View Full Version : GQ transfer case rear output seal leak

2nd December 2013, 06:45 PM

I've just notice a leak coming from the rear of the transfer case, mostly covering the handbrake drum.

Unfortunately for me my mate who looks after my car mechanically is out of contact for a few weeks and obviously this time of year I want to take the family away over Xmas so I'm keen to get it fixed.

Before I get reamed by the local mechanic, how big of a job is replacing the seal?

Is it box out or just a matter of removing the rear shaft?

The seal itself is not a big cost from patrolapart etc so no biggie there.

Thanks in advance.

2nd December 2013, 10:17 PM
Couldn't tell you unfortunately, hopefully one of our learned friends might be able to offer some insight

2nd December 2013, 10:54 PM
Hey mate your up to [post 33 have you tried to download the manual and had a look see ya self...I tackled something recently and it was a godsent piece of info...look it up mate might might help you out and it'll come in handy

2nd December 2013, 11:50 PM
Hey guys, I did a bit of digging around the interwebz and although I didn't get a definitive answer I sort of got the impression it was a few hours in labour for a fix.
wa 489, I've got the manual downloaded and it has helped me out before and I did have a look but between space and tools I'm sort of pushing poo up hill with this job I reckon, I think I spied your shed in that rustyboner guys thead, jealous!!
Anyway, I went to a couple of local guys not far away in myaree, one didn't want to touch it and the other guy was thinking a few hours labour, worst case there might be some scoring but no biggie to fix, and if I supplied the seal it'd be circa $250 so for ease I think I'll head down that path.
Happy to be steered away though if any other input!

4th December 2013, 07:48 PM
Ok, for future reference, dropped the car off at 1:30 today, picked it up at 4pm.

Cost me $255 including a refill of oil as the stuff in there was showing water contamination. ( something I don't have to worry about for a while now )

May as well give these guys a plug for the Perthites, they are a family run / owned business and they even chucked in a 2014 calendar with a fancy car each month, although I would have preferred boobs.



5th December 2013, 07:52 AM
Always good to find a mechanic who won't rip you off :)