View Full Version : GU Series 1 Ti.. Airbag Light

10th November 2013, 05:46 PM
I know this has been beaten with a stick several times, but to date I haven't found a solution :1087:!
I've attempted the 2 or 3 resets on utube, I've replaced the clock spring, airbag and was about to give up when it occurred to me I hadn't checked the wiring.... so here's my question... can anyone help me locate the 2 chassis sensors? I just don't know if the winch and or bull bar are stopping me from seeing it...any help appreciated Rod.

10th November 2013, 08:26 PM
After I modded a GUIV clock spring to fit a GUIV Leather wheel I found the only way to reset the airbag light on my GUII was to go to Ni$$an. $150 later it was fixed. Bloody robbers.

11th November 2013, 02:48 PM
Have a check under the two front seats as well, they've got sensors in there that check if the seat is occupied.

11th November 2013, 10:01 PM
ok, thanks guys... going to Nissan is my last port of call!
If i'd been driving it out in the never never.. i'd possibly understand. but my wife driving it and just taking off from a stop sign?????

11th November 2013, 10:19 PM
I just found this on the internet....


thinking I've solved the problem, will look at this tomorrow after work at let you know..

12th November 2013, 04:22 PM
My 4.8's airbag light also came on a couple of times. The very first time ( end of 2011) the airbag light came on, I cleaned the connectors with fast dry contact cleaner (and connected and disconnected the connectors a couple of times to let the contact points scrape each other clean) it lasted about 8 months before it came back.
I cleaned it again with fast dry contact cleaner but this time it lasted 3 days.
I then sprayed it with Q20 and it lasted a week and the light was back.
I then noticed that I can reset the light (using the youtube 350z procedure) when I stand outside the Patrol but as soon as I get in and sit, the light would start flashing.

I then cut the wires and soldered in new wires from the first to the third connector, bypassing the second connector. The first and second connector is under the seat and the third is in the seat back rest. I think the wiring gets damaged with all the getting in and out of the car.
If you do this, you must be aware that the the colours of the wires change at the second connector. The green connects with the purple and vica versa.
It is now more than a year later and the flashing light hasn't come back.

Attached is a picture of the second connector which is situated at the front of the seat.

14th November 2013, 09:14 PM
I haven't been able to get back to the patrol... worked back the last couple of days... johanp did you bother removing the seats or where the sensors and plugs easily accessed ? I'm hoping to save time - where I can... thanks for your help.

15th November 2013, 03:32 PM
I removed the seat. It is easier to work on it when it is out of the car.

21st November 2013, 03:37 PM
it could be a connection inside the steering wheel. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before touching the airbag cover of the steering wheel. Try to look for any disconnected wires. Extending wires may have been cut when doing steering wheel adjustment. You just need to solder a bit or merely connect and put some electrical tape on it.

24th November 2013, 12:30 PM
Ok, I'm a little slow on updating... Sorry. I discovered several things over the past week.The Y61 factory service manual is easily obtained over the internet (I paid for mine - Inoticed this wasn't necessary though)... There are several different airbag setups in the gu/gr patrols - mine being a 2 airbag & diagnostic sensor setup or technical terms 5A32 ??? I tested everything but the diagnostic sensor on a mates gu with everything working fine on his??? So it had to be the diagnostic sensor right? Nope!... I called Ni$$an spare parts to chase up a new unit, turns out theres none in the country - i'd have to wait 2+ weeks to get one! and it was going to cost $645 plus installation. I decided I'd bite the bullet and send the Patrol into have a check of the computer and see what the problem was... After all the work I had done, I'd failed to reset the computer! and the original problem had been a faulty clock spring... Oh and the price from Ni$$an $0! Had to have a win eventually..
I did take out both front seats and seat belts expecting to find pretensioners and airbag sensor of some kind, only to discover later there where I think 8 different setups....
Thank you to everyone that helped with this and to Lake Nissan at Cardiff for the free service....

21st July 2014, 12:46 PM
My 4.8's airbag light also came on a couple of times. The very first time ( end of 2011) the airbag light came on, I cleaned the connectors with fast dry contact cleaner (and connected and disconnected the connectors a couple of times to let the contact points scrape each other clean) it lasted about 8 months before it came back.
I cleaned it again with fast dry contact cleaner but this time it lasted 3 days.
I then sprayed it with Q20 and it lasted a week and the light was back.
I then noticed that I can reset the light (using the youtube 350z procedure) when I stand outside the Patrol but as soon as I get in and sit, the light would start flashing.

I then cut the wires and soldered in new wires from the first to the third connector, bypassing the second connector. The first and second connector is under the seat and the third is in the seat back rest. I think the wiring gets damaged with all the getting in and out of the car.
If you do this, you must be aware that the the colours of the wires change at the second connector. The green connects with the purple and vica versa.
It is now more than a year later and the flashing light hasn't come back.

Attached is a picture of the second connector which is situated at the front of the seat.

i just reset my 2014 gu 3.0 using the 350z youtube procedure, awesome. thanks johanp.

21st July 2014, 08:54 PM
i just reset my 2014 gu 3.0 using the 350z youtube procedure, awesome. thanks johanp.

Got a link?