View Full Version : Traditions

15th November 2013, 04:40 PM
So we all have them. With family or friends. So what are yours??
And keep em clean please.

My young family love doing pancakes or something along those lines every Sunday morning.
It's amazing how many different styles or pancakes there are and toppings. My fav so far is maple syrup and crispy bacon..
Sweet and salty. Nice.

Also my mate's and the family try and meet up around Victor harbour area for the October long weekend. Have missed a few due to New borns but it's great to kick back and go wine and food tasting..

15th November 2013, 04:44 PM
Got many! Some ranging from my background and others just ... became traditions over time.
Most notable ones I can think of instantly are ... Mum's every sunday without fail, can't beat mums sunday lunch!!! Annual gold coast trip around feb-march, haven't missed this for 10 years. Annual great ocean road drive with as many family members as we can gather. Generally around 4-5 vehicles, with picnic, lunch etc along the way... This one goes back as far as 1995, never missed a single one.

my third 256
15th November 2013, 04:52 PM
mum and dad over every sunday for roast and all the trimmings
then they take home whats left for their meals during the week
just like i used to do when i was younger

15th November 2013, 04:52 PM
Eggs on toast every Sunday morning along with sliced tomato cooked in the frypan and some freshly squeezed OJ or Apple, Pear and strawberrys from the juicer. Used to be pancakes but my kids prefer this believe it or not...

15th November 2013, 06:16 PM
Eggs on toast every Sunday morning along with sliced tomato cooked in the frypan and some freshly squeezed OJ or Apple, Pear and strawberrys from the juicer. Used to be pancakes but my kids prefer this believe it or not...

Really. Probably a better option though. Lol

I forgot 1, in-laws sometimes for dinner but every Wednesday we visit. I make 2-3 but still good to talk bloke stuff and tinker with Rc gear.

15th November 2013, 08:18 PM
Omg if my parents came around every week I'd have to move further away!

15th November 2013, 08:41 PM
Omg if my parents came around every week I'd have to move further away!

I did, I moved 12000 miles away 10 years ago but the bastards followed me over 3 years later, have had to put up with them every fortnight since

15th November 2013, 08:55 PM
We have our kids and grandkids around every Sunday night for dinner.

My favourite tradition is canoeing on the Murray and backwaters with a group of mates every January long weekend, have been doing it for about 25 years.
Cant think of a better way to spend Australia day.

15th November 2013, 09:08 PM
We have been getting a house full of relatives for Christmas - new year for the last decade. They set up their caravan or camper. The kids take off into the paddocks and we don't see them until meal time, or when we take them to the beach.

15th November 2013, 09:19 PM
We have our kids and grandkids around every Sunday night for dinner.

My favourite tradition is canoeing on the Murray and backwaters with a group of mates every January long weekend, have been doing it for about 25 years.
Cant think of a better way to spend Australia day.

We go away every aust day also but to celebrate my bday lol

I did, I moved 12000 miles away 10 years ago but the bastards followed me over 3 years later, have had to put up with them every fortnight since

I'd be moving back lol

15th November 2013, 10:17 PM
I'd be moving back lol

I've thought about it......... Weathers crap though lol

15th November 2013, 11:57 PM
Omg if my parents came around every week I'd have to move further away!

Like I said it's good to talk Man stuff over a beer. I'm fighting a severely one sided battle with a house full of women..
Its not bad though. They enjoy being grandparents..

15th November 2013, 11:59 PM
Like I said it's good to talk Man stuff over a beer. I'm fighting a severely one sided battle with a house full of women..
Its not bad though. They enjoy being grandparents..

You need a dog mate ....... Soooooooooo much easier than women lol

16th November 2013, 12:25 AM
You need a dog mate ....... Soooooooooo much easier than women lol

Got one. Bloody female.
A cat??? Yep.. One of them to.. And a female. I'm telling ya mate. Come a few years time I might aswell move out to the shed..

16th November 2013, 12:31 AM
Got one. Bloody female.
A cat??? Yep.. One of them to.. And a female. I'm telling ya mate. Come a few years time I might aswell move out to the shed..

