View Full Version : Over these c@ck heads

5th November 2013, 07:13 PM

Maybe someone here knows of these morons!

5th November 2013, 07:15 PM
As in the twats that caused the damage or the ULA mob?

If it's the twats, hope they get everything owed to them :mad:

5th November 2013, 07:23 PM
No not the ULA, I'm a member. The twats!

5th November 2013, 07:27 PM
As in the twats that caused the damage or the ULA mob?

If it's the twats, hope they get everything owed to them :mad:

Bit of both for me......the first comment by that idiot about it being "greenies" makes my blood boil. IMO shows the level of general ignorance in that ULA group. I like to think I'm a conservationist at heart but ULA marginalise me because I would be seen as a "greenie" in their eyes and it puts me totally off their group.

I camp at Merringtons from time to time and it is nearly always chopped up by circle work. Absolute c@nts.
I'd love to find the f€ckers and drop them down the bloody long drop and they can drown in filth.
These dickheads are the reasons why tracks and campsites get closed.

5th November 2013, 07:31 PM
yea I agree on the greenie comment. Annoyed me too. But stereo typing us" Bit of both for me......the first comment by that idiot about it being "greenies" makes my blood boil. IMO shows the level if general intelligence in that ULA group." is what half the problem is in general. That's why us 4wders get a bad rap, because we get stereo typed all the time.

5th November 2013, 07:36 PM
Have some mates who were around the area this weekend, I'll put the word out.....

5th November 2013, 07:37 PM
Bit of both for me......the first comment by that idiot about it being "greenies" makes my blood boil. IMO shows the level if general intelligence in that ULA group.
I camp at Merringtons from time to time and it is nearly always chopped up by circle work. Absolute c@nts.
I'd love to find the f€ckers and drop them down the bloody long drop and they can drown in filth.
These dickheads are the reasons why tracks and campsites get closed.

I can't stand the greens but that comment shit me...

Was chatting to one of winnies mates who toldvoff some dick heads who were csmping and making a mess. . Said that the 2 guys sitting in the other car were off duty rangers who were pissed off and would return in the morning when they were back on duty.. they started cleaning up there camp site straight away.

5th November 2013, 07:37 PM
I dislike greenies, but would not be blaming them. The courts need to dish out a custodial punishment for this behaviour.

5th November 2013, 07:41 PM
Said that the 2 guys sitting in the other car were off duty rangers who were pissed off and would return in the morning when they were back on duty.. they started cleaning up there camp site straight away.

Does than mean we know who they are?

5th November 2013, 07:45 PM
Oh, it wasn't this weekend.....

5th November 2013, 07:47 PM
Have some mates who were around the area this weekend, I'll put the word out.....

As you can see, I'm not from that area. But when I seen that letter, It made my blood boil. I have the same problem with the forest behind me. Idiots dumping stolen cars & all the rest.

5th November 2013, 08:01 PM
As you can see, I'm not from that area. But when I seen that letter, It made my blood boil. I have the same problem with the forest behind me. Idiots dumping stolen cars & all the rest.

One if the biggest issues with that campsite is that it is 2wd accessible and so any c@ck can get down there. I have been told before that it is generally local hoons from the Latrobe Valley's nearby towns like Moe who do most of the damage.

5th November 2013, 08:05 PM
I have the same problem with the forest behind me. Idiots dumping stolen cars & all the rest.

Oh I hear ya on that one!

Its bad around Coffs too! I've been up fairly decent tracks and got to a point and found shit dumped, some people go to considerable effort to dump rubbish, It makes me think, By the time they've gone out as far as they have in to dump it, surely it would have been cheaper and easier to just take it to the tip??

I swear if I ever see someone dumping rubbish in the bush they are going to have more to worry about then being caught by the authorities......

5th November 2013, 08:14 PM
Oh I hear ya on that one!

Its bad around Coffs too! I've been up fairly decent tracks and got to a point and found shit dumped, some people go to considerable effort to dump rubbish, It makes me think, By the time they've gone out as far as they have in to dump it, surely it would have been cheaper and easier to just take it to the tip??

I swear if I ever see someone dumping rubbish in the bush they are going to have more to worry about then being caught by the authorities......

It will be hard, Meaning being in the right place at the right time etc. But we just need to start taking rego numbers, video or pics etc if possible & start reporting these idiots. Maybe after a while & if enough get caught & punished, It will slowly get around the country & maybe the other Idiots may think twice about there own actions whilst out in the bush.

5th November 2013, 08:22 PM
One if the biggest issues with that campsite is that it is 2wd accessible and so any c@ck can get down there. I have been told before that it is generally local hoons from the Latrobe Valley's nearby towns like Moe who do most of the damage.

Most of the times it's locals that destroy there on places. The scumbags of a town. I know who dumps the cars out here, but as yet a failed to get proof. One day they will come undone.

6th November 2013, 07:05 AM
Most of the times it's locals that destroy there on places. The scumbags of a town. I know who dumps the cars out here, but as yet a failed to get proof. One day they will come undone.

There is truth in this comment but there are also people like Winnie and his mates and they love the bush and do the right thing..

There are plenty in my area that I know would do that kind of shitty behavior and could not give a shit.. it is one of my pet hates... littering, disrespecting our country no matter where they are and just plain lack of morality !!!!!!!!!!!!!

6th November 2013, 08:33 AM
Unfortunately the camp ground could end up being closed for " public safety" as a result of this like o'tooles was a few years ago.

6th November 2013, 08:34 AM
Said it all along take rego numbers any info you can, hopefully it wont be needed.
you think rangers visit your camp to say hello, lol
They are taking rego numbers and DO return to check your camp site.
I'm happy that every time I've been away with Roofy and Bob, we some how seem to take more rubbish.
Its not hard,, circle work does not IMO make you an awesome 4x4er, quite the opposite really.

6th November 2013, 08:49 AM
Jeez, I thought we had the worldwide exclusive on dickheads, it seems not.

Quick one for you, I was coming down off the high moors and driving through a wood, when I spotted some dumped mattresses and the like, just over a fence, got over the rise and spotted a small van bogged down in the field. The tracks from the dump to the van matched, "can you tow us onto the road please?" was the request, as far as I give a damn, the van can still be there.

6th November 2013, 01:02 PM
Jeez, I thought we had the worldwide exclusive on dickheads, it seems not.

Quick one for you, I was coming down off the high moors and driving through a wood, when I spotted some dumped mattresses and the like, just over a fence, got over the rise and spotted a small van bogged down in the field. The tracks from the dump to the van matched, "can you tow us onto the road please?" was the request, as far as I give a damn, the van can still be there.

Did you explain to them why they were being left there?

I don't understand......what does it cost 20 bucks, 50 bucks to drop your chit off at the tip......forking pigs.

6th November 2013, 01:11 PM
One doofus in my area dumped his tray back of green waste right at my back fence(farm fencing) in full view of my deck. Another time he wasn't gone long enough to make it to the tip and back. so I told the whole neighbourhood, now he goes to the tip. I have no problems dobbing somebody who sh1t's on my patch. So should everybody else!!!

6th November 2013, 02:32 PM
Did you explain to them why they were being left there?

Oh yes, I certainly did mate.

6th November 2013, 02:34 PM
I am registered with the EPA as a dibber dobber and I have not shame in it..

I know many on here that flick there ciggy butts on the ground and I do turn a blind eye but I just want to let you know that anyone can dob you in and the fine is $512 for a ciggy out of a car.

I smoked 23 years and I know when I was young and it seemed the norm , I threw cigs on the ground but in my later years I would bin my butt and converted about 10 of my mates to stop throwing there ciggy butts on the ground.