamonn Holmes.

He tweeted: “I hope @loosewomenitv and @RuthieeL are discussing the link between having Sex and Intelligence... and I wonder why I’m becoming more stupid.”

PS, there is hope out their for both Roofy and OLDDDDDD Bob. Sorry Threedogs, there is know mention regarding masturbation mate. lol



16th January 2014, 06:08 AM
PS, there is hope out their for both Roofy and OLDDDDDD Bob. Sorry Threedogs, there is know mention regarding masturbation mate. lol



Hey we resemble that LMAO

and BTW whats with the OLDDDDDD bit LOL

16th January 2014, 06:33 AM
does it have to be with someone else lol

16th January 2014, 09:23 AM
What about Irregular sex?

16th January 2014, 09:37 AM
No mention of blue moon sex?

Bush Ranger
16th January 2014, 03:01 PM
Does the study include necrophilia?

16th January 2014, 03:48 PM
So Pornstars must be S0ooo clever

16th January 2014, 04:00 PM
So Pornstars must be S0ooo clever

I am, thanks......

the evil twin
16th January 2014, 04:17 PM
If regular sex will do all that imagine the results if you use premium... altho some of the images flashing thru my brain for Bio-sex are a tad disconcerting

16th January 2014, 04:45 PM
We should start our own experiment using this method!

May be after a few months, our forum will be the most cleverest forum in the world! And usual posts will be like this - string theory for more torque moment DIY!


16th January 2014, 04:53 PM
We should start our own experiment using this method!
May be after a few months, our forum will be the most cleverest forum in the world!

What - aren't we already

16th January 2014, 05:06 PM
But experiment should be done!

16th January 2014, 05:08 PM
now i see whats happening, this could be costly for single blokes like me, now to choose spend money on the patrol or have a better brain!!

16th January 2014, 05:12 PM
now i see whats happening, this could be costly for single blokes like me, now to choose spend money on the patrol or have a better brain!!

I can see it now. Picture: House of ill repute. Stropp knocks on the door and asks, " Can you provide a service that makes my brain work better?"

16th January 2014, 05:15 PM
Fark you're a legend Paul :-)

17th January 2014, 12:20 AM
I can see it now. Picture: House of ill repute. Stropp knocks on the door and asks, " Can you provide a service that makes my brain work better?"

You got it :)

18th January 2014, 11:31 PM
Females want quality - Males want quantity :)

19th January 2014, 02:32 AM
I can see it now. Picture: House of ill repute. Stropp knocks on the door and asks, " Can you provide a service that makes my brain work better?"

that'll be expensive.

19th January 2014, 10:19 AM
This would explain why us old married pharts are as dumb as dog shit :(

19th January 2014, 10:29 AM
Bugger.... Does this mean no more redtube???

19th January 2014, 10:45 AM
This would explain why us old married pharts are as dumb as dog shit :(

It would have helped if they had done the study 30 or more years back.
It may have given me the brain cells to work out why the numerical key pad on a computer is the reverse to what it is on a phone.

Bush Ranger
20th January 2014, 12:40 PM
A female work colleague had a favourite joke that went along some thing like this. Why do men get great ideas when having sex with women?. Because they are plugged in to a genius.

20th January 2014, 04:05 PM
It would have helped if they had done the study 30 or more years back.
It may have given me the brain cells to work out why the numerical key pad on a computer is the reverse to what it is on a phone.

What??? What phone do you have?? A left handed one??

20th January 2014, 04:06 PM
A female work colleague had a favourite joke that went along some thing like this. Why do men get great ideas when having sex with women?. Because they are plugged in to a genius.

I tend to think men feel lighter on their feet and able to breath and think better due to dumping a load..

20th January 2014, 08:42 PM
We should start our own experiment using this method!

May be after a few months, our forum will be the most cleverest forum in the world! And usual posts will be like this - string theory for more torque moment DIY!


What are you suggesting? We all meet and throw our keys in a bowl?

20th January 2014, 08:43 PM
A female work colleague had a favourite joke that went along some thing like this. Why do men get great ideas when having sex with women?. Because they are plugged in to a genius.

Yes the smartest thing that god gave them...