View Full Version : Someone had a bad day

15th October 2013, 03:03 PM
Saw this at today's lunch spot , driven in forward so probably stolen


15th October 2013, 03:08 PM

Forget the photo opps

15th October 2013, 11:45 PM
Where is the loc mate?

16th October 2013, 01:39 AM
Insurance jobbie lol phone a friend get a new car

16th October 2013, 03:05 AM
Emmmm. Sorry but I'm not understand. In my country if car has been stole there is only 2 variants:
1. It will be resold to another far city or country.
2. It will be totally discharged to the parts and sold part by part.

What reason to stole the car and just drown it?

16th October 2013, 03:06 AM
Emmmm. Sorry but I'm not understand. In my country if car has been stolen there is only 2 variants:
1. It will be resold to another far city or country.
2. It will be totally discharged to the parts and sold part by part.

What reason to stole the car and just drown it?

Cockheads mate

16th October 2013, 03:11 AM
Agree. It is only one reasonable explanation.

16th October 2013, 03:17 AM
Risks to be busted for money that you can earn after selling of stolen car I'm not undershore but can understand.
But risks with 0 profit but with real jail term???
Drug addicted idiots?

16th October 2013, 07:23 AM
Sadly, no jail time for car theft here. To think in Ned Kelly's day the theft of a horse could get you hung!

16th October 2013, 07:36 AM
Where is the loc mate?

Skinners park boat ramp at carbrook

16th October 2013, 08:01 AM
A lot of ppl will "LOSE" their wheels to collect insurance money.

16th October 2013, 02:46 PM
Australia is an interesting country.
Your car prices are low enough, but people still try to cheat insurance companies.
If we will evaluate average australians car in average australians salaries it will be 3-5 salaries. (if we will trust info from google)
For example my shorty it is 12-15 average kz salaries.

16th October 2013, 05:12 PM
Australia is an interesting country.
Your car prices are low enough, but people still try to cheat insurance companies.
If we will evaluate average australians car in average australians salaries it will be 3-5 salaries. (if we will trust info from google)
For example my shorty it is 12-15 average kz salaries.

Those stats are wrong mate....

16th October 2013, 10:39 PM
The problem with stats is it picks a medium of say 200,000 people, and if 100,000 earn $100 a week and 200,000 earn $300 a week then the average is $200 a week..
We have a very big gap, most small town salaries are $70-100,000 where as in the cities it skyrockets to $150-$200,000..
But combined we all earn $100-150,000..
I could only dream..

16th October 2013, 11:31 PM
The problem with stats is it picks a medium of say 200,000 people, and if 100,000 earn $100 a week and 200,000 earn $300 a week then the average is $200 a week..
We have a very big gap, most small town salaries are $70-100,000 where as in the cities it skyrockets to $150-$200,000..
But combined we all earn $100-150,000..
I could only dream..

Those figures don't take into account our members of parliament. :)

17th October 2013, 01:27 AM
Many interesting facts about you country you can find here https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/

17th October 2013, 01:36 AM
It is not so rose coloured, as emigrants sings on forums of the countries that they left isn't it? LOL

17th October 2013, 03:07 PM
Seems that by one measure at least, Aussies are the world's richest people.


What it fails to mention is that we have currently 2.6 million folk (more than 1 in 10) living in poverty & that number is growing. The divide between the haves & the have-nots is getting wider, & our new government's approach will accelerate this process.

18th October 2013, 06:26 AM
[QUOTE=Westy's Accessories;436604] most small town salaries are $70-100,000 QUOTE]

I know you said most, I seriously doubt 70K is the starting pay here. More like 30 - 35K, we are not a wealthy town

As for a persons wealth, if you bought a home 10 - 15 years ago the appreciation has been ridiculous and that same property is getting close to that median that Swisse are talking about. Our house block cost $22K in 1988 and would have been close to $300K at the peak, to me the figures are a bit open to interpretation. I would not be able to buy our place now.

18th October 2013, 10:51 AM
Yea for sure macca, just used those figures to get the jist of average. I doubt mount g's average is 70 thou, and we're the 3 largest town in south aus..

18th October 2013, 02:37 PM
[QUOTE=Westy's Accessories;436604] most small town salaries are $70-100,000 QUOTE]

I know you said most, I seriously doubt 70K is the starting pay here. More like 30 - 35K, we are not a wealthy town

As for a persons wealth, if you bought a home 10 - 15 years ago the appreciation has been ridiculous and that same property is getting close to that median that Swisse are talking about. Our house block cost $22K in 1988 and would have been close to $300K at the peak, to me the figures are a bit open to interpretation. I would not be able to buy our place now.

Very interesting.
So if we accept that the 30 000 AUD is annual salary in the not wealthy town. It is mean that monthly - 2 500 AUD.
5000 AUD if two adults is working. For example family have 2 children.
Is this money enough for basic family life needs?

18th October 2013, 03:24 PM
We were discussing this at work today im a sales rep in the grocery industry and have managed supermarkets before that I believe that we are in a false economy and have not had a global financial crisis yet but it is coming and its going to hurt a lot of people . Today's young adults have to have the latest gadgets cars jet skis etc and go into hock . to buy it interest free for 2 years but after that the the interest rate might be 20 percent wonder why they can't aford a house deposit . If you do the sums the price of property has pretty much increased with wages except for a spike about ten years ago .
To me its all about your priorities in life some grab opportunity and some could not be bothered , they let us tax payers pay there way .
How did I get here from s dumped car photo .its Friday and I need a beer