View Full Version : Adds by Google?????

17th January 2011, 04:29 PM
Hey guys,

got online today to find "Adds by Google" in some sections. i didi not have a good look around yet but certainly in the couple of members threads that i view the second post on every page is an "add by Google"

Is this so?

I could maybe get used to it if they are helping you out AB but if not tell em to jamb it mate.

17th January 2011, 04:36 PM
Hi mate, yeah unfortunately I need to put up these Adds from Google.

They will only be located after the first post on each thread and one down the very bottom of the site.

If this is annoying to anyone then let us know as I know there is a code out there which only shows the adds to people not signed in which may be better????????

The point to this is that we have thousands of "visitors" each day come on here so if I can get 10 cents for 5-10% of the visitors then it will help out with the website bills for sure.

I won't be retiring in the Kimberleys anytime soon but it will help out....lol

Does everyone want me to find the code so it only shows to people not signed in???......Will only take a short time!

17th January 2011, 04:42 PM
My first thought was that I agree with Mudrunner however the Ads are not that prominent so I for one are prepared to put up with them if it helps with the costs of the Forum

17th January 2011, 04:48 PM
All good here mate. I'm sure everyone will quickly get used to it.

Sir Roofy
17th January 2011, 04:55 PM
I agree its little to ask for such a great site
just aboutgot my bit for you andy

cheers roofy

17th January 2011, 05:03 PM
It is no big deal AB but if most of the income is coming from the visitor traffic and the signed in membership will make no difference then the code would be a winner mate.

No adds for signed in members encourages new membership.

Plenty of sites advertise that membership will exclude popup adds so there is further benefit in signing up and signing in.

either way mate, you will figure it out.

my 2c

17th January 2011, 06:43 PM
AB, if i was doing it....... I would make it so the ads open up in new tab / window if at all possible. But that's just me.....

17th January 2011, 07:08 PM
AB, if i was doing it....... I would make it so the ads open up in new tab / window if at all possible. But that's just me.....

I'm not too sure your allowed to mess with the codes that Google give you to advertise though. I know how to put in an extra code which makes the next page open up in a new window but not too sure if Google would like that...I'll have to reseach that one.

I'll let it go for a week or so and see where the majority of the traffic is coming from guys...Thanks for the feedback! :)

17th January 2011, 08:29 PM
All good with me, anything that can raise some money to keep this forum going has got to be a good thing.http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/

DX grunt
17th January 2011, 09:33 PM
It's a great marketing tool to make some money to keep the Forum 'self funded'.

I really think after a while we'll become 'oblivious' to it. It's like a signature. How often do you read
everybody's signature? Maybe 4 -5 times, then, it's there, but you don't see it.

My 2c worth.

17th January 2011, 09:45 PM
you trying to get me in the shi* with the missus AB, thought i would do the right thing and make u 10 cents and just as i click on
Flirty Chat Room is Open (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BYSsrGCQ0TfOoN4PUcInggd8C6oHRxgGqhvSQF8CNtwHwyC EQAxgDINr88BAoAzgAUOaCz-IDYKX4kYCQAaAB1uX65wOyARd3d3cubmlzc2FucGF0cm9sLmNv bS5hdboBCTcyOHg5MF9hc8gBAdoBSGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubmlzc2 FucGF0cm9sLmNvbS5hdS9mb3J1bXMvc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA_ MjQxMi1BZGRzLWJ5LUdvb2dsZYACAakCwFOUyM-Yuj7IAoqegRSoAwHIAxfoAzXoA9gp6AMv9QMAAQDE&num=3&sig=AGiWqtzb2f_TTrLPhBFCZlODZldkIEnb0Q&client=ca-pub-3013365475430909&adurl=http://www.flirt.com/ppc.php%3Fage%3D3%26country%3Dau%26text%3Dchat%26p pc_cp%3D2000000047&nm=52) Wanna come along and join in? Flirty, cheeky fun is a step away. www.Flirt.com

My missus walks in!

Finly Owner
17th January 2011, 11:38 PM
I thought WTF, but, realised almost that quick what was going on. No, prob here , I know you ain't a rich man and this has to help.

DX grunt
18th January 2011, 10:15 AM
For you info, and not that it worries me, on Ebank's website, Google is advertising Great Wall Motors website.

Remember, every click is 10c.

18th January 2011, 04:27 PM
i'm not getting any.

or the google ads either


No, really, any ideas why they wouldn't be coming up for me? I would hate them to be missing for loads of the potential clickers...

18th January 2011, 06:57 PM
i'm not getting any.

or the google ads either


Hi Jon, are you not seeing 3 text lines of advertisements after the first post on each thread?

That would be very strange if your not seeing that?

No, really, any ideas why they wouldn't be coming up for me? I would hate them to be missing for loads of the potential clickers...[/QUOTE]

18th January 2011, 07:15 PM
Hi Jon, are you not seeing 3 text lines of advertisements after the first post on each thread?

That would be very strange if your not seeing that?

No, really, any ideas why they wouldn't be coming up for me? I would hate them to be missing for loads of the potential clickers...[/QUOTE]

nope. nothing for me here (at work)

18th January 2011, 07:20 PM
might have adblock installed on the browser possibly ???

18th January 2011, 07:48 PM
might have adblock installed on the browser possibly ???

Ive never heard of that but it makes sense I guess.

If anyone else is not seeing adds then please let me know for sure.

Cheers Jon.