View Full Version : Nissan Patrol Part Number Search

1st January 2014, 01:43 PM
Hi All Patrol fans, happy new year.
Just wonering if any one can help me out here. I am slowly rebuilding my GQ. I came across a site
for searching individual GQ part numbers, that would save me ringing a spares place and asking for a plastic thingo, the thing is I have a TD42 and all that comes up in the below link is RD28T ,


The problem is I cant find TD42.

Does anyone know how to access the correct info.

Thanks Guys


1st January 2014, 06:06 PM
There is a program that you can download off the net called Nissan fast, pretty much does all that.

You can type in your vin and it brings back your model patrol and part numbers. Sounds better than what it is though, its not the most user friendly program



2nd January 2014, 06:27 PM
Thanks Todd much appreciated, I will give it a go, In Japan they market the Patrols as Safaris, found a bit on this, http://nissan.epc-data.com/safari/wrgy60/5917-td42/

Thanks again Todd


2nd January 2014, 06:34 PM
Pretty much everything on the net that is cataloged in a website like your 2 links will be for overseas

I have a copy of Nissan fast and the Australian catalog, tried uploading it 2 dropbox for you but it failed, I am working on another means for you 2 download it but for now you have 2 wait. If I can get it uploaded for you, I can always send you a CD

