View Full Version : RLI back home!

8th January 2014, 10:51 PM
G'day folks,

Finally made it home from our Christmas trip to Victoria. Unfortunately i had a farken drama with the Patrol.

The problem started during the Otways trip on Sunday with the Victorian forum members, i was travelling second in the convoy behind Darren (MudRunner) and half-way trough our trip i started to get a loud screeching noise (the sound like AB trying to open his wallet) or the sound similar to (BloodyAussie dashing off to getting bogged in a bog-hole.)

I thought it was my fan belt being loose/power steering. Darren advised me that he could hear it every time we were climbing some of the steep tracks that morning.

After we washed our Patrols at the local car wash in Colac, i bid my farewells to the lads and i then headed back to Geelong. On the way back the sound got worse. The following day i had organised to have the Patrol dyno-tuned before we set off back home to Coffs Harbour (as we do not have a proper 4x4 dyno tuner in Coffs.)

I turned up at Chris Dalton motors in Geelong at 8.30am and i advised Chris about the noise, sure enough the belts were loose, so Chris re-tightened them for me.

We hit the road at 3.30am Tuesday morning from Geelong the Patrol purred like a farken jungle cat, until i started to climb hills around Kilmore 45 ks north-west of Melbourne. The dreaded AB /BloodyAussie sound. lol

I am now starting to think it could be the air-conditioner compressor due to Darren bringing to my attention oil spray residue on my fan blades and also when i started our trip down from Coffs, when i turned on the air-con i got a bit of a squealing sound (similar to threedogs giving his doggies a bit of Victorian country style loving. lol)

By now i had pulled over several times and checked the air-conditioner pump and all the fan-belts, power steering pump. We had just pulled over for a toilet stop at a truck stop at Holbrook in NSW on the Hume Highway, 490 km south-west of Sydney.

Thank-goodness for technology, i contacted Reinhard at Berrima Diesel Service in Berrima and let him listen to the sound when i was driving (the wife was holding the phone, you cheeky lounge lizards!) I informed Reinhard the problem only occurred when i hit 14 psi on the boost gauge and especially under load (ie, climbing hills.)

After i few Ks listening to me driving the Patrol under load, Reinhard thought it sounded like air was leaking from hose on the boost side of the turbo/intercooler. He advised me to check all of my turbo hoses which i did, unfortunately the farken noise continued.

Finally arrived at Berrima Diesel Service at around 1.00pm and Reinhard advised me that it was definitely air leak in the boost side of the turbo, unfortunately, Reinhard and his crew were flat out like lizards drinking with over six 4x4s in his work-shop getting various amounts of work done and was unable to look at my Patrol until the following morning.

However, that was a problem for us as we had payed up front the hire of an apartment that evening in Charleston/Newcastle and when my wife inquired if we could change our booking, we were told we would loose our money ($180.00.)

Reinhard advised me the noise would not cause any damage as it was a boost leak and for me to just take it easy travelling back to Coffs. Then effectively rat-around the motor the following day and check all the connections around the intercooler and also check the UFI inlet manifold for any leaks (which i will do tomorrow.)

Later that afternoon whilst travelling on the F3 motorway to Newcastle, i got farken pulled over by the Highway Patrol, (i am thinking to myself, i am only doing 85 ks in a 100 k zone what the fark is going on here)

Apparently he spotted the large bonnet scope on my Patrol and him being a Patrol owner himself was curious as to what i had under the hood. When I showed him my Cross-County intercooler mounted to the 4.2 turbo diesel he was impressed. We formally introduced ourselves, (his name was John) It turns out that John wants to fit a Cross-County intercooler to his 2005 4.2 turbo diesel, but unfortunately he has not seen a set-up up close and personal for him to make up his mind.

I informed John of our great forum and my call sign and invited him to join us if he needed further info regarding his Patrol.

After 15 minutes chin wagging he gave me the heads up on what one of the areas the NSW Highway Patrol were chasing this holiday Period. Modified large suspension lifts and large 35/37inch tyres with-out the appropriate engineering certification.

John advised me if the vehicles owner passed the attitude test he usually gives them a warning to get the vehicle properly engineered and sends them on the way, however, he recons there are a lot fark-sticks out there that constantly gob-off, resulting in them having them having their vehicles issued with defect notice.

Me being the farken cheeky bastard that i am, asked if he would pass onto his fellow mates to give the green light to Coffs Harbour, he just laughed and said "stick to the speed limit and you will not have any problems Paul"

Anyhow folks my family and I arrived home safe and sound. Once again thanks again for the Victorian forum members turning out for the two day week-end organised by Darren (MudRunner)

PS, BloodyAussie PM with your contact details so i can send 1971 Datsun Patrol add down to you, for you to present to the Church! Fark it, i am knackered, time to go to bed!



8th January 2014, 11:09 PM
Good to hear mate. Did you stop at Holebrook and climb over the sub? It puzzles me how a bush town adopts a sub! Although the Hume weir isn't too far away :)

8th January 2014, 11:31 PM
Good to hear you are back home safe Paul, also good to hear mr plod was only interested in sayin hello rather than farkin your day with a sticker.

9th January 2014, 07:02 AM
You are a cunny funt mate. ...

Now I have met you that whole conversation with the highway copper is picture perfect in my head.

Glad you are all safe and well.

Will pm my details.

9th January 2014, 07:05 AM
similar to threedogs giving his doggies a bit of Victorian country style loving. lol

I just spat out my coffee!! Hahahahahaha

9th January 2014, 08:21 AM
It great to hear your home and you've still got your sense of humour. Take it easy Paul and look after yourself

9th January 2014, 08:30 AM
BUT..................what about the squawking squealing Johnno noise, have ya found the cause? :)

9th January 2014, 11:24 AM
Good to hear mate. Did you stop at Holebrook and climb over the sub? It puzzles me how a bush town adopts a sub! Although the Hume weir isn't too far away :)

G'day mate,

Unfortunately, Holebroke is now by-passed. We stopped at one off the new rest areas just north of the town!



9th January 2014, 11:26 AM
You are a cunny funt mate. ...

Now I have met you that whole conversation with the highway copper is picture perfect in my head.

Glad you are all safe and well.

Will pm my details.

G'day mate,

I will post the article off to you today!



9th January 2014, 11:28 AM
BUT..................what about the squawking squealing Johnno noise, have ya found the cause? :)

G'day growler,

I will be looking into the cause soon.

PS, i will then post up my findings!



9th January 2014, 05:13 PM
You are a cunny funt mate. ...

Now I have met you that whole conversation with the highway copper is picture perfect in my head.

Glad you are all safe and well.

Will pm my details.

G'day BloodyAussie,

I have sent the parcel down from Coffs Harbour post office express-mail at 4.00 pm.

PS, can you please advise me when you have received it mate!



9th January 2014, 05:22 PM
G'day BloodyAussie,

I have sent the parcel down from Coffs Harbour post office express-mail at 4.00 pm.

PS, can you please advise me when you have received it mate!



You'll hear that high pitch squealing again when he gets it mate from your place no doubt :)

9th January 2014, 07:15 PM
You'll hear that high pitch squealing again when he gets it mate from your place no doubt :)

Andy you will feel pain. ... so much pain!

9th January 2014, 07:21 PM
Andy you will feel pain. ... so much pain!

Wassat?? You want me to sneak some chilli powder down ya jocks bwahahahahahaha

9th January 2014, 07:26 PM
Wassat?? You want me to sneak some chilli powder down ya jocks bwahahahahahaha

Only if we are sharing a tent......!!

9th January 2014, 07:37 PM
I'll bring the baked beans :)