View Full Version : A day trip to Litchfield NP

5th November 2013, 12:12 PM
A quiet day and a need to drive some klms in the Patroil so we headed off to Litchfield to have a look around.

Check it out at http://joekarenmcdermott.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/litchfield.html

5th November 2013, 03:29 PM
hi joe, i prefer litchfield to kakadu, when i lived in darwin i used to go there quite a bit.

5th November 2013, 05:29 PM
I know what you mean - the good bits in Kakadu are a long way from each other and they requires a lot of effort to get to them. However, I think that the effort is worth while and if you have the time to do the travelling then Kakadu is a better place.

It is all time dependent though and Litchfield is just so much more accessible.

5th November 2013, 05:59 PM
We loved both places - they are different. Litchfield is good for a day trip, whilst two weeks wasn’t enough for us in Kakadu. Getting the best from Kakadu requires visiting at the right time, whereas Litchfield is good anytime. Litchfield seemed more about waterfalls, swimming, & other tourists, whereas Kakadu seemed more about wildlife & & rock art. Both had some very special places, but it was easier to experience them without ‘crowds’ in Kakadu.
Have been to Kakadu twice, once for 3 days & once for two weeks. The short visit was basically a hot, tiring waste of time. I think Joeker’s comment about having enough time is spot on. The second longer visit was absolutely wonderful, & I look forward to going back for longer with a 4wd (We had a bus & trail bikes before). We (MrsTea & I) have heard many times from folk who have reckoned Kakadu wasn’t worth visiting .... the Kakadon’t mob. We reckon they were like the tourists who get taken to Cahills crossing, stand there for a short time & hop back into their air conditioned coach wondering why they bothered because the tour operator failed to take them there at the turn of the tide, or those who visit billabongs & see little because they don’t know that the time to visit is when water levels have dropped sufficiently to attract the millions of wading birds. The exception is the early morning yellow waters cruise which is magical at any time.


ps. Joeker, if you haven’t been there yet , Annaburroo Station just outside of Kakadu is not a bad spot for a chilled out weekend with safe swimming. Probably different if crowded, but we had it all to ourselves.

6th November 2013, 10:45 PM
great read man......

15th January 2015, 07:51 PM
nice write up. i love litchy any time of the yea. wangi is my favourite. i plan to visit lost city and rum jungle next!

the evil twin
15th January 2015, 08:00 PM
Buley Rockholes and Sandy Creek Falls where my fav spots when I was livng up there

15th January 2015, 08:21 PM
What a beautiful spot. Maybe I'll visit it this lifetime...

15th January 2015, 09:36 PM
Loved Litchfield when I lived up that way and preferred it to Kakadu.

You are right too Cuppa, you need time and patience with Kakadu .... I loved it but went in with the attitude of Kakadon't so I wasn't disappointed at all. I loved all the spots we visited, but we spent the time in there to soak it up.


dads tractor
8th April 2015, 08:36 AM
I have been to both and prefer Litchy because when I was there we had the camp spot on top of Wangi falls to ourselves for 4 days . Climbed the face of the falls a couple of times that was fun .Next time u go too Kakadu on the south entrance from Pine Ck keep a lookout as you crest the jump up before descending down to gumlon falls I think there called now and there is a spring which is good for a cool of just back from the crest .

8th April 2015, 01:36 PM
we did a loop down to Corn Patch water 61 degrees C and stayed at Rum Jungle.
great pool table too,

15th December 2015, 07:41 PM
It has already been said, but I'll agree with it - Litchfield is much better for a weekend.

I tried Kakadu twice, neither time had much time, and didn't enjoy myself all that much - Litchfield offers great value for a weekend away from the...well, I won't say "rush" of the City up there, but it's a nice place none the less.

22nd June 2019, 12:49 PM
Has anyone visited gunlom falls? Heard its a great spot out there in kakadu

the evil twin
22nd June 2019, 04:25 PM
Has anyone visited gunlom falls? Heard its a great spot out there in kakadu

Yep, I've camped there. My fav spot on Kakadu back when it was known as UDP Falls and I guess its main claim to fame is as one of the settings for Crocodile Dundee.
IMHO it is one of the best spots in Kakas, tremendous views and a couple of rock pools at the top and a very nice swimming hole at the bottom.
Doesn't get anything like the amount of visitors as the 'northern' 1/2 of the park.
