View Full Version : TB45 valve clearance...

14th November 2013, 12:30 AM
Hey guys.

Just curious abut the valve clearance adjustment.
Have all the specs, but with the back issues, have enquired about getting this done in a workshop.
Quote includes clearances done, new rocker cover gasket, and full degrease, $350.
Does this sound reasonable?



21st November 2013, 06:36 PM
G'day Evoman
didn't get much response there, did you?
Only had diesels but the old GQ got a valve reset each major service. Always did my own. (That's a 6 cyl. also).
Cost me about 2 or so somewhat slowish, lazy hours and a somewhat rooted back. It's a long stretch to the back ones.
Never had to change the cover gasket in 15 or so years and the amount of grease build up was so small I never had to touch it.
Guess a petrol may be different but the way diesels foul up oil, I'd be surprised if the job took longer or involved any more.
If you do it yourself you know it's done properly but if time etc. precludes, get the man to do it and if you KNOW it's going to be done well, go with the price.

21st November 2013, 06:40 PM
I had my 4.2 GQ EFI done for $250.....

21st November 2013, 07:12 PM
Evo I had mine diesel ones done for about $350 as well I think stuff costs more over this way and trying to find a mechanic that will do it is another issue because most just want to drop the oil and put grease on your seat for a disgusting price