View Full Version : Firmy's big trip.

10th December 2013, 10:39 AM
Well the time has come, on Saturday I will be loading the family in the patrol and heading off on our big trip across Australia and back. I can’t wait for this one, it’s been too long since I’ve done a big trip like this and bec has never driven further than Kalbarri so I’m looking forward to showing her and the kids some of this country that they’ve never seen before.

The plan is to take about 8 days to get over to NSW, we were originally going to stay in tent along the way but decided with the baby it would be best to stay in motels and cabins instead, so it’s going to cost a small fortune but bec will be happy to have a bed and aircon so I guess that means I’ll be happy too.

We are staying in Dubbo for a couple of nights so we can go to the western plains zoo then it’s off to mum and dads place in Wallerawang for xmas for the first time in 11 years. Mums 60th is on new year’s day so i think we will have a quiet new year’s eve and a blinder on new year’s day.:drunk:

After that we are heading down to Melbourne for a couple of days to go to the aquarium and visit some of becs friends that live there now. Then we are going down the great ocean road for a few days, for some reason I’ve always wanted to go to Nelson on the Glenelg River so we will probably stay there a couple of nights and have a look around.

Then we are into SA, don’t really have a plan from here on I think we will just wing it and see where we end up depending on how much time we have left, I have to be home to go back to work on the 22nd of January so we should have a week or so to look around SA before we head back across the Nullarbor and home.

All up about 5 and a half weeks and around 11000km, the kids will be seasoned travellers after this trip and all set to do it again plenty of times in the future(I hope).

Any way sorry to bore you all with my story(if you made it to the end),


10th December 2013, 10:53 AM
have fun mate, make sure the kids have a dvd player to watch or it wont be a pleasant trip. stop off along the nullabor to check out the coastline, its great veiwing, also horrocks pass after you leave port augusta and head for wilmington is a very nice drive, also worth a stop at the lookout for the view. have a great trip.

10th December 2013, 11:16 AM
Sounds like a fantastic trip, you are making the rest of us jealous.
You will love Glenelg river, have been there plenty of times myself canoeing, there are some great spots to along the river to go for a picnic.
If you have time Flinders Ranges is great to look around while in SA, Brachina Gorge is a great drive.
Have fun and take plenty of pics for us to look at.

10th December 2013, 11:27 AM
Sounds fantastic, enjoy your trip.

10th December 2013, 12:01 PM
Bloody awesome mate. Feel free to drop in to mount g for a couple of beers if you like.
If your up for it we could do a bit of beach driving.. The Patrol will be ready by then and I'm sure the father in-law will be up for a day trip..
Or you can explore the underground caves round the area.
Or plenty of fishing spots right along this south eeast coast..

Heaps to do..

10th December 2013, 12:33 PM
Sounds like a good trip if you need anything while you're in Melb give me a bell.
Are you servicing at any stage or just waiting till you get home, stay safe

10th December 2013, 01:15 PM
Sounds like a good trip if you need anything while you're in Melb give me a bell.
Are you servicing at any stage or just waiting till you get home, stay safe

Thanks for the offer mate will keep it in mind if i need anything. i will be taking everything to do a service with me so i might just do it at my oldies place should be around the 5000km mark when i am there.

10th December 2013, 01:22 PM
Bloody awesome mate. Feel free to drop in to mount g for a couple of beers if you like.

I do like beer so I might just do that. A day trip sounds good too mate I will see how we are traveling and let you know closer to then.

10th December 2013, 02:00 PM
Have a great trip & stop often to ‘smell the roses’. The journey is the destination. Avoid ‘white line fever’ - better to enjoy what you see than to see stuff you don’t enjoy ‘cos you’re too knackered & still on ‘gottagetthere time’. Don’t forget the pics to make us all jealous.


10th December 2013, 02:06 PM
How are you front brake pads the Great Ocean Road will test them .?

10th December 2013, 02:58 PM
It will be a great trip. When you have finished with the great ocean road, you will almost be going past my front door. If you haven't been to my corner of Vic, there's plenty to have a squiz at. Tours to a seal colony, historic tram ride, the port the beaches, many tracks and plenty of good food.

10th December 2013, 06:19 PM
I do like beer so I might just do that. A day trip sounds good too mate I will see how we are traveling and let you know closer to then.