Geez I'd be moving there now why you are still sane ;)

16th November 2013, 12:56 AM
You need a dog mate ....... Soooooooooo much easier than women lol

Plus a dog can't do what my wife can......

Cook dinner.....

my third 256
16th November 2013, 05:53 AM
so why do they say dog is mans best friend
i think we had better ask threedogs or doggie

16th November 2013, 07:55 AM
so why do they say dog is mans best friend
i think we had better ask threedogs or doggie

It's easy to prove. Lock your wife and your dog in the boot of your car for an hur, and when you come back, I bet the dog is happier to see you!


16th November 2013, 10:44 AM
Got one. Bloody female.
A cat??? Yep.. One of them to.. And a female. I'm telling ya mate. Come a few years time I might aswell move out to the shed..

You scared me there I thought you were going to say if you can't beat em join em lmao, sex change here you come. Lol

16th November 2013, 12:38 PM
Well here we go (a lot will already know that I have this tradition). I suck on TED every weekend.

Sorry this might apply to every other day as well

16th November 2013, 12:47 PM
Got one. Bloody female.
A cat??? Yep.. One of them to.. And a female. I'm telling ya mate. Come a few years time I might aswell move out to the shed..

sorry Kallen.................. your effed mate cant help ya!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha

17th November 2013, 12:10 PM
Just had our traditional Sunday pancakes with my family of girls. Pancakes with peanut butter, my girls can't enough of them, bloody disgusting I reckon.

17th November 2013, 12:17 PM
Just had our traditional Sunday pancakes with my family of girls. Pancakes with peanut butter, my girls can't enough of them, bloody disgusting I reckon.

Don't knock it until you've tried it... I love Vegemite on pancakes, poached egg and peanut butter on a crumpet is better though!

17th November 2013, 12:28 PM
Don't knock it until you've tried it... I love Vegemite on pancakes, poached egg and peanut butter on a crumpet is better though!

Yeah but you also like vb you sick forker

17th November 2013, 12:36 PM
Yeah dip them in a bowl of VB. I also pour VB over my weetbix

17th November 2013, 12:52 PM
@ Growler seems you have never been blessed to grow up on Gods drop, IMO beats any SA beer.
You need to have green eggs {vb} for breakfast one day MMMMMmmmmmmmmm LOL

17th November 2013, 01:01 PM
Seems that only mexorians like that crap...............oh and one sick puppy from ACT. Get a Coopers Pale Ale into ya and you will truly know what nectar of the gods is

17th November 2013, 01:10 PM
Seems that only mexorians like that crap...............oh and one sick puppy from ACT. Get a Coopers Pale Ale into ya and you will truly know what nectar of the gods is

Just sat down at the bar and took my first sip of a fresh boags:-) and I might even follow it up with a cape grim steak mmmmm.

Oh and coincidentally beer and steak is a tradition of mine too:-)

17th November 2013, 01:14 PM
just for you I'll try it Growler, but hard to change
when you have drank one beer for so long.
Don't mind a Crown larger but that's in a bottle so no good for camp

17th November 2013, 06:53 PM
Don't knock it until you've tried it... I love Vegemite on pancakes, poached egg and peanut butter on a crumpet is better though!

Try 50/50 milk and creaming soda mmmmmm

17th November 2013, 06:56 PM
I love toast, vegemite avocado and smoked salmon mmmmmmmm

17th November 2013, 07:21 PM
Try 50/50 milk and creaming soda mmmmmm

Sounds like a spider, when you put a scoop of ice cream in a soft drink

17th November 2013, 07:26 PM
Sort of but just milk

17th November 2013, 07:29 PM
3 traditions in my family....

1) Wednesday night dinner at the olds....Love mums gourmet home cooking!
2) Easter up at the Murray!
3) Watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on Christmas Day in the evening. It's always on TV....lol

17th November 2013, 08:28 PM
3 traditions in my family....

1) Wednesday night dinner at the olds....Love mums gourmet home cooking!
2) Easter up at the Murray!
3) Watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on Christmas Day in the evening. It's always on TV....lol

X2 on the national lampoons:-) gets funnier every year!