View Full Version : RLI up-date!

13th December 2013, 07:21 PM
G'day Trendsetters,

What a farker of a month I have had!

Just when we thought we had this shit-full disease by the balls, the bastard of a thing has king hit me and just for good measure has kicked me fair up the gaszots (arse) with steel capped boot on!

I have spent the last 2 weeks bed ridden due to the Crohns disease. I am sick and tired of all the medication and the constant feeling of being so tired and knackered. At present I am taking the following medications;

1. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2 x times per day
2. Clarithromycin 250 mg 2 x times per day
3. Clofazimine 200 mg 2 x times per day
4. Metronidazole 400 mg 2 x times per day
5. Rifabutin 200 mg 2 x times per day
6. Methambutol 400mg 1x time per day
7. Gentamicin 160mg daily injections
8. Azathioprine 100 mg 1 x times per day
9. Oxycodone 20 mg 2 x times a day morning and at night
10. Panodol Osteo 650 mg when required during the day
11. Venlafaxine 75 mg 1 per day
12. Nexium 40 mg 1 per day
13. Glucosamine 1500 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
14. Vitamin D 1000 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
15. Multivitamin 500 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
16. Fexofenadine 180 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
17. Ventolin 100 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
18. Seretide 250 mg 2 x times per day morning and at night
19. Zolpidem tartrate 10 mg 1 per night when required

I have also just been diagnosed suffering from chronic fatigued syndrome caused by trauma and having 16 general anaesthesia operations over the last two and a half years! I piped up to the specialist “no farken kidding Einstein”

At present my arse feels like a farken dart board lounge lizards, I have had to endure 14 days straight of daily injections of 160mg Gentamicin antibiotics, believe you me trendsetters these farkers do not tickle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of all the medication the bloody abscesses returned to my bowel, this has caused me to be to be extremely depressed over the last two weeks. (i am even thinking of seriously consulting a farken Witch-doctor for help lol)

Three weeks ago. I suddenly a woke at 3.30am in the morning suffering from excruciating pain in the arse; “I honestly thought that a Toyota person had jammed a farken pineapple up my arse and then suddenly decided to pull the thing out quickly leaving all the pointy bits jammed into the side walls of my arse (get the picture lounge lizards!)

I said to my wife calmly, darling can you please get up and call an ambulance, I might need to go to hospital! OK, they were a few farks here and there when I made the request!

My surgeon has allowed my family and I to head down to Victoria to catch up with family and friends for Christmas, unfortunately, I am booked back into hospital on the 13th January 2014 for more bowel surgery.

Folks, I have said this many times! With-out your health, you have nothing! Please take care of yourself this festive season.

A special thanks to you all the forum members for all your well wishes and your PMs and phone calls over the last 6 weeks! I will not forget your camaraderie!

PS, my family and I would like to wish you all a “Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!”

Kind regards,

Paul (RLI)

13th December 2013, 07:30 PM
Bloody hell Paul, that's a hard road traveled recently mate!!!

I hope it all works for you soon mate and I look forward to this meet up!

Merry Christmas to you and your family too and we all can't wait to see you all in the year!

13th December 2013, 07:31 PM
Best wishes to you Paul, I hope it all goes well mate.

Merry Christmas bud.

13th December 2013, 07:33 PM
Mate I cant express in words how I feel just hearing about what you go through let alone pretend to understand.... best wishes over the Xmas break for you and your family and may still try and make it to the meet up.... cheers!!!

13th December 2013, 07:41 PM
I will never understand what you're going through Paul, but you have my best wishes and all the best in getting better. You're a fighter mate, hit this shitful disease for a 6!

13th December 2013, 07:41 PM
I dunno what to say mate?? Get well soonest just doesn't seem enough. Farc seems more suited :(

13th December 2013, 07:46 PM
What to say?. I don't flaming know.
All I can do is wish you a recovery of your health and a merry Christmas for you and your mob.