Sounds good mate.

10th December 2013, 06:20 PM
Have a great trip mate, you know the rules once you have posted this...

Daily reports and photos to rub it in...lol...To say I'm jealous is an understatement....Enjoy every moment bud!

10th December 2013, 06:22 PM
I am very jealous mate and hope to do the same in the future...

I wish you and you family a safe journey and enjoy every minute.

10th December 2013, 06:29 PM
Mate sounds amazing! Jealous :D Enjoy the trip with the family and show us some pics when you all get back

10th December 2013, 07:26 PM
I am very jealous mate and hope to do the same in the future...

I wish you and you family a safe journey and enjoy every minute.

You'll be doing it backwards but.

But yea, I'd love to do it to..

10th December 2013, 07:50 PM
We won't be going anywhere if this bloody rain doesn't stop and I can't get off this mine site tomorow. Airstrip is washed out and the only road out of here is now closed. Faarrrk it.

14th December 2013, 12:47 PM
And we're off

14th December 2013, 01:44 PM
good luck and safe trip

14th December 2013, 02:29 PM
Safe trip mate, enjoy it......photos please

14th December 2013, 02:47 PM
And a touch of tinsel for the season... Nice.

Enjoy it mate. I'm jealous that's for sure.

15th December 2013, 12:04 AM
And a touch of tinsel for the season... Nice.

Enjoy it mate. I'm jealous that's for sure.

The kids almost begged me to decorate the car so I gave in the end. The tinsel only lasted 21 kms on the freeway then fell apart so it's all gone now.

Day 1 done. Only got as far as coolgardie but we didn't get away until 10 am so that's not too bad. Kids went ok in the car today, I think I might start a website or a book or something about each towns playgrounds with a rating system and reviews cause I think we will be stopping at a bloody lot of them in the next few weeks.

15th December 2013, 02:21 PM
Many who do travel do document something. Not as silly as it sounds..

15th December 2013, 02:27 PM
I thoroughly recommend keeping some sort of account, whether a blog (plenty of freebies), a web site or even just a few notes scribbled in a notebook. It's amazing how much stuff you forget if you don't. I still often remind myself of stuff by looking at my travel blog, which of course always jogs further memories. It can be a bit of a chore at times, but the effort is repaid many times over in the years following. Your kids will love reading it some day.

Safe travels

17th December 2013, 08:52 PM
The last time I crossed the nullarbor I was on my own driving my XB GT falcon this time in the patrol with the family and one kid with gastro. Which time do you reckon was more enjoyable?

Anyway after shit loads of spew stops and cleaning of car seat stops we have made it to port Augusta safe and sound and the spewing has finally stopped.

17th December 2013, 09:01 PM
Poor little thing. Never nice. But good to hear there well now...

I'm guessing this trip was the better one??

17th December 2013, 10:32 PM
Yeh I was gonna say a trip by yourself in an xbgt! I would hate that lol

17th December 2013, 11:00 PM
Poor little thing. Never nice. But good to hear there well now...

I'm guessing this trip was the better one??

She did such a good job hardly any complaints except while she was spewing. If it was her sister we never would've gotten anywhere. God I hope she doesn't get it now.

18th December 2013, 12:28 PM
The kids almost begged me to decorate the car so I gave in the end. The tinsel only lasted 21 kms on the freeway then fell apart so it's all gone now.

Day 1 done. Only got as far as coolgardie but we didn't get away until 10 am so that's not too bad. Kids went ok in the car today, I think I might start a website or a book or something about each towns playgrounds with a rating system and reviews cause I think we will be stopping at a bloody lot of them in the next few weeks.

hey the kids parks is a good idea,also we have used the local school playgrounds while traveling,so if they have no park go check out the local primary..hey and enjoy your trip mate.

18th December 2013, 12:35 PM
get some wet wipes and make sure the kids are always washing their hands , Damn that gastro, hate it with a passion.
any idea of fuel figure yet?? We video taped our Cape York trip in "83 now its on CD love recapping but its 4 bloody hours long

18th December 2013, 05:52 PM
Made it to NSW today staying the night at broken hill. And no spewing today except from the mrs when I made her go to the Peterborough railway museum. 38078

19th December 2013, 10:23 PM
Just worked out my fuel figures so far.
Perth to Dubbo= 3345km according to my odo running 285/70R17 tyres. Used 577 litres of diesel.

