View Full Version : Remembrance Day

11th November 2013, 12:05 AM
What a great day for reflection....job we'll done. Thank you to all servicemen and women, your efforts will never be forgotten.

I'd like members here to have a read of a new organisation supporting our defence personnel who have been wounded.


11th November 2013, 05:58 AM
Good one mate,

Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 06:13 AM
Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 06:13 AM
From my grandad's dairy;

" Nov 11th - The New Zealand crew left Le Quesnoy today, being cheered by the peoples as we marched out of the town. We passed back through Solesernes to Quievey where we stayed in billets for the night. While on the march back we learned that hostilities had ceased, that an armistice had been signed. All hands took it very quietly there being absolutely no demonstration."

I never knew my Pop, he survived the war and was taken from the front much to his disgust. To him the job was not finished and he wanted to see it done. He was at Gallipoli in Nov 1915 and the command's view was he had done enough and sent him home. He passed away about the time I was born.

Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 06:22 AM
Lets we forget

11th November 2013, 07:06 AM
Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 07:08 AM
Thanks guys for giving me a reminder on this. I'm in my early to mid 40s so was young enough to miss any direct involvement or even much family talk about the main wars Australia was involved in. Both my grandfather and his father would have been involved but they passed on when Dad was young and he never really talked about it much. Thanks np99 for bringing up a fresh link to those who are helping the current generation. I never really understood when I was younger but realise now how much legacy must have helped my nanna who ended up on her own with five young boys.

War is a bloody horrible thing that is tough to understand and make any sense of. Living here in the middle east you come across people from all different backgrounds both politically and religously. One thing you see in common is that they all suffer when they're family is literally torn apart by war.

11th November 2013, 07:09 AM
Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 07:13 AM
Sorry, on MC and accidentally posted before finished.

Just wanted to say, much and all as I hate war and glad I have never had to be involved, I'm still really thankful for the freedoms we have as Aussies because of the sacrifices others made for us.

Lest we forget!

11th November 2013, 08:34 AM
Wife and kids wearing there poppy flowers today (my wife stole my $30 pin)... now I have to go out and buy another... not such a bad thing!!!

Got stuck last night watching foxtel and even though I have seen these doco's many times it still manages to keep me up till late watching till the end...

Lest we forget for there sacrifice is no less important as time passes......

Sir Roofy
11th November 2013, 08:50 AM
Lest we forget

11th November 2013, 10:36 AM
lest we forget not only those who gave their lives but also those who gave their limbs, their health and their mental health to serve this fine country. When we stop at 11am to reflect please also remember the service people who are still dealing with their ongoing problems.

11th November 2013, 10:40 AM
Working on my own today, sat and thought about our service people just now at 11.00.

I know there are bad times and I also know there are good times for all our service people past and present.

This time 95 years ago my old Pop would have had ringing in his ears, covered in all sorts of muck, probably totally drained, thinking of his lost and wounded mates and looking for a bath and a feed.

As he said nothing to celebrate for those that were there.

All seems such an awful waste, but without them where would we be?

Thinking of you Pop.

11th November 2013, 10:55 AM
Lest we forget.

I just donated $300

11th November 2013, 11:27 AM
Lest we forget.

11th November 2013, 11:32 AM
At the going down of the sun,
We will remember them.

Massive thanks to those who served and those still serving in our armed forces

11th November 2013, 08:25 PM
Lest We Forget

12th November 2013, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=NP99;445875]What a great day for reflection....job we'll done. Thank you to all servicemen and women, your efforts will never be forgotten.

I'd like members here to have a read of a new organisation supporting our defence personnel who have been wounded.

Lest we forget!