13th December 2013, 08:08 PM
All the best mate, I'll be in touch soon.....that Nexium is great stuff! :)

13th December 2013, 08:11 PM
Best wishes mate, I certainly wouldn't want to be in your shoes! Enjoy the time with the family also.

13th December 2013, 08:16 PM
Mate, I am so amazed and impressed that you can still joke while telling us what you are going through.
Its about time you caught a break with this shitfull disease.
I wish you and your family a great Christmas and hope to catch up with you in the new year.

13th December 2013, 08:29 PM
I hope that 2014 is your year of recovery Paul...........what you have, been & are still going through makes my problems very insignificant mate.

Hope that you and your family have the best Xmas and New Year possible.

Sir Roofy
13th December 2013, 08:31 PM
Words fail me mate panadol osteo is my friend along side nexium 40
plus a couple more
your a brave man and a fighter and admire your strength mate

all the best and merry xmas to you and your family

roofy and jane

13th December 2013, 08:55 PM
You know what I think of you ya old bugger! Hurry the fark up and get better so we can get out there and so some wheeling!!!


13th December 2013, 10:24 PM
Fark! I thought I'd had a big list of meds.....
Sorry to hear of your continuing troubles mate but that awesome attitude you carry yourself with will go a long way to seeing a successful outcome in the long run.
I know it can be hard sometimes to maintain the positive outlook but I'm sure you'll kick it's arse (pun intended).
I wish you all the best and look forward to catching up when you're down here in the new year.

13th December 2013, 10:37 PM
I'm with all the others Paul. You have been walking a farking tough road bud and I hope you will see the light at the end soon.
Remember though if your feeling down us clowns are here to help.
Wishing you and the family a merry Christmas and happy New Year, and fingers crossed 2014 is your year..

13th December 2013, 10:48 PM
Mate I can only imagine what you and your family would be going through. I hope that things start working out for you. Best of luck with things and I hope you enjoy your trip to see your family.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

13th December 2013, 10:55 PM
Paul, its terrible just to hear what you are going through let alone actually go through. All that I can say is good luck and I hope that you get through this soon and without much bullshit.

13th December 2013, 11:03 PM
Holy crap dude, not good to hear. Best wishes on a speedy recovery and get you back iut on the tracks

13th December 2013, 11:29 PM
Yeow! Your story brought tears to my eyes, Paul. I hope that impressive list of medications they got you on, kick in and get you fit and well for the festive season. Best wishes, mudnut.

14th December 2013, 12:15 AM
Well in the words of a well known guy on the forum, fark me mate it's time to get the fark over this and get well! Mate all the best for the remainder of the year and the new year, let's hope that's its a new beginning with your health. All the best to you and the family.

14th December 2013, 08:04 PM
And I thought my grandparents took a lot of meds, wow! Keep battling on mate, enjoy Christmas with your family and I look forward to heaps more of your farken posts!

14th December 2013, 09:54 PM
Be strong Paul, you will beat this crap.

Best of luck fella.

15th December 2013, 01:27 AM
Doesn't sound the best time mate, hope you can beat this thing in the new year.
Coincidentally just a couple of days ago I had wondered why I hadn't seen any more of your posts over on Patrol4x4.

15th December 2013, 05:59 AM
All the best Paul, hope Santa brings you a pain free body

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2 you and the family.

Look forward to reading more of your stories on here next year :)

15th December 2013, 07:04 AM
Seriously not good brother.

15th December 2013, 07:33 AM
All the best for both you and your family Paul, over the Christmas and New Year's period. I know what you're going through as I have had a few close friends and colleagues that have suffered with Chrones. The pain that you live with has to be felt to be understood and you are a credit to all with the way you keep your sense of humour. I hope that you get this sorted and on top of it asap.

15th December 2013, 10:59 AM
FAAAAARK Paul, do you rattle when you walk? With all that medication. Anyway hope 2014 is a better year for you. All the best to you and your family for xmas ol mate!