2 adults 3 kids cargo area loaded right up and roof rack fully loaded not towing anything.

Averaged 17.2L/100km
best 15.2L/100
worst 19.5L/100

Dearest $1.96/L @Mundrabilla roadhouse
Cheapest $1.629/L @Ceduna

I was hoping to get better consumption than this but I don't think it's too bad considering the bloody wind we've been driving into.

20th December 2013, 06:45 AM
Just worked out my fuel figures so far.
Perth to Dubbo= 3345km according to my odo running 285/70R17 tyres. Used 577 litres of diesel.

2 adults 3 kids cargo area loaded right up and roof rack fully loaded not towing anything.

Averaged 17.2L/100km
best 15.2L/100
worst 19.5L/100

Dearest $1.96/L @Mundrabilla roadhouse
Cheapest $1.629/L @Ceduna

I was hoping to get better consumption than this but I don't think it's too bad considering the bloody wind we've been driving into.

Those figures are about right for the load you were carting.

20th December 2013, 07:18 AM
great thread to date, look forward to following your travels ... be safe

20th December 2013, 10:43 AM
Just worked out my fuel figures so far.
Perth to Dubbo= 3345km according to my odo running 285/70R17 tyres. Used 577 litres of diesel.

2 adults 3 kids cargo area loaded right up and roof rack fully loaded not towing anything.

Averaged 17.2L/100km
best 15.2L/100
worst 19.5L/100

Dearest $1.96/L @Mundrabilla roadhouse
Cheapest $1.629/L @Ceduna

I was hoping to get better consumption than this but I don't think it's too bad considering the bloody wind we've been driving into.

just think it will even up on the way home hopefully it will be a tail wind, lucky you didnt stop at Madura Pass it was over $2.20 when i went through last.

27th December 2013, 07:38 PM
Staying in a hotel in north Sydney for a few nights luckily I found out the car park clearance before I got here its only 2.1M but it tapers down to 1.9M in places. I took the roof rack off at my oldies place before we came so I fitted ok but fark this car park is tight to get around in definitely not designed for patrols. 38412

30th December 2013, 09:00 PM
Did a couple of hot laps of mount panorama today just a little bit slower than the old days of my old XE 351 falcon on a Saturday night. Kids thought it was pretty cool driving on a real race track especially going through the dipper.

3rd January 2014, 10:30 AM
Patrols all packed up again ready to set off on leg 2 off our journey Victoria here we come.

8th January 2014, 10:38 PM
Just spent two nights at a place called fauna Australia wildlife retreat at lavers hill on the great ocean road. Pretty cool place to stay if you have kids or just like animals its like an animal park but it's only for the people staying there.

My kids loved it they got to cuddle a couple of koalas so they were pretty excited. Lavers hill is a good spot to stop if you want to spend a few days looking around because it's centrally located for most of the main touristy things in the area. We went on the otway fly tree top walk which was real good but bloody hard yakka pushing a pram up and down those hills the tree top section was worth it but3892738928
Also went out to the cape otway light station which is pretty awesome if your into lighthouses like me, I got shitloads of photos but there on my other camera so I will put some on here when I get home. On the way to cape otway there are thousands of gum trees that have been completely striped bare by koalas they are literally eating themselves out of a home, pretty amazing sight definitely don't get that in WA.

Today we went to the 12 apostles and all the other backpacker hot spots along the way
Then we decided fark it we only live once so we went for a helicopter flight over the 12 apostles and London bridge bloody brilliant it was cost a small fortune but totally worth it
Kids got there first ride in a chopper which they haven't shut up about since.

Anyway hope I haven't bored any one too much, staying in Portland tonight and into SA tomorrow.

8th January 2014, 11:21 PM
Definitely not bored here bud, you keep em coming mate?

8th January 2014, 11:39 PM
Good stuff mate, that great ocean road is pretty good eh and good to see the kids enjoying the trip too!

9th January 2014, 12:37 AM
Awesome stuff mate.
We looked at the Heli flights a few years back when doing the south section of the road. Nit wrong about a small fortune.

