View Full Version : Goat/Lamb curry

6th January 2014, 07:04 PM
Gonna try an easy goat curry that I wanna make at camp over the fire, if it turns out okay.
I'm just making it up as I go type recipe.
Cooking time, maybe 2-3 hrs cooking really slowly so the meat melts in your mouth like butter.

I got 1 kilo goat mixed pieces (shank, leg, loin, shoulder)
And 1 kilo of lamb mixed pieces.
(My butcher has meat pieces pre cut specifically for curries)
1 jar of Goat/Mutton curry paste
4 onions
1 can whole/diced tomatoes
3-4 carrots
5-6 potatoes.
2-3 cups of beef stock(for better flavour)
(water can be used)

Use 1/3 of the paste to marinate meat for at least 1-2 hrs in fridge.
Then before cooking let rest outside for 1/2 an hour.

Brown the meat
Leave aside.
Sauté onion slowly with some curry paste
Add remainder curry paste and a little stock to mix easier
Cook this for a minute or so
Add the meat and mix well coating everything
Add stock to half way
And mix well then add tomato can plus juice.
Add more stock if required to cover.
Bring to boil and simmer slowly.
I also added some Vindaloo paste for heat, salt and pepper to taste
This is too much water so I took some out, I have been skimming the oil before every time I stir.
Will check this in about 1-1/2 hours
Stirring occasionally to stop burning at the bottom.
When meat is soft and nearly ready , remove the oil and skim the top of froth
then add carrots (maybe carrots first, they may take longer) and potato and cook until potatoes are ready. About 1/2 hr. this has been cooking for 2hrs now.

Hopefully this'll taste as good as it looks.

Serve with rice and yogurt.
Naan and cucumber.

6th January 2014, 07:31 PM
I'm making a camp fire pit in the back yard and will start cooking this stuff.
Can't wait..
Looks awesome..

6th January 2014, 08:17 PM
If anyone wants some fresh goat I’ve got a young castrated male kid you can have!

6th January 2014, 08:26 PM
If anyone wants some fresh goat I’ve got a young castrated male kid you can have!

How big is he.

6th January 2014, 08:30 PM
Now that sound yummy so what is the rest of the family having for dinner.

6th January 2014, 08:35 PM
Now that sound yummy so what is the rest of the family having for dinner.

That feed seven people with leftovers.

6th January 2014, 09:00 PM
How big is he.

Possibly a bit small yet, could be grown out for another month or two. If interested I could take a photo of him in a few days time ( I’ll be away from home for a couple days, leaving tomorrow morning). No rush anyway, if our property sale goes through we’ll be moving out early Feb, & he can come with us - we will move next door to live in our bus temporarily.

We used to eat our own goat (& lamb, pork & beef) but with goat I always found it a bit tough except for roasts. We gave up eating red meat last year though. Might have some lambs to go to, but would want to sell them. The goat kid is a freebie if you want him.

6th January 2014, 09:21 PM
Yum goat, get mine from the local butcher

6th January 2014, 10:15 PM
Well everyone's gone and they all seemed to have enjoyed the meal that I had prepared, so I guess I'll call it a success.

6th January 2014, 10:52 PM
Looked great mate, well done....going to have to try the recipe very soon

6th January 2014, 11:10 PM
Possibly a bit small yet, could be grown out for another month or two. If interested I could take a photo of him in a few days time ( I’ll be away from home for a couple days, leaving tomorrow morning). No rush anyway, if our property sale goes through we’ll be moving out early Feb, & he can come with us - we will move next door to live in our bus temporarily.

We used to eat our own goat (& lamb, pork & beef) but with goat I always found it a bit tough except for roasts. We gave up eating red meat last year though. Might have some lambs to go to, but would want to sell them. The goat kid is a freebie if you want him.

Just making sure I got somewhere to keep him and feed him and love him and squeeze him, just before he goes to slaughter.

6th January 2014, 11:11 PM
Looked great mate, well done....going to have to try the recipe very soon

I can whip up a possum curry for ya doggy...

6th January 2014, 11:13 PM
I can whip up a possum curry for ya doggy...

Does it taste like squirrel, if so it'll work well.

7th January 2014, 03:33 PM
Jack Absolam reckons goat is great to eat very lean. plenty of Hallal shops around

7th January 2014, 11:36 PM
Jack Absolam reckons goat is great to eat very lean. plenty of Hallal shops around

Most Halal butchers would have goat and I think next time I make this it will be goat meat only.

8th January 2014, 06:50 AM
Jacks outback cook book has a roast goat recipe, I'll dig it out

9th January 2014, 09:07 PM

my third 256
11th January 2014, 06:38 AM
good job megomonster next time in asian grocery store
get some curry leaves and put in about 12 when frying onions and at
the end of cooking the hole curry add some coriander (fresh)
we eat curry all the time as my wife is indian and love it she also said not to marinate meat first
because when you brown the meat it burns the curry paste

13th January 2014, 11:00 AM
Here you go Mego, I've named him Josh (as in Rogan Josh) in your honour. He's yours if you want him, but no pressure to take him. The 'lid' on the ground is the top of a 200litre drum, to give you a sense of his size.

13th January 2014, 11:44 AM
That's plenty big enough, we used to have goats and they all had twins so doubled the herd first year. I'd done a farm butchery course so decided to try one and was very impressed. Nice and lean and we just used lamb recipes, we often ate goat after that.
Like Cuppa we also gave them suitable names, had lambs named lambchop, a steer we named TBone, etc. never worried my kids as it was part of country life.
Also as kids we had a farm so nothing was wasted, we had a hand separator for milk, made our own butter etc. can't recall my parents going to the supermarket. And it was a great life as a kid, worked hard but really enjoyed it.
Just remembered an old timer telling me when he was a kid they used to have curries when the meat started to 'hum' , no fridge then.

27th January 2014, 09:10 AM
I stocked the freezer with goat in November , nothing better than free range free feral !
Hoping to get some deer soon too !
Bring on the state forests :)

27th January 2014, 11:58 AM
39792As most know I like my cooking gear ,so I just won a 12" cast alloy camp oven for $33 US.
Cant wait to try it out might even try it with some Goat next camp, These things are like rocking horse teeth

13th June 2015, 06:56 PM
@ Mego just brought similar to the link http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Chasseur-Cast-Iron-Sky-Blue-Cast-Iron-Base-Tagine-24cm-Made-in-France-/321596472173?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item4ae0a4bb6d and thinking I'll try your curry using the Tagine.
Good thing is the lid fits all my other camp cooking gear. plus +++
I'll probably do it tomorrow very slowly cooked.

None of the attachments worked on the OP post

I have a feeling this would taste even better the next day
or use in a jaffle iron for a quick snack. I'll see if it needs
tweaking I dont think so, sounds good on paper