View Full Version : Another Scam

18th December 2013, 07:46 PM
Listed my Jayco Dove on Gumtree and received a SMS asking if Caravan was still for Sale and to advise by email to a Address

Received the following email

Thanks for the swift response and do as well advise on the least amount you will like to give it away as i am buying this for son and due to the nature of my job and location...i will not be able to come for inspection,am a very busy type as i work long hours everyday,i have gone through your advertisement and i am satisfied with it.

As for the payment..i can only pay via the fastest and secure way to pay online(PayPal) here.

I have a private courier agent that will come for the pick up after the payment have been made ...so no shipping included and With the issue of my details,transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the courier services company agent so you don't have to worry about that.

You can now send me your PayPal email so i can pay in right away and also include your address in your reply.If you don't have a paypal account, you can easily set up one...log on to www.paypal.com.au and sign up its very easy... i would have loved to talk to you on phone but i work mainly offshore, our phone is down on the rig right now due to bad weather, that was why i sent you a text, i even wonder how my message deliver to your phone but for now we can only communicate through the same mailing channel.await your reply asap.



Yeah have sold in two hours

Am I going to fall for this Scam

Not on your Nellie

18th December 2013, 07:50 PM
Ive never seen or heard of the scam on a buyers account.

You can always tell though.

Long drawn out email, can't see the item for some reason, bad grammar, payment and long explanation of payment through Paypal, western union, etc.

Anyways, the main question here Bob is whats going on???.....Selling the old love shack mate????

18th December 2013, 08:07 PM
Ive never seen or heard of the scam on a buyers account.

You can always tell though.

Long drawn out email, can't see the item for some reason, bad grammar, payment and long explanation of payment through Paypal, western union, etc.

Anyways, the main question here Bob is whats going on???.....Selling the old love shack mate????

Yeah I have purchased a Caravan (2nd Hand)

18th December 2013, 08:16 PM
How would the scam work? Apart from getting your home address, doesn't Pay Pal act as insurance against fraud? It sounds dodgy, for sure. Maybe they come and steal the van??

18th December 2013, 08:22 PM
I've herd of a scam that they remove the $ from PayPal after transfer but I'm not sure how it happens how can the delivery people do the paperwork when you would need signatures for the rego etc

18th December 2013, 08:26 PM
this scam usually continues to eventually trick you into giving over your paypal account details and password , then they go on a spending spree . this is their main goal .

18th December 2013, 08:31 PM
... If someone is dumb enough to give there password then you deserve to get duped. Lmao

18th December 2013, 08:44 PM
Had a car for sale on gumtree not long ago, gumtree was the only place it was advertised, and my ph number and price was on the window of the car.

I received a text @ 6.55pm from +19712389119 ,that read.....

"is your car still up for sale ? (terrybt4@outlook.com) pls email me with pics and the price.Terry (email only)"

Then the same text @ 6.56pm

I immediately sent a text back, and asked "where did you get my number from ?" , I immediately received another similar request, but it came from a different number +61428465117

This time it read......

"sent from Hayden Jurs Is your CAR still for sale? pls get back to me with the firm price and the condition at my email (haydenjurs01@hotmail.com) email only please"

Again, I immediately sent a text back, and again asked "where did you get my number from please ?"

No further response was received by either number again !

My gumtree ad had a clear price, a long description of the vehicle condition, and maximum number of pics allowed (well it is ME after all), the window/s of the car also had the similar info, so I knew, if they had my number, they also had a price and a description.

A innocent buyer who may have acquired my number second hand, would not have a problem telling me where they got my number.

Gumtree is a thriving place for scammers, no longer is it just "buyer" beware, sellers are prime targets these days too !

18th December 2013, 08:45 PM
How would the scam work? Apart from getting your home address, doesn't Pay Pal act as insurance against fraud? It sounds dodgy, for sure. Maybe they come and steal the van??

PayPal will 99.9% of the time favour the buyer....

19th December 2013, 08:14 AM
I had the same msg when I advertised my camper, a week later when I had modified the add I got it again. I had set up a bank account with a different bank to my normal bank with no money in it so they could direct deposit. Seems to have deterred them from trying again

19th December 2013, 09:12 AM
Had the same issues selling my Patrol through gumtree, had firm price etc yet would get text with similar to 04OFF's . Would just change numbers, one even sent a pic if the cash bundle as if that would work, even though 6k under what I wanted lol.