So any plans for the first stint in sa?

9th January 2014, 06:36 AM
Awesome stuff mate.
We looked at the Heli flights a few years back when doing the south section of the road. Nit wrong about a small fortune.

So any plans for the first stint in sa?

No plans really mate we are heading towards Murray bridge to go to the monarto zoo and check out the Murray. Not sure what we will do between here and there. Any recommendations around mount gambier other than the blue lake?

9th January 2014, 10:20 AM
I always go to the sunken gardens in Mt Gambier, they never cease to amaze me when i am there, also the caves on the way to kingston cant remember i think it tantanoola worth a look if you are there.

9th January 2014, 10:27 AM
As Stropp said, Umpherston sinkhole is amazing, Piccaninnie Ponds are worth a look and Princess Margret Rose Caves on Glenelg River is impressive.

9th January 2014, 02:47 PM
No plans really mate we are heading towards Murray bridge to go to the monarto zoo and check out the Murray. Not sure what we will do between here and there. Any recommendations around mount gambier other than the blue lake?

Yea mate check out the sink holes.
As your coming in in the dual hwy you'll see the lady Nelson (big flag sailing ship) on your right.
That's the local info Centre and they'll point you in the right direction for the caves. If you hit the MacDonalds round about you have gone to far..

If your keen to do a cave walk the Engelbretch cave is a must.. A small cost but guided tour.

Then if you wish to carry on the coast route the tantanola caves, but I'd suggest go inland and visit the naracourte caves.
Again a small fee but a great day, 4-5 different caves and a pretty cool expo center..

If you guys want gentle river cruze drop into Nelson before you get here, grab a river ride on the Endeavour and visit the princess Margaret rose caves.

Heaps to do. And your sticking to black top.
Got some of the best beach driving in aus along down this way. Sure items Fraser island, but great driving..

9th January 2014, 03:52 PM
Yea mate check out the sink holes.
As your coming in in the dual hwy you'll see the lady Nelson (big flag sailing ship) on your right.
That's the local info Centre and they'll point you in the right direction for the caves. If you hit the MacDonalds round about you have gone to far..

If your keen to do a cave walk the Engelbretch cave is a must.. A small cost but guided tour.

Then if you wish to carry on the coast route the tantanola caves, but I'd suggest go inland and visit the naracourte caves.
Again a small fee but a great day, 4-5 different caves and a pretty cool expo center..

If you guys want gentle river cruze drop into Nelson before you get here, grab a river ride on the Endeavour and visit the princess Margaret rose caves.

Heaps to do. And your sticking to black top.
Got some of the best beach driving in aus along down this way. Sure items Fraser island, but great driving..

Thanks for the info Kallen. We stopped at Nelson for lunch on the river pretty nice spot. Got to mt gambier and decided to stay the night. Went for a look at the lakes and only made it as far as a big arse play ground at valley lake kids are running off some steam which is good.

9th January 2014, 07:56 PM
As Stropp said, Umpherston sinkhole is amazing, Piccaninnie Ponds are worth a look and Princess Margret Rose Caves on Glenelg River is impressive.

Yes, the Princess Margret Rose caves are bloody great.

9th January 2014, 08:41 PM
I was going to say definitely stop at Piccaninnie Ponds but you have already gone through....

Naracoorte Caves are worth a look, as is a beach drive from Beachport to Robe, although the Robe end can be fairly treacherous and you don't want to be on your own ... trust me.


9th January 2014, 08:53 PM
Didn't realise you were here tonight. Woulda offered a beer and bbq.. But I'm about to head Off to work..

A couple of night things to do..
Humperston caves sometimes have possums out. A nice night like this they should be out and about.

But also the town center has a sound and light show in the cave gardens.

Enjoy the stay mate.

9th January 2014, 09:09 PM
Didn't realise you were here tonight. Woulda offered a beer and bbq.. But I'm about to head Off to work..

A couple of night things to do..
Humperston caves sometimes have possums out. A nice night like this they should be out and about.

But also the town center has a sound and light show in the cave gardens.

Enjoy the stay mate.

My bad mate I wasn't sure if we were going to stop here or not I should've let you know earlier but when we got here and had a bit of a look around we couldn't go on with out stopping for the night. I think I have found my new favorite country town the old buildings are amazing especially the pubs we had dinner at Jens hotel one of the best looking old pubs I've ever seen.

