View Full Version : LWB springs in a SWB GQ....?

24th November 2013, 05:46 AM
I'm no expert .... far from it. and I've been told that you can put LWB springs in a SWB patrol and it will give it a "little" bit of lift without the need to replace the shocks. Now the amount of lift I've been told is only and inch or two at most. The reason I'm asking is my GQ SWB springs and not what they use to be and I can get a pair of good condition LWB springs also from a GQ for basically nothing...... Any thought s on this.... I don't have the cash for new shocks and springs so hence the offer of some free LWB springs sounds good but sometimes things (in this case springs) may bee too good to be true

24th November 2013, 08:29 AM
They will go straight in. Likely give you no extra lift. They will be a heavier rate spring so may be a little firmer. You might get some lift and better ride just on the basis of your springs being flogged.

Will take an hour or so to swap over and you have nothing to loose.

24th November 2013, 08:31 AM
Mate they should swap straight over, and, depending on the contrition of the lwb springs, it may give you a slight lift, as the swb is lighter. Springs from a gu will also fit.

However you might find that your shocks will be stuffed aswell as the springs, so be prepared for that. If the shocks are fine then you will be able to use them no worries.


24th November 2013, 05:00 PM
Hey cheers for that. Hope the shocks are ok but if not will have to look at getting some newer ones. So just to confirm springs on the LWB and SWB are the same length but just stiffer on the LWB.... I get a big of rear sag especially when going 4WD for a few days with the extra fuel in the back and the high lift jack, food, camping stuff etc.

24th November 2013, 05:12 PM
The ride height should be the same but maybe youll get a little lift out of it purely as the wagon is heavier