View Full Version : My buddy

10th December 2013, 10:17 PM
Hey guys this is my best buddy PJ he is about 10 -11 yrs old and he's doing it a bit tough at the moment he has got this thing attacking the muscles around his mouth which is stopping him from fully opening his jaw its apparently fairly common in dogs around his age so please keep an eye on your dogs cause its treatable if caught early but also while they were doing xrays they found a shadow on his lung which could be cancer. he is having a ct scan tomorrow of his jaw and chest area to determine the best treatment for him but it looks like we caught it early as its very small so hopefully he will be ok just thought I would share this as the dogs suffer no pain with the jaw problem my wife picked it up cause she is always throwing the ball and he would chase it and couldn't pick it up

10th December 2013, 10:25 PM
Best of luck for your mate PJ.....

Let us know how he goes....

10th December 2013, 10:29 PM
Best of luck mate and for your dog hopefully it's not too bad for your buddy

10th December 2013, 10:32 PM
Nice looking dog, hopefully all turns out ok.
My dog is a simular age and will keep an eye out for problems thanks.

10th December 2013, 10:36 PM
Dogs get old way too early. I hope your mate has a many good years in him. Our boxer cross lab has got a tumour growing in between his toes, we have to wait and see if its aggressive or not as we save up to get it removed and sent away for testing.

11th December 2013, 01:00 AM
I so hope all goes well for your buddy PJ mate

11th December 2013, 06:56 AM
Thanks every one for the messages will post how he goes later today just about to drop him off

11th December 2013, 08:59 AM
Dogs get old way too early. I hope your mate has a many good years in him. Our boxer cross lab has got a tumour growing in between his toes, we have to wait and see if its aggressive or not as we save up to get it removed and sent away for testing.

Mudnut good luck with your mate i hope its not aggressive we are most likley looking at around $7000 with surgery but what can you do going to be no fun for our dog jaw is treatable with cortezone injections and the lung with surgery

11th December 2013, 07:39 PM
Just picked him up diagnosis not so good still waiting for a few test results to come back including one from the states not sure why it cant be done here
his jaw will not fully recover but it wont get any worse thankfully its called Masticatory muscle myositis its treated with steroids for a few months should get some improvement but will never fully open again . The lung is a tumour only small and seems to be in the lung only unfortunately they found fluid in his lung as well this has been drained and sent away for testing and its what turns up in the fluid that determines the treatment if its all good its as simple as surgery to remove the affected part of the lung that's what we are hoping for but preparing for the worst

13th December 2013, 11:57 AM
Hey guys unfortunatly its all bad news for my buddy looking at anything from 1-3mnths left for him trying to decide wether its fair to him to to treat him with pallative care for as long as he has or to just let him go so he doesnt have to suffer whats to come just getting an oncologists report to see if surgery will give him more time but not holding any hopes

13th December 2013, 12:32 PM
Hey guys unfortunatly its all bad news for my buddy looking at anything from 1-3mnths left for him trying to decide wether its fair to him to to treat him with pallative care for as long as he has or to just let him go so he doesnt have to suffer whats to come just getting an oncologists report to see if surgery will give him more time but not holding any hopes

Sorry to here that, what a bugger.

13th December 2013, 01:08 PM
Sorry to hear that mate

13th December 2013, 01:20 PM
That's no good, mate, sorry to hear.

13th December 2013, 10:03 PM
Shit mate, so sorry to hear that...........feel for you and PJ

13th December 2013, 10:52 PM
Never good to hear, but do what's right.
Don't prolong the enevertable if he's in pain. Better to go out happy I say.. I hope I can in the future..

Take lots of pics while you can..

14th December 2013, 08:05 AM
Sorry to hear that mate. PJ sounds like a great friend.

14th December 2013, 08:30 AM
Follow your heart, only you know whats right for PJ
Bummer eh
Just this year alone I've had to put 2 of my dogs down
Never good

14th December 2013, 08:59 AM
Thanks three dogs sorry to hear about your 2 dogs I've had dogs all my life and been lucky till now they all lived full lives at the moment he is running around like a pup at least we will have him over Christmas at this stage think he will have chemotherapy either next week or the one after

14th December 2013, 09:24 AM
Never good to hear, but do what's right.
Don't prolong the enevertable if he's in pain. Better to go out happy I say.. I hope I can in the future..

Take lots of pics while you can..

Westy your not wrong hope i get to make the choice of ending it the way i want if I'm unlucky enough to get that sick

14th December 2013, 09:44 AM
Sorry to hear about PJ. We know that you will do whatever is best for him. And only you know whats best.

14th December 2013, 09:46 AM
Always very sad to have sick or dying pets, I've had both.
First, was very sick, couldn't,wouldn't eat, liver not functioning. Was operated on to fix liver problems, plus 6 tablets to medicate to an animal not eating.
Was decided to go back into theatre to place a feeding tube directly into the stomach.
So every day for 3 months had to mash all the food and mash all the tablets into a water goo and syringe feed her twice a day. It took a lot of work to get her back to health, by the way the vet suggested to put her down as the rate of success was very little as she hadn't been eating for weeks (well weeks before we noticed she was thinning) and was extremely weak to begin with.
After two months of tube feeding, she finally started to get some weight back so tube was removed and started mouth syringe feeding to try and get her to eat on her own ( which she didn't ), so the vet suggested we try a human drug to help her appetite. Only took another 4-5 days on the appetite drug and she was eating on her own. That's was 5 yrs ago now and she's still going strong.

