View Full Version : Holden to stay.........NOT

13th December 2013, 12:26 AM
"Holden will be here in Australia producing cars for at least the next 10 years. That's great news. And it's as a result of a more than $1 billion co-investment between the Federal Government, the South Australian Government, the Victorian Government and of course Holden, which is investing strongly in the future of manufacturing Holden cars here in Australia.

So this is a great day for Australian car-making, to be able to announce that Holden will be here for the next decade and we've been able to secure that by working together...
So I'd like to thank Mike for the work that we've been able to do with Holden to secure today's announcement. I'd like to thank Ministers Combet and Carr for their work on today's announcement. I'd like to thank Ian Jones too and the union representatives who are here, people who represent a highly skilled workforce who have wanted to work with us to secure the future, and Premier Weatherill, thank you for playing your part and I'd like to acknowledge too the contribution of the Victorian Government.

Thank you very much."

(transcript of PM Julia Gillard announcement of another taxpayer $275mill co-investment with Holden in March 2012)

13th December 2013, 01:04 AM
Money well spent then

13th December 2013, 07:25 AM
Gone in 2017.

13th December 2013, 08:01 AM
I heard this morning, once AU production stops, GM mentioned they may consider dropping the Holden brand (instead using Chevrolet).

If that happens, i wonder if commodore (or Pontiac) drivers ,will then be removing the chev badge, and replacing it with a Holden one for extra horse power ?

Or would that result in a "reduction" in HP ???, sorry these "stick on" performance mods can get a bit confusing at times.


13th December 2013, 09:58 AM
The days when stickers = hp

Holly sticker 10hp
Yella terra 15 hp
Crow cams 20 hp
Yellow air shocks pumped up so you could see em from the back 50 hp
Cut the exhaust at the diff si it sounded tuff , unlimited hp

13th December 2013, 06:06 PM
Wasted $ IMO no point keeping a company afloat with handouts, why can't I run my business like sh!t and then turn around and get handouts to keep my business operating at a loss.

13th December 2013, 06:46 PM
It is interesting, for the last few months we have noticed that the german car company opel has been advertising in TAS selling what is basically an Astra etc.Though it strange then but now makes sense

13th December 2013, 07:00 PM
They should of gone along time ago, using taxpayers dollars to keep a company going only for them to close shop anyway, Yep that was smart.

Soon there won't be anything made in Australia, 99% of everything still made here can be made elsewhere cheaper.

I say bring in a world currency and world award wages! That will f!ck everything up and allow people to compete on a fair playing field

13th December 2013, 07:05 PM
I thought we were all competing on a level playing field? Or that was the political spin years ago... At least recently, anti-dumping legislation for the wind farm towers has been used in favour of our local engineering firms.

13th December 2013, 07:18 PM
Wasted $ IMO no point keeping a company afloat with handouts, why can't I run my business like sh!t and then turn around and get handouts to keep my business operating at a loss.

They should of gone along time ago, using taxpayers dollars to keep a company going only for them to close shop anyway, Yep that was smart.

Soon there won't be anything made in Australia, 99% of everything still made here can be made elsewhere cheaper.

Australian government subsidises the car industry at around $18 per person per year. USA is over $30 per person and Germany is close to $90 per person. With most developed countries coming somewhere in between.
Subsidies are how a government helps local industry compete on a global stage.
Give Holden more dollars and keep them here I reckon.


13th December 2013, 07:49 PM
And raise import tariffs to equal what our manufacturers pay to sell to their country.
Nothing wrong with a level playing field.
Stop propping up foreign economies while our lot suffer.
And while I'm at it make all govt and govt funded organisations buy Australian made products including there vehicle fleet.

13th December 2013, 07:50 PM
Subsidies are how a government helps local industry compete on a global stage.

I reckon there would be a million+ small business owners out there that would disagree with that statement.

I buy local all the time, and they get it from overseas because it cheaper. Most stuff made in Australia is made from something imported anyway.

13th December 2013, 07:58 PM
I reckon there would be a million+ small business owners out there that would disagree with that statement.

I buy local all the time, and they get it from overseas because it cheaper. Most stuff made in Australia is made from something imported anyway.

I didnt say our system worked well I was more talking about other countries that heavily subsidise their industries. USA farmers and German car companies for example.
I try not to be too negative and try to feel positive for any changes I can make (albeit very small).