9th January 2014, 10:03 PM
Have to stay another day now....

9th January 2014, 10:19 PM
Have a fantastic time! Stay safe.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2

9th January 2014, 10:32 PM
My bad mate I wasn't sure if we were going to stop here or not I should've let you know earlier but when we got here and had a bit of a look around we couldn't go on with out stopping for the night. I think I have found my new favorite country town the old buildings are amazing especially the pubs we had dinner at Jens hotel one of the best looking old pubs I've ever seen.

Yea it is like a big country town.
A little embarrassing as it was SA's second city till a few years ago..
The old buildings are well looked after.
In the morning head on up to the old hospital which is finally coming down.
Top of the hill, lake tce runs along the front of it.
A bit sad as its a lot of history, but it was an eye sore. Only shut around 15 years ago and was well known as a paranormal chasers heaven.. Lol

Anyway enjoy the stay. Always next time..

Fyi, I woulda gone Jens over a bbq anyway lol

10th January 2014, 10:43 PM
Loved Mt Gambier, I will definitely be going back there for a longer stay next time we are over this way. The sinkholes are amazing and the blue lake is pretty spectacular aswell.

We are in Adelaide now for a couple of nights and have decided to head back to WA a bit quicker than planed due to the hot weather that's we will be getting on the way home. For some reason my wife doesn't want put up with to many days of mid 40 temps, and 5 weeks in the car with two 4 year olds and a 14 week old baby is starting to wear a bit thin, so instead of a few days at streaky bay with 40+ deg days we reckon we might push it a bit and have a few days in Esperance where it should be a fair bit cooler by the time we get there.

10th January 2014, 10:50 PM
Loved Mt Gambier, I will definitely be going back there for a longer stay next time we are over this way. The sinkholes are amazing and the blue lake is pretty spectacular aswell.

We are in Adelaide now for a couple of nights and have decided to head back to WA a bit quicker than planed due to the hot weather that's we will be getting on the way home. For some reason my wife doesn't want put up with to many days of mid 40 temps, and 5 weeks in the car with two 4 year olds and a 14 week old baby is starting to wear a bit thin, so instead of a few days at streaky bay with 40+ deg days we reckon we might push it a bit and have a few days in Esperance where it should be a fair bit cooler by the time we get there.

Pity you are going to miss out on Streaky Bay, it is great over there and the oysters are as good as they get.

10th January 2014, 10:54 PM
Yes I would play it by ear, if the temps are reasonable I would go streaky bay over esperance any day hot or not, hire a aircon cabin :)

10th January 2014, 11:00 PM
Pity you are going to miss out on Streaky Bay, it is great over there and the oysters are as good as they get.

Yeah it's a shame but we(my wife) decided that we(she) wouldn't enjoy it that much when its 43 deg. Will just have to put it on the list for next time. I think I may have talked her into going to Esperance instead so it's not all bad.

10th January 2014, 11:00 PM
Always next time. Hope you enjoyed the stay.
Yea you picked a bad time for travel, it's humid down this way.
Enjoy the drive home..

10th January 2014, 11:10 PM
Yes I would play it by ear, if the temps are reasonable I would go streaky bay over esperance any day hot or not, hire a aircon cabin :)

Gotta keep the mrs happy, breast feeding hormones and hot weather aren't a good mix at the moment. lol

And going to Esperance means I can see wave rock on the way home. Another sight to tick off the list.

14th January 2014, 10:56 PM
Glad to be back to the real world now I can wash all that eastern states filth off 39169

14th January 2014, 11:07 PM
I'm looking forward to the day when I can start undertaking trips like this

15th January 2014, 12:47 AM
Yes clunk after the meetup in the middle I think we should look at a Victorian high country trip :)

15th January 2014, 01:00 AM
Yes clunk after the meetup in the middle I think we should look at a Victorian high country trip :)

Sounds like plan but it's something I won't be doing in the present clunker lol

15th January 2014, 10:17 PM
Ah well save your pennies for a reliable clunker :)

15th January 2014, 10:19 PM
Welcome home mate, glad to have you back all safe

15th January 2014, 10:23 PM
Ah well save your pennies for a reliable clunker :)

Already in the process mate

16th January 2014, 12:12 AM
Already in the process mate

A nice reliable gu;)

16th January 2014, 12:14 AM
A nice reliable gu;)

I'm saying nothing

16th January 2014, 08:55 AM
I'm saying nothing

C'mon mate, you know you wanna.

