View Full Version : WA Members Dwellingup Sleepover 5/6/13 - YES IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!

6th October 2013, 10:15 PM
Well it appears that somehow I managed to get trip report duties for some reason, so here goes.

Now you all know I'm not one to have a lot to say, so I'll keep it brief.............

Well after all good intentions and getting the car mostly packed up on the Friday, leaving only a couple of bits and pieces to get loaded on the roof on the Saturday morning, got up and out of bed at the arse crack of dawn all very excited that the day has finally arrived and that this will indeed be the very first time that all five of the Clunk clan will be out bush camping.
"But you and your family have been camping before Clunk!!!!????" I here you say......... and yes you would be correct but that was before the boy arrived and was on someones property, so camping it was but not completely away from it all type camping!!!!! :thumbup:

Anyway, I digress....... loaded up the car, woke up the rest of the clan, re-checked the fluids that I'd check the day before (can never be too careful you know). Soooo the plan was to leave the house no later than 8:00am, so that I'd arrive in Dwellingup (10:00am meet up time) with plenty of time to spare, well that was the plan but unbeknownst to me the kids had other plans and were determined that we would not leave any sooner that 8:30am. Weather had turned overcast and drizzle started to fall........ off we trundled on our merry way.

So we're about an hour into the journey and I get an sms off Rustyboner, saying that he had wet the bed and decided to get there early but I reckon he must have shat the bed because i think he said he had actually arrived there not long after 8am..... I know he was looking forward to this but damn mate!!!!!!!!! :wink:

Arrived in Dwellingup bang on at the aforementioned meet up time and to my surprise, I was the last one to arrive, Stropp, Oncedisturbed &missus, Rustyboner81 and WA 489 & clan were there waiting........ kids had a quick pee stop and got to briefly see the Hoffman Steam strain, which was pretty cool........ I believe Stropp took a couple of photos the 5 of us all lined up.

Stropp had actually arrived at the campsite on the Friday but was good enough to come and meet us and lead us all in, seeing as none of us had been there before. Apparently he was leading us in through the the quick route but I'm sure I saw the same tree on more than 2 occasions and we seemed to go in one very very long loop, heading North, then West, then South, the East. During that time, the rain decided to fall, then , stop, then fall some more but I wasn't going to let it put me off because unlike some, I have complete faith in our weather forecasters!!!!!

After just over another hour or so of driving, we finally arrived at camp to find Doggy and Fatboy (with missus) keeping guard of a nice little camp fire. Parked up then we all set to our own task of setting up camp in our carefully chosen spots. I've decided that I'm really going to have to invest in 1) an awning and 2) one of those large family quick set up tents. Had to wait until there was a break in the weather in order to set up my Taj Mahal of a dome tent, which Rusty, OD & