View Full Version : need bench seat for my GU6

10th December 2013, 06:09 AM
g'day gents, wondering if there is anyone out there that would want to swap all parts involved in changing my buckets (that are like new) to a bench seat arrangement. they will also get a RMW canvas seat cover to suit the bucket and i would also be willing to travel but not inter state so anyone who can help me out please give me a buzz as my family has grown and i need the extra seat cheers...G

31st December 2013, 05:44 AM
still need one gents
g'day gents, wondering if there is anyone out there that would want to swap all parts involved in changing my buckets (that are like new) to a bench seat arrangement. they will also get a RMW canvas seat cover to suit the bucket and i would also be willing to travel but not inter state so anyone who can help me out please give me a buzz as my family has grown and i need the extra seat cheers...G

31st December 2013, 06:55 AM
PM sent, mine is a 2005 GU also.

Sorry mate only saw this thismorning

31st December 2013, 06:58 AM
made my day Macca, pay it forward

1st January 2014, 06:00 AM
Graham I will get the seat/s out of the shed and the seatbelts etc that go with it.
It did have a seat cover but I now remember giving it to a mate so I will have to check what state its in.
Will put up some photos on here for you to assess.
The network is working a treat TD, what do you reckon?

1st January 2014, 02:12 PM
Here you are Graham,
Seat, Belts and gear shift surround.
The seat and belts could do with a good clean as they have been on the storage shelf in the roof of my shed for 3 years.
Will try cleaning the belts for you but the seats will probably need to be done with a upholstery cleaning machine at a car wash, be a better looking job. Could always fit a seat cover.

1st January 2014, 03:03 PM
Are the bolts stuck in the back of the seatbelts?

Macca, could I trouble you for a closeup photo of how the two stalks fit together at the bolt end: ie spacers / washers?

1st January 2014, 04:02 PM
Are the bolts stuck in the back of the seatbelts?

Macca, could I trouble you for a closeup photo of how the two stalks fit together at the bolt end: ie spacers / washers?

Not sure if that's how it was as I pulled it apart to get it through the seat. The centre One are both marked "centre".

1st January 2014, 05:17 PM
A thousand thanks!

I'm doing the same as the op, putting in a 3/4 bench seat. I have the seat, but needed confirmation about the seatbelts, specifically what hardware was used with the bolts. Now I know the bolts, seatbelts and hardware I'm looking for.

Yes I don't think they are in original order, but the arrangement is fairly logical. .

1st January 2014, 05:20 PM
P4trol, One of the pieces that bolt to the floor has a washer as part of it, the black one in the pic.

Graham I gernied the belts and they look a lot better.

2nd January 2014, 09:25 AM
Cheers Iain just let me know when is a good time to drop up , I really appreciate everything mate

2nd January 2014, 11:34 AM
I will be home all weekend of the 18th January working on mates camper.
Does that suit you? Got the tools so it won't take long to do, then you can take the kids to the beach. All good mate

2nd January 2014, 09:27 PM
Corrected date to 18th.
I'm on holiday till the 12th you can pick up the seats before then if you want. Give us a call 1st and I'll make sure I'm home

3rd January 2014, 12:04 PM
Will have to get back to you on that need some time to work some stuff out, cheers G

13th January 2014, 08:06 PM
We swapped it out today, piece of piss as they say.
Im real happy with what was left in my shed and the bits that were to go into the ute are now in place and look great.
Hope Graham and Kelly are just as happy.
Thanks mate great to meet you two as well.

15th January 2014, 08:13 AM
Absolutely stoked mate! Couldn't be happier with the exchange as you said was a piece of piss. I can now take all the grubs in the same car instead of taking two. Was great to meet you too mate and it is a great example of how well the forum works thanks again mate me Kelly and I are very happy cheers G....
We swapped it out today, piece of piss as they say.
Im real happy with what was left in my shed and the bits that were to go into the ute are now in place and look great.
Hope Graham and Kelly are just as happy.
Thanks mate great to meet you two as well.

15th January 2014, 08:16 AM
Absolutely stoked mate! Couldn't be happier with the exchange as you said was a piece of piss. I can now take all the grubs in the same car instead of taking two. Was great to meet you too mate and it is a great example of how well the forum works thanks again mate me Kelly and I are very happy cheers G....

Hahahah all three of us are stoked!

15th January 2014, 02:57 PM
Hahahah all three of us are stoked!

Real good to hear all of you are stoked LOL

9th February 2014, 03:01 PM
This is what I'm talking about Graham

16th February 2014, 01:31 PM
thanks anyway Macca, i don't smoke so won't be need'n the ashey mine has a panel there minus the tray so i think i will leave it as is, cheers G