View Full Version : WA and NT

13th October 2013, 09:16 PM

I'm planing to visit Australia in July and August with my wife and three kids(7,9,11).I'm transporting my own car Nissan Patrol from Slowenia to Perth. We will explor WA and NT and then go to Adelaide .We live the car somewhere in Adelaide and come back in January to drive the rest of Australia.We are accustomed to drive and live in outback we have traveled all Sahara ,Sibiria and Mongolija.I have buy Australia road&4wd atlas and I think it is a great book or do you have some better choise.
Now please can you tell me what are the top thing to see and the best off roda tours and where are the best place for the kids.

Best regards,

13th October 2013, 09:45 PM
Hi Boris,

A few more questions:

Are you camping? Caravan parks, free camping, or motel?
What sort of things are you interested in seeing?

Do you know fuel/food prices to expect?

(and how hard is it to 'bring' your own vehicle to Australia to use?

13th October 2013, 11:06 PM
Same as P4trol has already mentioned above.
There so many books / maps for various levels availabel for Aust that it will really depend on the user themselves, it sounds like you already have a fair amount of offraod driving / touring behind you already.

How long do you have to read as there are more places than I can remember to go and see in 1 state let alone all of Oz.

We just want photo's :)

14th October 2013, 04:47 AM

Yes we will mostly free camping and caravan parks.Fuel and food price I know and I'm not the first time in Australi.I was there 2001 but not in outback this is something else.Is not so hard to bring own car.I'll put the car in 20'container and send it 40 days before we coming.I'm importing the car with carnet.We are excited abaut nature and dunes.The children are crazy about wather and swiming but not near crocodiles and sharks.For now I have wish to see in WA the Pinnacles,Monkey Mia,Karijin NP,Wolfe creek crater,Horinzontal waterfalls,Broome in NT Kakadu NP,Katherine gorge,Uluru,Kings canyon,litchfield NP.Drive from Perth to Uluro on great central road.This is for now my rough plan.Now I must do detailed plan .Any suggestions are welcome.

14th October 2013, 04:52 AM
Welcome. That's a plan and a half for sure. What dates are you looking at coming across?? You may just be here for our meet in the middle..

14th October 2013, 05:44 AM
Thats a big trip indeed, maybe each state could do a members meet up you as well

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14th October 2013, 11:17 AM
Hi Boris,
yes mate as OD said, we in western australia would be happy to hold a meetup when you arrive so you can meet some fellow patrol owners and also you can grab some contact details if you need help with anything.

14th October 2013, 09:46 PM
I wrote this massive essay on this thread yesterday then looked at the date joined and thought that's when you asked the question so i'll try again as I deleted it when I thought it was so old...Dagnamit......
Right something that is a must do and a lot of world travellers do is the Kimberly(top of WA)Gibb river road is a good trek although I have never done it myself,then you have the Pilbara which includes Karajini national park.These are a must do if you come this far..If you are into swimming try going to coral bay or exmouth and check out the Ningaloo reef and all of it's wonders while snorkling with your family....I'm sure there is lots more but these are a few of my favourite things......there are also a lot of greast spots that are only known to people of the area so when your here make sure you have a berr with totasl strangers and try and get all the good info,other tourist will also let you in on a few secrets as you travel.......
Last but not least.....enjoy what we aussies have to offer in our great land mate.....

First cheese
16th October 2013, 06:27 PM
You mentioned you like dunes, go check out Callcup hill (South West Australia) It's a drive you'll enjoy go in at Callcup turn right when you hit the beach, cross the Warren River can be a little soft but no probs in summer and head back inland through the Yeagarup dunes

17th October 2013, 06:13 AM
Thank you for your answer and invitation for meeting.It would be my pleasure.Today I have book the flight to Perth 7.7.2014 and arrival is 8.7.I would like to know which area can be flooded this time of year.

First cheese
17th October 2013, 09:20 AM
Plenty of rain around that time of year in the south through till about October. December till April rain in the North and East. Some costal areas in the southwest can be hard to get too or closed due to flooding. As for North the rain comes with cyclones, there's a whole lot of rain in a few days but drys up pretty quick. Those same cyclones move south wetting the mid west and goldfields area turning the ground into sticky slippery mud

First cheese
17th October 2013, 09:42 AM
Also I see in your list you didn't have Exmouth/Coral Bay you might want to add that one in

17th October 2013, 11:54 PM
That's the best time of the year to visit up north mate,you'll love it.....not much chance of floods that time of year unless you are very unlucky,as first cheese said south is wet as that time of year...Bugger about the dates...some of us in WA and other states will be at the meetup in the middle,but i'm sure there will be still others who will show you some great hospitality

First cheese
18th October 2013, 12:56 AM
North gets really hot in the warmer months, even during the night making sleeping a little harder

18th October 2013, 09:49 AM
He says he is coming in july and august,wants to travel WA and NT,so I gathered he'd be travelling north...july and august are the best times to go up north...it only gets to about average of about 32 and drops down to around 20 at night.......

10th June 2014, 09:34 AM

Now it's for real.The car landed 4.7
Best regards,

10th June 2014, 10:14 AM
wowee, such a big endeavour to take to actually bring your car with you! have a great trip and make sure you share plenty of pics mate!

11th June 2014, 08:55 PM
Hey Boris, if your around Perth anytime let us know, we maybe able to catch up

Nicki & Chris
20th October 2014, 08:32 PM
just a matter of interest how much did it cost you to ship our your car ?

28th October 2014, 08:17 AM
Hello Nicki&Chris,

Cost of my car from Slovenia to Australia was 3200 eur and I was lucky I didnt have problem with quarantine .The car was clean if they found any mud on yor car cleaning and disinfection cost 800-1200 AUD.The biggest cost is car send from Australia.I have wish to send car from Brisbene to Durban(South Africa) it will cost 4500 eur but know is on the west side ebola on the est side islam problems so we have choose to send car in South America Chile the cost will be 5400 eur if I dont find something cheaper.In next days I put pictures of my trip in Australia.We have started in Perth to Middle Lagoon on north go to Kimberley then to Urulu,cross Simpson desert and sleep on the top of Big red and to Adelaide where I have park my car by my friend.We will come back in Janury and drive the rest.

Best regards,