View Full Version : Any reptile lovers / keepers on the forum???

26th November 2013, 07:26 PM
Hi all,

After scoring some free but damaged terrariums from work :) I was curious 2 know if any of you guys / girlz are into reptiles and have your own setups and what are you keeping?

All the ones I have ( various sizes ) have one smashed glass door. I am going to either replace the glass or get perspex. I have managed to get this one complete out of 2 damages ones the same size lucky for me it was opposite doors :)

Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I know the missus won't let me get a snake, not sure why though :(:(:(


26th November 2013, 07:42 PM
I am not into it but have this , it was to be removed and a Window put in but never happened . Goes through the wall . Makes a great feature with rubber snakes in it37365

26th November 2013, 07:57 PM
Love em. Fav is the bearded Dragon.
But have never kept any.
Well, had a blue tongue lizard when I was 6, but not captive. He just hung around and ate the crickets.

Snakes don't bother me either, but I let them be..

26th November 2013, 07:57 PM
I am not into it but have this , it was to be removed and a Window put in but never happened . Goes through the wall . Makes a great feature with rubber snakes in it

Need 2 swap out those rubber snakes for some real ones :)

26th November 2013, 08:09 PM
Need 2 swap out those rubber snakes for some real ones :)

Yeah not going to happen . Got a carpet hanging around the shed at the moment that's enough keeps the mice away

26th November 2013, 08:41 PM
No reptiles just a 6foot tropical fish tank