View Full Version : I though I was going to die....

24th December 2013, 01:19 AM
On our way home yesterday evening around 6pm from camping with our new camper in tow. My two beautiful girls in the back playing Uno and the missus chatting away to me. I came thundering down a long downhill run ( just before the Flowerdale pub, coming from Yea) and just started to turn into a long sweeping right hand bend at 100k's and the wife said something to me(can't remember what it was), I looked at her and then the look of terror came over her face and she screamed. I looked ahead and some dickhead was heading towards us in our lane! I had no where really to go except for off the road and into the dirt, I flashed my lights with the spotties and 40inch light bar beaming and swerved. Now my trailer weighs in at just over a tonne empty, we were fully loaded, car and all.
I tried to swerve quick but smooth to avoid flicking the trailer out and having it drag me sideways. For some reason the big fella upstairs must have been looking over me that evening as I really don't know how the fcuk I got out of it. This bloody shook me up and I couldn't stop thinking about it all the way home and even today. Hence why I am still up now at nearly 2am.
If we had hit that car head on, the other driver would have been killed for sure and I dare to say we would have been too.
Luckily my kids were too busy playing cards to notice and see what happened as this is something you don't want to experience with your kids.
Just take care everyone out on the roads this chrissy. Especially on the single lane country roads.


24th December 2013, 02:19 AM
Not good mate......I know the feeling, I was involved in a full head on 3 years ago. Over the next few weeks you and your wife will go through a lot of emotional turmoil. Talk about it often to each other, it will help. Good outcome for you and your family.

24th December 2013, 04:10 AM
Damn its horrible! You all are lucky! Be careful and save. God give you one more birthday today as Christmas present.

24th December 2013, 04:32 AM
holy crap, not good to hear. Great to hear you all got home in 1 piece though

24th December 2013, 04:35 AM
Bloody hell mate!
Glad your here to tell us about it

24th December 2013, 04:52 AM
Hey mate , here's my drunkin response. I'm 28 with no children, but I can imagine how precious your kids are to you. Its something I cant comprehend in a real sense but still my stomach dropped reading your post. People treat motor cars on roads like its their right to be on the road, cars are metal weapons in the wrong hands. I wish you and your family a good Christmas mate

24th December 2013, 05:43 AM
my stomach dropped reading your post. People treat motor cars on roads like its their right to be on the road, cars are metal weapons in the wrong hands. I wish you and your family a good Christmas mate

That's exactly how I feel, glad you all are OK.

24th December 2013, 07:11 AM
Glad you are ok mate......... speak to you later!!!

24th December 2013, 07:12 AM
I am so glad to hear that you are all ok. I live a bit on edge this time of year as I am a volunteer with the fire and during the next few days/weeks all I seem to do is find myself listening for the siren

24th December 2013, 07:44 AM
Bloody hell mate. Scary sh!t. Glad to see you're still here to tell us mate. Take it easy and as someone else posted, make sure you talk about it and what it means for you with the missus.

24th December 2013, 07:45 AM
Holy crap mate, glad you and the family are ok.

24th December 2013, 07:46 AM
Just shows it doesn't matter how good a driver you are , some clown can make you come unstuck,
Very Lucky Mark I'd be saying a big thankyou to the guys up stairs,
Don't dwell on it too much it might upset you all over again.
Everyone is safe and that's the main thing merry xmas

Sir Roofy
24th December 2013, 07:59 AM
Not a nicething to happen mark your a very lucky man
ive noticed a lot of pple this last month just seem to
be thinking of them selves and not the other road uses
its a scary place out there take care mate
merry xmas to you and your family

24th December 2013, 09:38 AM

Glad to hear everything worked out OK .... It really gets the heart rate up.

I just had a similar experience recently, but it was a Semi coming up to a Give Way or Stop Sign intersection on the highway .... nice and slow so he looked like he was going to stop, but just turned out straight in front of us .... all I had time to do is say to the kids brace yourselves, as I started heading for the dirt .. .. lucky for us he decided to see our large Patrol at the last moment and he hit the brakes as I slid past the front of him.