16th January 2014, 03:28 PM
of course he does.

17th January 2014, 02:34 AM
C'mon mate, you know you wanna.

of course he does.

Well I guess all that plastic might help me bounce up some of these tracks

17th January 2014, 11:18 AM
Well I guess all that plastic might help me bounce up some of these tracks

Don't do it Son. You'll never live it down.
Bit like buying a prado. Sure it's a landcruiser... BUT..

17th January 2014, 02:09 PM
Don't do it Son. You'll never live it down.
Bit like buying a prado. Sure it's a landcruiser... BUT..

ha ha westy its like everyone, sooner or later you have to step out of the stone age and into something more reliable and comfortable like a vintage model lol.

17th January 2014, 06:08 PM
ha ha westy its like everyone, sooner or later you have to step out of the stone age and into something more reliable and comfortable like a vintage model lol.

Still gq td42 ticks both those boxes.. Lol
Sometimes you have to step back to step up.. :D

18th January 2014, 12:32 AM
Holidays almost done:) Only 160 kms from home tonight at the inlaws in Brookton.

Spent the last 3 nights in Esperance, what a great place I've been there before but it was becs first time there and she fell in love with the place which isn't hard to do, the beaches there are the best beaches I have ever seen by far not the best pics but it's all I've got on the phone
We have been thinking of leaving Perth for a while now, we may have found our new home.

Stopped at wave rock on the way here, pretty awesome rock to have a look at

Tomorrow it will be all over, 10000 kms 35 nights stayed in 19 places and a shit load of fuel. Traveling with two 4 year olds and a now 14 week old baby, doable but bloody hard. Was it worth it,absolutely!

I will put up some more pics when I get home and plug my camera into the puter.

18th January 2014, 12:38 AM
Great pics again, very envious of the trip you have done.

18th January 2014, 01:09 AM
Good stuff mate and the best part you did it in a patrol!

18th January 2014, 11:08 PM
Made it home today. Sad that it's all over but after 5 weeks with the kids in the car I'm pretty happy to be home again. Sitting on my own lounge is pretty awesome aswell. Not looking forward to cleaning out the car tomorrow.

19th January 2014, 07:14 AM
I'm saying nothing

I will, GU..GU..GU

21st January 2014, 12:37 AM
Edit. photos look shithouse cause they are compressed to much I will try again

21st January 2014, 01:49 AM
Try again....

22nd January 2014, 01:07 AM
Great photos mate, well done.

22nd January 2014, 06:20 AM
Good to hear you made it back safe and sane.. Lol

Have you worked out mileage cost or usage for the trip?

And is there anything you'd do different next time??

22nd January 2014, 09:14 AM
Awesome scenery, great photos. Cheers mate

22nd January 2014, 09:17 AM
Love the shots from the Helicopter

23rd January 2014, 12:35 AM
Good to hear you made it back safe and sane.. Lol

Have you worked out mileage cost or usage for the trip?

And is there anything you'd do different next time??

Fuel usage for the trip minus the last drive from Esperance to Perth was 1485 litres for 8873 km which is 16.74 L/100km. That's off my odometer which reads less than it should so the actual kms should read more but I can't be arsed working that out so I will stick with 16.74 L/100km.
Cost for diesel was $2493.

Things I would do differently next time.
Take my own accommodation( hopefully have a camper trailer one day)
Haven't worked out accommodation costs but it was a bloody lot.

Would've liked more time in most places so more time would be good

Christmas holidays suck to do any touring around because most accommodation had to be booked in advance to get anywhere decent which limited what we could do before we had to be at the next place we were staying.

Leave the kids at home...or wait till their older. They will probably be adults before we do anything like this again lol.


23rd January 2014, 06:49 AM
Thanks for that. I was working off 15/100 for a future trip, so glad I asked.

But you actually did better than you though. I've assumed you run 33" tyres.
So real k's travelled jump to 9445, and fuel usage drops to 15.8/100k..
Which is good..

