View Full Version : Do we all have bluetooth/hands free

29th December 2013, 08:19 AM
Hi all thought NP should set an example by having every member either using an in dash Bluetooth
device or/and a Phone cradle. Its a pet hate of mine if I see someone talking I tell them. Whats so
important that you need to text or call whilst driving. I've drilled it into my two sons, and glad to say they have complied. Its a major problem Aust wide, If anyone can say they can talk on the phone and
drive they are an idiot. How many already been nabbed???

29th December 2013, 08:32 AM
Couldn't agree more mate. I bloody hate it with passion. Texting and/or talking on it. I've had a run in with multiple people because of it.
What's worrying is the tablet trend at the moment. I'm seeing more and more people use those steering wheel mounted tablet brackets. Now that's scary.

29th December 2013, 08:36 AM
Haven't seen them but then again haven't been doing much driving lately,
great someone else to yell at, lol

29th December 2013, 08:43 AM
Couldn't imagine anything worse then being rear ended and wearing an ipad in the face from the drivers steering airbag.

Both my cars have Bluetooth hands free and I love it.

29th December 2013, 08:47 AM
Totally agree - it is not that expensive to set up a Bluetooth head unit, or other device to do it all hands free.

One point though - although these hands free units are better than holding the phone direct, it is still proven that hands free or not, phone calls while driving are dangerous. Your mind is elsewhere when on the phone. Best practice is to always pull over and call someone back.

29th December 2013, 08:54 AM
I use the phone Allot! I am on an unlimited plan with Telstra and am often on he phone in the car and office. I have tried a few different devices, this flip down ones for the sun visor are Rubbish!!!

I have been using a Blueant Q3 ear piece for about 3 years and it is amazingly good. Clients can't tell I am on a hands free, it's loud enough in my ear and I don't strain to hear it over my mud tyres. I use it I the office so I can take notes and enter stuff into the computer. Winner! I bought the wife one too. Great unit. Less than $100

my third 256
29th December 2013, 08:54 AM
just on a bone of contention what about using uhf hand piece
am looking at upgrading to the one with button on the steering wheel
isnt that bouble standard
just my opinion so dont please shoot me down in flames
:sterb032::sterb032::sterb032::sterb032::sterb032: :sterb032::sterb032:

29th December 2013, 09:10 AM
I just put a new Kenwood CD player in and the bluetooth is awesome.

29th December 2013, 09:26 AM
I've got it in my car already but dont use it. I just dont answer my phone in the car period lol.
Driving time is my time, I prefer to just listen to a bit of music and concentrate on what I'm doing.

I had a bloke in a telstra van run up my ass last week, little doubt what he was doing to run into a stationary car stopped in traffic.

Many years ago an old school friend was killed in a head on out in the Yarra Valley, an idiot on the phone crossed the center line on an un-divided road. The falcon this idiot was driving was more than a match for the little corolla she and her daughter were in while travelling at 80km/h. Luckily her daughter survived, however with serious injuries.

29th December 2013, 09:43 AM
I would think those ipad devices on the steering wheel,would be illegal? Talking on the phone is one thing but texting would be just stupid
and as pointed out if you have a crash the air bag deployment with ipad in your face would be deadly.

I have seen local coppers driving while chatting with their phone to their ear, crazy. I have a Blue Tooth device I got for about 30 bucks from woolies, not brilliant but at least it works.

29th December 2013, 09:47 AM
All three of our vehicles have blue tooth Hi Fi systems and we both have a bluetooth headset as well.,£120 fine over here if caught. We pay enough tax as it is without being fined as well.

Personally, I think people who rabbit away on phones stuck next to their ears whilst driving should be banned from driving.

Just my opinion I hasten to add.

29th December 2013, 09:48 AM
The law in Vic as I know it allows you the use UHF/CB but not allowed to use a phone.
Check with your club or find the laws that govern your state.
@ MR those blue Ant units are the Bee's knees pardon the pun.
My Head unit is Bluetooth its the only way to go.
and it is distracting even talking hands free suggest you pull over if safe and talk then

29th December 2013, 09:53 AM
just on a bone of contention what about using uhf hand piece
am looking at upgrading to the one with button on the steering wheel
isnt that bouble standard
just my opinion so dont please shoot me down in flames
:sterb032::sterb032::sterb032::sterb032::sterb032: :sterb032::sterb032:
I think its illegal to use a cb/ uhf radio whilst driving aswell, but its one of those things that are not really policed as not many car users have them.
As for the steering wheel control, GME have them on their website, I want one, (just the control) but can't seem to find a seller with them.
I got BT aswell and use it a lot....

