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28th October 2013, 01:08 AM
You all will be pulling your hair out with frustration watching this one.

43 sec: tow ball
51 sec: snatching off winch cable
2:33min: winch extension around a tree..
3:49min: again off a winch cable
And I nearly wet myself at the 5 min mark


28th October 2013, 09:42 AM
Good video work. So many things I just don't like about what they are doing!

1st November 2013, 05:01 PM
I watched this video last night, thought it was pretty funny

1st November 2013, 05:13 PM
Not gunna lie, had a bit of a giggle haha

1st November 2013, 05:15 PM
I'm with NP99 so many things wrong in the vid, and all there for everyone to watch and laugh.
These types of videos should be collected and shown at Clubs and safety training days.
Chances are the The Medical examiner will find them beneficial at the autopsy, Sorry I don't find it
remotely funny

1st November 2013, 05:23 PM
and there you have the reason why most tracks in NSW are closed.

1st November 2013, 06:13 PM
Not just NSW mate......

1st November 2013, 10:21 PM
So what would be worse the towball or the winch wire.. I can't decide anyone know or have an opinion on it.

1st November 2013, 10:31 PM
So what would be worse the towball or the winch wire.. I can't decide anyone know or have an opinion on it.

No idea.............. but i do know some guys who seem to have a winch busting their balls all the time ! :hpfredgeorge1:

1st November 2013, 10:33 PM
So what would be worse the towball or the winch wire.. I can't decide anyone know or have an opinion on it.


If I had a choice...lol

I would rather the toe ball flying at my head then a possible 5 to 20m cable snaking through the air at my entire body.

Mathematically the odds are better. Can't believe I am thinking of the better option!!!

Toe ball is a certain death if struck in your head or body but the slingshot of a cable has greater odds of hitting you and will rip you apart.

1st November 2013, 10:34 PM
Not to mention the hook lol

1st November 2013, 11:54 PM
but the slingshot of a cable has greater odds of hitting you and will rip you apart.

I think mythbusters proved that it wont actually rip you apart like we/I all imagine/d (steel cable tested on a pig)

Its certainly not going to be good for you, thats for sure, but i was honestly surprised at how little damage it did to little piggys skin , i think the projectile on the end of a cable carries the big danger factor ?

2nd November 2013, 07:48 AM
Yeah now that I have woken up in a different frame of mind I'm not sure my comment was correct...lol.....I can't decide now....Neither!

3rd November 2013, 06:03 AM
Shite, that Lounge Cruiser getting towed out by a Jeep Grand Cherokee. If I EVER accepted a tow or recovery from a JGC I'd kill myself.

Patrols are made to recover Jeeps not the other way around.

5th November 2013, 11:47 PM
I think mythbusters proved that it wont actually rip you apart like we/I all imagine/d (steel cable tested on a pig)

Its certainly not going to be good for you, thats for sure, but i was honestly surprised at how little damage it did to little piggys skin , i think the projectile on the end of a cable carries the big danger factor ?

I'm no so sure about Mythbusters being 100% with a lot of their tests.
The epidermis of a pig is thicker than that of a human, plus dead skin is not as pliable as live tissue. Also the pig would have been hung in a cool room until they used it, so all soft tissue would be firm and all fats and jelly set.
My old man has had experiences with these cables when they give up an let go.
He has seen first hand when one let go and took a mans arm and half his head off.
His advice. Stay well away...

I myself have seen the aftermath of a towball where it had snapped the thread, punched through the rear door, and was in the boot just behind a booster seat...

Some people find it funny, some take it seriously.
I guess like they say, all fun and games until someone loses an eye (or worse).

I wonder how long these turkeys have been getting away with these situations, and how much longer until their luck runs out.


11th November 2013, 01:49 PM
Doesn't matter really which ones worse they are all stupid. No way in hell would I be anywhere near a cable under strain, with that much pressure it's gunna hurt big time.

11th November 2013, 07:41 PM
No way in hell would I be anywhere near a cable under strain, with that much pressure it's gunna hurt big time.

Damn right mate. I use the steel cable lug-alls at work for straining cables. I use them on a daily basis, and we work with some very large diameter cables with bays sometimes reaching 100m each way. All of this hanging of the lug alls. The handles of these things are design to bend and/or break when the maximum cable pull is reached, so you can't crank any more. Few times though I've seen the steel cable let go, and let me tell you, Mythbusters or no mythbusters... the whistling sound the cable made as it flew through the air after coming away from such tension is unreal. I would hate to see a human get in the way of that.
Considering this, every time I'm around a winch and/or seeing one used, makes me cringe a little bit.

15th November 2013, 12:00 PM
Just how do they get away with this...

15th November 2013, 04:37 PM
They do for a while till one day you read about it in the paper that somebody has died, and usually some innocent onlooker