View Full Version : GU front seats

5th November 2013, 07:44 AM
Just wondering if anyone has replaced their front seats with either generic seats (recaro/saas) or fitted seats out of another type of car and with what success? Any particular issues?
I have a GU which came to me sans front setas, carpets and console. The carpet I can get easily enough but the seats are proving to be either difficult or downright ridiculously expensive ($220 per seat!) and I'm told the seats have a tendancy to collapse over time anyway.
Supercrap sells nice saas recliners for $189 each...
I dont mind if I have to get a mod plate (QLD) or to make bases to suit but some guidance on the type to buy would be great.
Thanks in advance!

5th November 2013, 07:51 AM
I have a Strato 3000 with lumbar pump, I also use the strato base.
Mego will now put pics of his fully custom leather seats ,{we hate him] LOL
Price wise my Strato seat is $750 plus more for base, only thing I did was lift seats 40mm
AB and MR have fitted commodore and XR6 seats with some degree of success.
You'll need small thigh bolsters so you can get in and out, the taller ones will wear very quickly
There is another thread on this subject from yesterday, have a hunt for that one.