19th December 2013, 09:25 AM
Yeah got the same twice when trying to sell my camper, you can tell a spam as you
cant reply to their SMS you have to reply to the email they give you,
pack of low lifes if you ask me

Edit mine was one Ebay

19th December 2013, 09:59 AM
Pretty common scam:

19th December 2013, 10:27 AM
This scam starts off as you have described.
They then say they can not transfer the fee to the courier that is going to pick it up and he needs payment before he will leave his depot.
Can you pay the fee ($2000.00 in my case) and will add that to the price of the vehicle.
Then send you a fake payment conformation receipt with the extra dollars.
Hoping you will not check your account before you pay the courier, then never to be seen again.
I said to the bloke scamming me, nothing will happen before the money is transferred from my PayPal account to my personal account. It must be cleared into my name before I release the vehicle.
This went on for a month, he was so persistent, but I stood my ground and he gave up.
I was fully aware that this was a scam, I wanted to try and fleece him LOL.

19th December 2013, 10:58 AM
I also did it with a Russian bride thought I'd play the game and replied,
She got all the way to England then ran out of money go figure, I
pictured a bit fat Russian bloke in a dirty white singlet drinking Vodka
at his Computer, still have mental image lol

19th December 2013, 12:01 PM
Sadly, there are a lot of people that do fall for this... Remember the old saying..."If it seems too good to be true... it usually is." is a great one to remember. The other thing, as Macca noted, these lowlifes are persistant and confident. It's why they are called con(fidence) men. Only had the chance to lock up a few of these mongrels, in my preivious life, and they cried innocent all the way to jail... even after they had been caught red-handed having ripped people off and spent it.

Most websites have rules clearly listed, to try to thwart this type of thing but there are others who's sole job is to get around them.

19th December 2013, 12:04 PM
I love the fact, NOT, that when using the electronic world of money, you have so many more ways of losing your hard earned cash. In last weeks local paper, a business had a $6000 power bill wiped by the ombudsman, because a company transferred his account without permission. Even cheques are suspect.

19th December 2013, 12:09 PM
I also did it with a Russian bride thought I'd play the game and replied,
She got all the way to England then ran out of money go figure, I
pictured a bit fat Russian bloke in a dirty white singlet drinking Vodka
at his Computer, still have mental image lol

C'mon, 3D, admit it, you were after the Russian bloke, all along. :):):):)

19th December 2013, 05:31 PM
I also did it with a Russian bride thought I'd play the game and replied,
She got all the way to England then ran out of money go figure, I
pictured a bit fat Russian bloke in a dirty white singlet drinking Vodka
at his Computer, still have mental image lol

I'm having nightmares but I'm wide awake.

19th January 2014, 09:05 PM
Listed my Jayco Dove on Gumtree and received a SMS asking if Caravan was still for Sale and to advise by email to a Address

Received the following email

Thanks for the swift response and do as well advise on the least amount you will like to give it away as i am buying this for son and due to the nature of my job and location...i will not be able to come for inspection,am a very busy type as i work long hours everyday,i have gone through your advertisement and i am satisfied with it.

As for the payment..i can only pay via the fastest and secure way to pay online(PayPal) here.

I have a private courier agent that will come for the pick up after the payment have been made ...so no shipping included and With the issue of my details,transferring the name of ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the courier services company agent so you don't have to worry about that.

You can now send me your PayPal email so i can pay in right away and also include your address in your reply.If you don't have a paypal account, you can easily set up one...log on to www.paypal.com.au and sign up its very easy... i would have loved to talk to you on phone but i work mainly offshore, our phone is down on the rig right now due to bad weather, that was why i sent you a text, i even wonder how my message deliver to your phone but for now we can only communicate through the same mailing channel.await your reply asap.



Yeah have sold in two hours

Am I going to fall for this Scam

Not on your Nellie

Missus just got the exact same msg for one of the adds on gumtree, after she told me about it I remembered reading your post mate and have since showed your post to her. Thanks mate.

Cheers Warwick