View Full Version : Leukaemia Foundation Fundraiser Barrells by Candlelight 28/11, Melbourne.

7th November 2013, 11:06 AM
AB, As discussed, could you please make this a sticky until after the event........

As many of you will know know, a little over 12 months ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Since May this year my 6 month course of chemotherapy and month long radiation treatment is complete and at this stage it is so far, so good. The disease is in remission and I am part the way along what is a long-ish road to complete recovery.

I have been asked by the Leukaemia Foundation to speak at a relatively new annual fundraising event this year and share my story of being diagnosed and living with a blood cancer as a young adult (‘glad I still qualify). Please accept my invitation to join me on the 28th of November at the Leukaemia Foundation fundraiser; Barrels by Candlelight. This will be the second year of this fundraising event and it would be great to see some mates there to celebrate my successful result.

The price is $75 per person and for that you’ll get drinks (beer, cider, wine, sparkling and soft drinks) plus canapés from 7.00pm – 10.30pm, not to mention some great raffle prizes.

By attending this fantastic event you will help the Leukaemia Foundation’s Young Adult Program, this group focuses on those Victorians who have been diagnosed with a blood cancer between the age of 18-40. The Young Adult program looks at the challenging issues of life when faced with cancer such as: sex drive, sexual health and functioning, finding new relationships, fertility issues, dealing with young children, managing with no income, accepting the new normal.
If anything, it’s a great way for us all to get together before Christmas...have a few drinks, food and raise money for this program. Blood cancer can happen to anyone...and it doesn’t discriminate.
If you’re interested please let me know ASAP and I’ll arrange the booking and payment. 
I believe last year it was a fantastic night, lots of laughs, good food and drinks!

Booking and payment can be done securely via the link below:

https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/TicketingWelcome.aspx?eventid=12400&langpref=en-CA&Referrer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fl.php%3fu %3dhttp%3a%2f%2fbit.ly%2f1gZlSXi%26h%3d-AQF8aJQm%26s%3d1

Unlike the Cancer Council (who dont support blood cancers) The Leukaemia Foundation receive no ongoing government funding and we rely on the generous support of the community to fund our Vision to Cure and Mission to Care.
We’re really looking forward to raising a glass and raising much needed funds for young adults with blood cancers.

Please don’t forget to like our page on Facebook and share this with as many people as you can – we would really like to grow this event.


Let me know if you would like further details.
Many thanks guys,

PS: I will add that the friendships I have made through this forum and getting out bush and playing with my GQ have all contributed to helping me get through 12 months I would otherwise rather forget. A massive pat on the back to the lot of you that inhabit this joint, it is a credit you you all.

10th November 2013, 11:32 AM

Mods, can you please sticky, with AB in China, he has messages me he is not able to do so.

10th November 2013, 11:45 AM

Mods, can you please sticky, with AB in China, he has messages me he is not able to do so.

Sorry mate have only just come across this thread, thanks for the bump :)

Good 2 hear you have gone into remission and all the best with the complete recovery ahead :)

I have made it a sticky for ya



10th November 2013, 01:25 PM
Cheers Toddie.

10th November 2013, 01:31 PM
Cheers Toddie.

No worries mate, like and shared the Facebook page as well

5th December 2013, 03:33 PM
Thanks Mods, all done now. You can remove as a sticky.