16th December 2013, 10:03 AM
Doesn't sound the best time mate, hope you can beat this thing in the new year.
Coincidentally just a couple of days ago I had wondered why I hadn't seen any more of your posts over on Patrol4x4.

Thanks James,

I hope to be back on deck soon mate!



16th December 2013, 10:05 AM
Bloody hell Paul, that's a hard road traveled recently mate!!!

I hope it all works for you soon mate and I look forward to this meet up!

Merry Christmas to you and your family too and we all can't wait to see you all in the year!

G'day AB,

Looking forward to meeting you and having a chat or just to spin a few yarns!



16th December 2013, 10:09 AM
Best wishes to you Paul, I hope it all goes well mate.

Merry Christmas bud.

G'day MudRunnerTD,

Thanks for your time for listening to me ramble on about health, i am sorry for coming across so depressingly on the phone the other day. Thanks for giving me your time and ear mate!

Kind regards,


16th December 2013, 10:10 AM
I will never understand what you're going through Paul, but you have my best wishes and all the best in getting better. You're a fighter mate, hit this shitful disease for a 6!

G'day Winnie,

Thanks mate!

PS, how is your new turbo performing?



16th December 2013, 10:12 AM
Mate, I am so amazed and impressed that you can still joke while telling us what you are going through.
Its about time you caught a break with this shitfull disease.
I wish you and your family a great Christmas and hope to catch up with you in the new year.

G'day Tony,

Thanks for your kind words mate!



16th December 2013, 10:13 AM
G'day MudRunnerTD,

Thanks for your time for listening to me ramble on about health, i am sorry for coming across so depressingly on the phone the other day. Thanks for giving me your time and ear mate!

Kind regards,


Hey Paul,

If all i can give you is a Friendly ear mate and that helps then feel free any time mate. Never apologies for that, there is no need. Give me a call any time bud. See you in Jan

16th December 2013, 10:15 AM
I hope that 2014 is your year of recovery Paul...........what you have, been & are still going through makes my problems very insignificant mate.

Hope that you and your family have the best Xmas and New Year possible.

G'day Doggy,

I know mate, i still have to peel all the farken potatoes and dig the shit-pits at the next national forum meet-up! No mate, i am not trying to weasel out of my punishment commitments for my past sins. lol



16th December 2013, 10:17 AM
Words fail me mate panadol osteo is my friend along side nexium 40
plus a couple more
your a brave man and a fighter and admire your strength mate

all the best and merry xmas to you and your family

roofy and jane

G'day Roofy and Jane,

Thanks for your camaraderie and support!

Kind regards,

Paul and family

16th December 2013, 10:19 AM
I'm with all the others Paul. You have been walking a farking tough road bud and I hope you will see the light at the end soon.
Remember though if your feeling down us clowns are here to help.
Wishing you and the family a merry Christmas and happy New Year, and fingers crossed 2014 is your year..

G'day Westy,

Thanks for your kind words mate!



16th December 2013, 10:21 AM
Well in the words of a well known guy on the forum, fark me mate it's time to get the fark over this and get well! Mate all the best for the remainder of the year and the new year, let's hope that's its a new beginning with your health. All the best to you and the family.

G'day stropp,

Thanks for your words of inspiration mate!

PS, have you fitted the TD05 turbo?



16th December 2013, 10:21 AM
If you don`t start beating this mate, i`ll spend the kids inheritence, fly to Aus and kick your arse Mister.

Now, carry on.

In jest pal, take good care.

16th December 2013, 10:26 AM
Be strong Paul, you will beat this crap.

Best of luck fella.

G'day fracster,

Thanks for your sense of humor mate!

PS, hopefully we might win the bloody cricket, i made a statement twelve months ago to family and friends regarding my current health status, i said "the chance of my bowel problems being cured is like Australia trying to win back the ashes, very difficult" maybe there is hope after-all!



