View Full Version : Diesel - How long is it good for?

28th October 2013, 08:24 PM
Yesterday I started my bus for the first time in 18 months! It has sat with it’s fuel tank about ¼ full for all of that time. I worried that it would’t start because the fuel had gone stale when it took several turns of the key before firing up, but I think it had probably just lost a bit of prime in all the time it had sat. Once started it purred like a kitten.

So does diesel have a ‘shelf life’? Does it eventually go stale like petrol or does it remain good as long as it doesn’t get that microbial gunk growing in it?


28th October 2013, 09:28 PM
It's ok for a little bit. The biggest concern would be water in the fuel. As it was only 1/4 full condensation will be your enemy, everyday obviously the tank heats up then cools as night falls creating the condensation. If you are gonna leave it parked up leave it will a full tank.

28th October 2013, 09:34 PM
I does have a life, but certainly a lot longer then petrol, 10 year old diesel will still burn, not as efficiently as new stuff, but it'll still work

28th October 2013, 09:41 PM
This is what BP have to say