13th December 2013, 08:06 PM
All governments subsidise in there own preference of priority, USA would rather subsidise there cars over a better health system.
I think the $ put into Holden could Have been far better spent on all Australians rather than the 2-3000 employees at Holden

13th December 2013, 08:10 PM
At least they have plenty of warning that they will be out of a job....

13th December 2013, 08:10 PM
All governments subsidise in there own preference of priority, USA would rather subsidise there cars over a better health system.
I think the $ put into Holden could Have been far better spent on all Australians rather than the 2-3000 employees at Holden

Yeah valid point there. Maybe it's not the dollar terms im thinking of, maybe it's more that I like to see products and industry that help create our identity to stick around. Anyway I didn't see myself being able to afford a new Holden anytime soon:-(

13th December 2013, 08:14 PM
You might be able to when they are made on foreign shores lol

13th December 2013, 09:33 PM
All governments subsidise in there own preference of priority, USA would rather subsidise there cars over a better health system.
I think the $ put into Holden could Have been far better spent on all Australians rather than the 2-3000 employees at Holden

That money does benefit all Australians as it means there are expert engineers and training available for all manner of things.
Automotive engineering is at the cutting edge of manufacturing and to lose those skills will be a massive downside for our country. Never mind the impact it will have here in Victoria and SA. And if you don't think 30,000 people potentially out of work after Toyota make the decision to shut down (as a flow on from this) and it impacts other indirect industries we are kidding ourselves.
This is a situation that will take decades to recover from. A very bad day indeed.

13th December 2013, 10:14 PM
What about a novel idea.......build quality cars consumers will buy!!! We need to build an Australian car that Australians can be proud of...

13th December 2013, 10:49 PM
When ya boats just been struck worse than titanic you don't keep holding the bucket, you jump and swim for your life.

I also personally think the $$$ poored into the auto industry, not just Holden but Ford and Mitsubishi, has been a huge waste.

We could compete back in the day when there was 4-5 cars of each size in the market.. But now there is 20 odd..

And it was only a matter of time before the companies Holden bought in just cut the middle man, aka opal..

Let em go. It's enevertable. The sooner we stop propping up companies and get this bloody recession, which will hit harder the longer Its left, over and done with the sooner we can start rebuilding..

Its not a fun future.. But it's gotta happen to bring everyone back to reality..

The problem is the gruberment keep selling everything to give the cash away..
So we're going to end up with nothing..
Not a farking thing...

13th December 2013, 10:55 PM
It is a shame we used to always get comidores as company vehicle's but due to no resale value and high running costs put a end to that now we get hyuandi wagons , as a lot of companys and government agencys do , cheep to run and a 5 yr fleet warranty , half the price to buy and get the same as a commodore at resale 3 years later , and I hate to say it my current car has 120k rep use and has stood up very well ,

13th December 2013, 11:01 PM
Australian government subsidises the car industry at around $18 per person per year. USA is over $30 per person and Germany is close to $90 per person. With most developed countries coming somewhere in between.
Subsidies are how a government helps local industry compete on a global stage.
Give Holden more dollars and keep them here I reckon.


Instead of subsidies to the manufacture , why not subsidies the the fleet and businesses to buy a Australian made car ?

13th December 2013, 11:22 PM
It all ends up in one place. That's share holders pockets...

15th December 2013, 11:31 PM
It is interesting, for the last few months we have noticed that the german car company opel has been advertising in TAS selling what is basically an Astra etc.Though it strange then but now makes sense

Astra has been a product of Opel for a long time badged as a Holden.

15th December 2013, 11:37 PM
What about a novel idea.......build quality cars consumers will buy!!! We need to build an Australian car that Australians can be proud of...

It could happen if we could compete price wise. If we all took a pay cut then everything would get cheaper (while still proportional to wage) and manufacturing would be a viable option in Australia. Instead as always (and I'm guilty of this) we want more money but we want to pay less at the same time which doesn't work so manufacturing is sent somewhere cheaper we can keep paying what we want.

It's ashame that Holden (an original Australian brand) won't be no longer.

16th December 2013, 12:05 AM
We have all but lost our car industry, pretty much all are now owned by foreign companies.BWM own Bentley and Land Rover for example.

However, we have huge manufacturing plants here, the likes of Honda,Nissan and Toyota make cars here,employ lots of people and in turn keep the suppliers busy.

I assume this is because we have a good expertise in the area and a good skill level, more importantly, I believe it is because we are not in the Euroo currency.

Do other manufacturers have plants in Aus?

16th December 2013, 05:20 AM
Use to. The old sold up and shipped out years ago. It's ford and Holden left.