Moral of the story is don't give up on them if you don't have too.
Good luck with it all.

14th December 2013, 10:15 AM
Always very sad to have sick or dying pets, I've had both.
First, was very sick, couldn't,wouldn't eat, liver not functioning. Was operated on to fix liver problems, plus 6 tablets to medicate to an animal not eating.
Was decided to go back into theatre to place a feeding tube directly into the stomach.
So every day for 3 months had to mash all the food and mash all the tablets into a water goo and syringe feed her twice a day. It took a lot of work to get her back to health, by the way the vet suggested to put her down as the rate of success was very little as she hadn't been eating for weeks (well weeks before we noticed she was thinning) and was extremely weak to begin with.
After two months of tube feeding, she finally started to get some weight back so tube was removed and started mouth syringe feeding to try and get her to eat on her own ( which she didn't ), so the vet suggested we try a human drug to help her appetite. Only took another 4-5 days on the appetite drug and she was eating on her own. That's was 5 yrs ago now and she's still going strong.

Moral of the story is don't give up on them if you don't have too.
Good luck with it all.

Glad your dog is doing well while we have not given up on him best we can hope for is 3months the cancer is too far advance so we can only make sure he enjoys the time he has left

14th December 2013, 10:17 AM
Glad your dog is doing well while we have not given up on him best we can hope for is 3months the cancer is too far advance so we can only make sure he enjoys the time he has left

Very sad indeed. Hopefully it doesn't drain him too much and can live like a dog should.
Feel for ya mate.

14th December 2013, 10:24 AM
Mate as soon as he looses any quality of life or he starts feeling any pain will be doing the right thing by him

14th December 2013, 03:52 PM
Mate as soon as he looses any quality of life or he starts feeling any pain will be doing the right thing by him

I'm sure that will be a sad and tough day and decision to make.

I know I'll be at that stage with both of my cats soon, both big cats at 5 & 7kgs and 14 yrs of age for both of them.
I know my Missus will be devastated.

14th December 2013, 04:32 PM
Megomonster we had our cat for 19years and had to get her put to sleep that was a hard thing to do

14th December 2013, 05:04 PM
Megomonster we had our cat for 19years and had to get her put to sleep that was a hard thing to do

Speaking to both breeders a few weeks back said they normally get to 16 before arthritis gets a real hold of them being such big heavy boned cats.

15th December 2013, 08:15 PM
Took this today really gunna miss this face

16th December 2013, 10:15 PM
Took this today really gunna miss this face

What a beautiful face on your dog. Is it a Red Heeler

16th December 2013, 10:25 PM
What a beautiful face on your dog. Is it a Red Heeler

He is a blue but as he has gotten older he started to get a see tinge through his coat

16th December 2013, 10:35 PM
He is a blue but as he has gotten older he started to get a see tinge through his coat

I can see why you'd do anything for him. I assume very well trained as they are intelligent animals.

16th December 2013, 10:57 PM
Yeah mate he trains very easy and is just the most gentle dog we have a younger dog a blue/border Collie cross who has never been apart from him in 5years he is going to really del it

16th December 2013, 11:01 PM
Yeah mate he trains very easy and is just the most gentle dog we have a younger dog a blue/border Collie cross who has never been apart from him in 5years he is going to really del it

He'll bounce back quickly.

3rd January 2014, 06:43 PM
just an update unfortunately today we had to say goodbye to our buddy not through the cancer so much but a secondary issue caused by the cancer we had a good morning with him and he really perked up seemed he knew what was going to happen and was happy about it this pic was taken today just before it all happened once again thanks to all for your kind words this forum and its members are just fantastic

3rd January 2014, 06:50 PM
Live with the knowledge that you gave your mate good life.

3rd January 2014, 07:07 PM
Thanks will do that mudnut will take a while to get used to him not being go the yard though

3rd January 2014, 07:17 PM
Sorry to hear mate,

Never nice to lose a mate.

3rd January 2014, 08:49 PM
Bloody hard thing to go through, sorry to hear it mate.

3rd January 2014, 09:31 PM
just an update unfortunately today we had to say goodbye to our buddy not through the cancer so much but a secondary issue caused by the cancer we had a good morning with him and he really perked up seemed he knew what was going to happen and was happy about it this pic was taken today just before it all happened once again thanks to all for your kind words this forum and its members are just fantastic

Sorry to hear mate. Terrible thing saying goodbye.

3rd January 2014, 09:35 PM
Shame mate, sorry to hear the news, never a good thing!!!

Just be glad he had a great life!!!

3rd January 2014, 09:44 PM
Never a nice thing. RIP little fella

4th January 2014, 01:19 AM
Very sorry to hear about your loss.

I know how hard it is as had to do the same with my family boxer.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

4th January 2014, 07:42 AM
Such a shame mate... what a beautiful boy. You'll have heaps of great memories with him I'm sure!