That is the problem with thinking you are OK - just driving along, just doing the right thing ..... it only takes a moment for someone else ( or even yourself ) to do something slightly wrong and the consequences can be huge.

Take care everyone, especially over the Christmas Period, when there are a few more people on the road trying to transit from home to holiday ....


24th December 2013, 11:25 AM
I remember every detail of mine......in that instant a lot went through my mind, oddly enough I thought to my self, this is going to hurt!

24th December 2013, 11:41 AM
I remember every detail of mine......in that instant a lot went through my mind, oddly enough I thought to my self, this is going to hurt!

Strange enough I thought the same thing when a lady pulled out infront me and I t-boned her at 80km, the worst part was seeing baby seats all over the road from her car! My heart skipped a beat or two till I realised there were no kids thank fark!

Glad your ok though! Its scary sh!t , go and buy a lottery ticket as your one lucky bastard lol.

24th December 2013, 11:44 AM
Mega, those baby seats would have been terrible, glad yours went better too.

24th December 2013, 02:14 PM
I remember every detail of mine......in that instant a lot went through my mind, oddly enough I thought to my self, this is going to hurt!

Some clown crashed into me while I was riding my motorbike on Christmas Eve about 10 years ago and that was the exact same thought that went through my head!

24th December 2013, 02:49 PM
Just drive like everyone else on the road is an idiot an you'll be fine.
I rode motor bikes well before I drove and being a motor cyclist
you trust no one, I can assure you, I would not ride today however
as there are more idiots on the road, Living where I do keeps you
on your toes with the Vietnamese and Somalia drivers

24th December 2013, 03:10 PM
Yeah we're o.k, calmed down now, I was more upset about it than the wife, but another half a foot over and it would have been curtains for us I reckon. I had two wheels in the dirt and two on the road so it was pretty close. The other driver must have seen us as he also swerved but the revolving door could have easily turned in the opposite direction within seconds.
This is the second time I have escaped a head on. Around 10 years ago I was driving down a local suburban road and over the crest was a ute right on the line, by the time he got to me he was in my lane and I could see him asleep as he was coming towards me. I swerved and he hit head on with the little Hyundai behind me and he rolled three times. The horrible thing was the car he hit had father, driving, wife and two infants in the car. The driver of the Hyundai was pretty messed up and I remember helping the ambo's with his breathing and holding his head up and having his blood all over my hands. That shook me up like no tomorrow as I knew it could have easily been me. But we all have to move on I suppose and put these things behind us and be thankful it wasn't me, this time.


24th December 2013, 03:12 PM
glad to hear you are all ok mate, and as has been said the turmoil will continue for a while with the thought process, talk to the missus and thank the lord that you are still here (not churchy myself but i believe that something is a higher power than humans). it just takes a moments inattention from anyone to ruin lives, that said have a great xmas and enjoy this one more than others you have had.

24th December 2013, 06:36 PM
have you relaxed yet, this thread could have been so different

24th December 2013, 07:42 PM
have you relaxed yet, this thread could have been so different

So true...
Very glad you and your family are ok Mark.
I can somewhat imagine what it'd be like as I was in a similar incident few years ago on Sunbury road where it bends around the back of the airport. Courier van for whatever reason entered the oncoming traffic lane. Just managed to stir enough to miss him. We ended up in a ditch with a written off work hi-lux. He didn't even stop. Pretty full on stuff, and one can only imagine what it would have been like with kids in the back too now that I drive around with our boy in the back too.

Anyways once again very glad you're here to write about it and that the family is fine. Wish you and your family a great and safe xmas mate!


24th December 2013, 11:16 PM
have you relaxed yet, this thread could have been so different

Yep. Nice and relaxed now thanks to a belly full of food and grog.:p