View Full Version : Dodgy new member just arrived

17th October 2013, 07:45 PM
Check out this dodgy character...


Trying to blend into the crowd as a newbie and suddenly racks up thousands of posts without anyone noticing.

Please keep an eye on this bloke gents...lol

Anyways, welcome to the forum new guy and feel free to ask any questions.

17th October 2013, 08:01 PM
Tough crowd tonight or everyone is very slow...lol

For the simple folk on here....Our old mate The Dogman has now changed his username to Doggy as he is sick of everyone calling him Doggy so the old can't beat them join them scenario...lol

Jeesh, must be a full moon tonight???

17th October 2013, 08:04 PM
How can he be sick of everyone calling him Doggy when that's what he tells everyone to call him!!!!???! Jeez there's just no winning with some folk is there :screwy:

17th October 2013, 08:07 PM
Well I went to click the link to see what was going on and MotorCulture didn't like it.

17th October 2013, 09:06 PM
Now that he's a doggy, it'll be Mr Dogman from now on.

17th October 2013, 09:37 PM
did I miss something here?

17th October 2013, 10:03 PM
Now that he's a doggy, it'll be Mr Dogman from now on.

That's the spirit.. Lol