View Full Version : In-car recording devices

19th January 2011, 08:57 PM
Hey All,

Just wondering if anyone has bought one of those cameras that record the view out of your car, and if you're in an accident (or hard braking etc) it records 30secs before and after??

I was involved in a serious crash 2 years ago (hit at 80km/h when stopped in traffic - 1 day old car written off - left with long-term neck/shoulder pain :( ).
Also, being that we are here in Adelaide and the driving standard is quite honestly horrendous!! No offence to other SA drivers - but I've never been in so many near-misses before. And I spent 2 years driving around busy cities in the UK - Never had a bump.

Anyways - yeah, just wondering if anyone has used them - or any thoughts??

Cheers, Trace

PS this is for our day-to-day drive (2009 Lancer VRX) more than the patrol, which you'd think being bright blue would be easily seen - but apparently not! Only last night some woman almost drive into me and forced me off the road . . . . then had the balls to abuse me, because she didnt see me! Seriously WTF!

19th January 2011, 09:56 PM
some mothers do have them!

20th January 2011, 03:05 AM
Obviously the camera was designed by a female, therefore knows that the accident is about to happen !! has built in caption at bottom " I told you so".

the evil twin
20th January 2011, 11:11 AM
Obviously the camera was designed by a female, therefore knows that the accident is about to happen !! has built in caption at bottom " I told you so".

ROFLMAO... thats GOLD... gotta make another cuppa now... :coffeetime:

They work by continuously recording all the time but in a loop so that the "oldest" video from, say, 10 minutes ago is overwritten by the newest frames coming in.

That way when the system senses an "incident" the previous 30 seconds and next 30 seconds is quarantined seperately for later review

20th January 2011, 05:26 PM
Obviously the camera was designed by a female, therefore knows that the accident is about to happen !! has built in caption at bottom " I told you so".

Nice one Kat, I'm lost for words http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/

21st January 2011, 09:47 AM
lol - it is actually recording all the time, so it just holds a certain amount of video in it's memory.
Or you can have ones than just record all the time, until they run out of space on the memory card and then just overwrite the oldest stuff.

But I guess from the responses that no-one thinks its a good idea lol.