29th December 2013, 10:10 AM
As far as UHF don't they have Voice activated something so that's hands free
as well just clip the hand piece to your pocket or better still give it to your passenger

menace 2
29th December 2013, 01:17 PM
Totally agree - it is not that expensive to set up a Bluetooth head unit, or other device to do it all hands free.

One point though - although these hands free units are better than holding the phone direct, it is still proven that hands free or not, phone calls while driving are dangerous. Your mind is elsewhere when on the phone. Best practice is to always pull over and call someone back.

WTF...how bloody far do you go with this s*#t...fully agree about using phones and driving and cant say I havent done it myslf before I got a bluetooth set up...so you may as well take your UHF out of the car...your stereo also (unless of course you are going to stop the car to change channels...same for the UHF)....the next time my passenger wants to talk to me , I will not answer , just pull over and have the discussion and then move off....thats why I have spent the bloody money to up-grade to what is supposed to be a better and safer way to communicate..
Too much of this s*^t and the next thing the government rolls with general conscensus and makes it law...if you cant drive and hold a conversation through your bluetooth or the same as a discussion with a passenger then get off the road cause your brain isnt capable of doing them together....I dont need you behind me in front of me or any where near me...

29th December 2013, 01:31 PM
and your point is , too many are dying from this or being seriously injured.
It's not age specific as we have all done it some stage. Shite I've seen tradies writing quotes to guys shaving ,
chicks putting on make up,. It has to stop it very annoying as a driver.

menace 2
29th December 2013, 01:45 PM
and your point is , too many are dying from this or being seriously injured.
It's not age specific as we have all done it some stage. Shite I've seen tradies writing quotes to guys shaving ,
chicks putting on make up,. It has to stop it very annoying as a driver.

my point is about pulling over to have the conversation...thats what my post says...not about physically holding the phone while driving...I pehaps should have just quoted the single sentence
I stand by it...maybe the next time you turn around momentarily to look at what the kids are doing in the back seat or to pull them up you too may also think that pulling over to use the hands free bluetooth renders it as about as usefull as a chocolate watch yeh

29th December 2013, 02:22 PM
I try not to use the phone while I'm driving, no I don't use the phone whilst driving,
The few calls I receive I keep as short as possible, Only me or a mate at any one time

29th December 2013, 02:41 PM
All my vehicles have Bluetooth, I think distracted drivers are a big problem, but I think its more than just phones, It seems to me that every new car that is released has more and more gadgets that are distracting drivers.

29th December 2013, 02:53 PM
As I stated above I am on the phone Allot while driving. Always using a Bluetooth ear piece. I consider it to be the same as having a conversation with someone sitting in the passenger seat except I am not likely to turn to look at the passenger to engage them at any time in the conversation.

In saying that though, I spend allot of time on the freeway and see zero risk. Note also that if I have to merge lanes to take an off ramp or need to make a right hand turn at a busy intersection or anything that requires more concentration I advise my client on the phone and ask them to hold for a minute or 2 while I concentrate fully on driving. I have never had a client say "no that's not convenient" always they say " no problem! Would you like to call me back?" " no, no problem just give me a sec while I pass through this section of the road"

If there is an incident or something that needs more than a minute or 2 then I am always happy to end the call and call them back.

Note that if I had a passenger sitting in the car with me and any of the scenarios above occurred I'd ask the passenger to Shut the Fark up for a bit too ;)

There is simply No Excuse for not using a hands free kit of some description. They are cheap. They are portable. They don't need to be built into a new stereo!

I also find it extraordinary that 2 people can be travelling in a car and the passenger is doing nothing and the driver is texting while driving!!!!! WTF!! If your a passenger and let this happen tell your mate to pull his head in!! Take the phone off them while they drive and offer to text for them if you have too!!

30th December 2013, 08:56 AM
I love my Bluetooth :)

30th December 2013, 09:48 AM
I have a aux jack that plugs into my stereo for my phone that is the second thing I plug in after my seat belt as soon as I get the car every time. The person on the other side does get some echo of their voice but if it is real bad I tell them I will ring them later. If I am driving in the misses car I just don't answer the phone unless I can pull over safely and pick it up in time (normally doesn't happen) if it is important enough they will ring straight back.

30th December 2013, 04:39 PM
Found this steering wheel PTT button could me retro fit maybe