And I'll agree with you that you pick pic a shit of a time to take a spur of the moment trip. Lol

23rd January 2014, 08:52 AM
Is your fuel usage based on bitumen roads?

23rd January 2014, 09:04 AM
Is your fuel usage based on bitumen roads?

Yeah mate 95% on bitumen roads traveling at 100-110 kph the couple of times I went a bit faster say 120 the I could almost watch the fuel gauge go down.

23rd January 2014, 09:07 AM
Thanks, I thought it too good economy to be on the dirt, I get about the same loaded

23rd January 2014, 09:19 AM
And I'll agree with you that you pick pic a shit of a time to take a spur of the moment trip. Lol

We had no choice this time cause the main reason for the trip was to go home for Christmas and my mums birthday. But yeah I don't want to be doing any thing like this again in christmas holiday time.

23rd January 2014, 09:59 AM
Fuel usage for the trip minus the last drive from Esperance to Perth was 1485 litres for 8873 km which is 16.74 L/100km. That's off my odometer which reads less than it should so the actual kms should read more but I can't be arsed working that out so I will stick with 16.74 L/100km.
Cost for diesel was $2493.

Things I would do differently next time.
Take my own accommodation( hopefully have a camper trailer one day)
Haven't worked out accommodation costs but it was a bloody lot.

Would've liked more time in most places so more time would be good

Christmas holidays suck to do any touring around because most accommodation had to be booked in advance to get anywhere decent which limited what we could do before we had to be at the next place we were staying.

Leave the kids at home...or wait till their older. They will probably be adults before we do anything like this again lol.


It is interesting to see your fuel economy, I did a trip from Adelaide to Fraser and back last year and averaged 17.5 L/100km towing camper trailer and loaded roof rack.
Your figures would suggest that the roof rack makes more difference than towing a camper.

Driving over to Geelong I got 11.2 L/100km with no trailer or roof rack.

Our holidays are now kid free and with camper and it is definitely more enjoyable and much less stress but I did enjoy the trips when the kids were young and they still talk about them years latter.

23rd January 2014, 10:04 AM
It is interesting to see your fuel economy, I did a trip from Adelaide to Fraser and back last year and averaged 17.5 L/100km towing camper trailer and loaded roof rack.
Your figures would suggest that the roof rack makes more difference than towing a camper.

Driving over to Geelong I got 11.2 L/100km with no trailer or roof rack.

Our holidays are now kid free and with camper and it is definitely more enjoyable and much less stress but I did enjoy the trips when the kids were young and they still talk about them years latter.

Father in-law has noticed roughly 1-1.5L/100 K increases when adding roof rack or camper for each.
So if you have rack and trailer then is 2-3L increase. I guess if you stick to 100km/h it'll drop back again, and his figures are from a TD prado auto trans On 32" tyres..

23rd January 2014, 11:05 AM
I am glad you made it home, happy and healthy. There is so much to see in our great land that the stuff you missed will be there for the next trip.

23rd January 2014, 12:09 PM
It is interesting to see your fuel economy, I did a trip from Adelaide to Fraser and back last year and averaged 17.5 L/100km towing camper trailer and loaded roof rack.
Your figures would suggest that the roof rack makes more difference than towing a camper.

Driving over to Geelong I got 11.2 L/100km with no trailer or roof rack.

Our holidays are now kid free and with camper and it is definitely more enjoyable and much less stress but I did enjoy the trips when the kids were young and they still talk about them years latter.

That's good to know mate, i am hoping to get a camper soonish and was wondering what sort of fuel usage I would expect. I'd be happy with 17.5/100 for sure.

I've never gotten as good as 11.2/100 best I get 13.5/100.

Is yours auto or manual?

23rd January 2014, 12:33 PM
That's good to know mate, i am hoping to get a camper soonish and was wondering what sort of fuel usage I would expect. I'd be happy with 17.5/100 for sure.

I've never gotten as good as 11.2/100 best I get 13.5/100.

Is yours auto or manual?
Mine is a manual and I usually sit on 100km/h.

23rd January 2014, 12:37 PM
Mine is a manual and I usually sit on 100km/h.

Cheers mate, mine is auto so I don't think I will ever be getting 11.2/100:(