16th December 2013, 10:28 AM
FAAAAARK Paul, do you rattle when you walk? With all that medication. Anyway hope 2014 is a better year for you. All the best to you and your family for xmas ol mate!

G'day Steve,

Thanks for your kind words!



16th December 2013, 10:35 AM
G’day Trendsetters,

Finally, I have energy to get of my arse and start replying to threads on this great forum.

Thanks kindly for your kind sentiments, to top of a shit week, whilst I was in hospital last week a hail storm struck at Woolgoolga my home town on the mid north coast of NSW and my wife’s car was extensively damaged. (It was only a month ago that Eric (Trekster) another forum member who also suffered from a hail storm that wrote off his car in Coffs Harbour.)

With all the farken bad luck I have had over the last three years, I am still trying to remember the day I must have hit a Chinese truck driver carrying a truck load of mirrors!

Anyhow, an old Chinese proverb “how does one eat an elephant, one piece at a time! Farkkk, I wish and hope this medication is doing just that, eating the farking infection one piece at a time. Time will tell!

Once again fellow Nissan Patrol forum members, thanks for your camaraderie and your kind support, my wife and family are overwhelmed by your kindness. My family and I would like to wish you all a “Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!”

PS, a special thanks to Eric (Trekster) who has travelled to my home on several occasions over the last couple of months with his lovely family to check-up on me to see how I have been copping and also phoning me once a week. Typical Eric he is always offering help if I needed it. Thanks for your friendship mate; my wife and I are very humbled by it! Farkk I think the real reason is, he is waiting for me to go leg-up so he can pounce on my Patrol. Lol

Kind regards,

Paul (RLI)

16th December 2013, 10:45 AM
G’day Trendsetters,

Finally, I have energy to get of my arse and start replying to threads on this great forum.

Thanks kindly for your kind sentiments, to top of a shit week, whilst I was in hospital last week a hail storm struck at Woolgoolga my home town on the mid north coast of NSW and my wife’s car was extensively damaged. (It was only a month ago that Eric (Trekster) another forum member who also suffered from a hail storm that wrote off his car in Coffs Harbour.)

With all the farken bad luck I have had over the last three years, I am still trying to remember the day I must have hit a Chinese truck driver carrying a truck load of mirrors!

Anyhow, an old Chinese proverb “how does one eat an elephant, one piece at a time! Farkkk, I wish and hope this medication is doing just that, eating the farking infection one piece at a time. Time will tell!

Once again fellow Nissan Patrol forum members, thanks for your camaraderie and your kind support, my wife and family are overwhelmed by your kindness. My family and I would like to wish you all a “Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!”

PS, a special thanks to Eric (Trekster) who has travelled to my home on several occasions over the last couple of months with his lovely family to check-up on me to see how I have been copping and also phoning me once a week. Typical Eric he is always offering help if I needed it. Thanks for your friendship mate; my wife and I are very humbled by it! Farkk I think the real reason is, he is waiting for me to go leg-up so he can pounce on my Patrol. Lol

Kind regards,

Paul (RLI)

He has been taking a part at a time each visit. His truck is looking good... :)

16th December 2013, 01:43 PM
Great to hear you are up and at em Paul, Forum not the FARKIN same without you, lol

16th December 2013, 03:33 PM
Geez Paul you're back with a vengeance, good to see you're getting the post count up again.

Great to see you're up and about and back online again, catchup with you and the family soon.
Cheers mate

16th December 2013, 05:11 PM
I know I'm slack mate.....the cold weather parcel left Brisbane today, you should have it down Safety by the end of the week.

16th December 2013, 09:10 PM
I know I'm slack mate.....the cold weather parcel left Brisbane today, you should have it down Safety by the end of the week.

G'day Sir,

What parcel? You have me curious!



16th December 2013, 09:14 PM
What parcel? You have me curious!

