View Full Version : Wanted: Intercooler bracket

19th December 2013, 04:24 PM
I am looking for a bracket that holds the intercooler on a GU ZD30. Its the bracket that straddles the engine and attaches from the firewall to the top of the radiator mounting frame.

19th December 2013, 04:49 PM
Can you get a pic of what you mean, I thought it was something I could make and post to you but seems I'd be wrong

19th December 2013, 06:16 PM
My intercooler sits on the engine. Later Patrols have the intercooler sitting on a frame above the engine. I want one of these frames. I could make one up but I just want to save the mucking about if a second hand one is available. I may still have to modify it to suit my Patrol - but that is better than starting from scratch.

20th December 2013, 09:00 AM
bills I got one spare..... crd zd intercooler bracket, from firewall to rad support bracket. im in Brisbane however....

20th December 2013, 12:33 PM
Thanks for that Millsy - I'll keep you in mind. I think I have found one locally but the guy is away until after New Year - which is OK because I don't intend to do anything until then. Bit of bad timing as my daughter was in Brisbane last week but left yesterday! Bugger.

Thanks for the reply.

20th December 2013, 02:11 PM
all good mate, just pm if needed.