Hang on, don't tell us you don't recall buying that 'parcel' from NP99! Suppose you're going to claim you were under the influence of some sort of medication. The mods actually had to delete the thread as it may not have been exactly legal.

16th December 2013, 09:16 PM
G'day Sir,

What parcel? You have me curious!



It will come in handy for your cold trips.....

16th December 2013, 09:21 PM
It will come in handy for your cold trips.....

G'day mate,

Thanks for that, i forgot! Yes Apollofish is right, the cheeky basket, its the meds. lol



16th December 2013, 10:06 PM
Good to see after all this your sence of humor and swagger is still alive and kicking..

16th December 2013, 10:13 PM
Good to see you up and about Paul, we have missed your humour and input mate.

17th December 2013, 09:40 AM
Good to see after all this your sence of humor and swagger is still alive and kicking..

G'day Westy,

Thanks for your kind words!



17th December 2013, 09:42 AM
He has been taking a part at a time each visit. His truck is looking good... :)

G'day mate,

Its funny you should mention that!



17th December 2013, 09:43 AM
Good to see you up and about Paul, we have missed your humour and input mate.

G'day Stropp,

Thanks for your kind words, how is your Patrol going with the TD05 turbo?



17th December 2013, 12:00 PM
Hey Paul wondered where ya been.
Good to hear ya a tad brighter than what you have been.
Keep at it man.


18th December 2013, 11:20 AM
Hey Paul wondered where ya been.
Good to hear ya a tad brighter than what you have been.
Keep at it man.


G'day Al,

Thanks for the PM. It is a real credit to you for the performance mods that you have done to your Patrol.



18th December 2013, 12:08 PM
So whats next for RLI do you think the Cape trip could happen next year, all going to plan,???

18th December 2013, 12:24 PM
G'day Stropp,

Thanks for your kind words, how is your Patrol going with the TD05 turbo?



Hi Paul, the td05 is still not on,i was hoping to get it done tomorrow but the intercooler hasnt turned up yet.

20th December 2013, 07:14 AM
So whats next for RLI do you think the Cape trip could happen next year, all going to plan,???

G'day threedogs,

2014 hopefully will be my recovery year, i will have my stoma reversed sometime next year, i also start the Hyperbaric Chamber treatment next year in Sydney in attempt to help heal my bowel. So unfortunately i will not be doing much 4x4 next year.

However, i am gearing myself up for the 2015 Anzac Cape York trip.



20th December 2013, 07:16 AM
Hi Paul, the td05 is still not on,i was hoping to get it done tomorrow but the intercooler hasnt turned up yet.

G'day Stropp,

All the best, please keep me posted with your turbo up-grade!

PS, all the best for Christmas and the New Year!

Kind regards,


20th December 2013, 07:23 AM
It will come in handy for your cold trips.....

G'day Steve,

I received your Christmas present in the mail yesterday! Thank-you so much, i am humbled by your generosity mate! Looking forward to catching up with the both of you next year, my shout for dinner and drinks!

Ally and I and our children wish both you and Donna a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!

PS, what have you done with regards to your DVA pension? Please advise me so that i can can help you!



20th December 2013, 10:38 AM
G'day Stropp,

All the best, please keep me posted with your turbo up-grade!

PS, all the best for Christmas and the New Year!

Kind regards,


will do Paul was hoping to get it done prior to xmas but the intercooler still hasnt turned up so will have to wait, I hope xmas and new year are good to you and the family and finally brings some joy with your health mate i cannot even begin to understand what you and the family are going through. All the best and thanks again for the well wishes.

20th December 2013, 07:27 PM
G'day Steve,

I received your Christmas present in the mail yesterday! Thank-you so much, i am humbled by your generosity mate! Looking forward to catching up with the both of you next year, my shout for dinner and drinks!

Ally and I and our children wish both you and Donna a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!

PS, what have you done with regards to your DVA pension? Please advise me so that i can can help you!



My pleasure mate, PM sent.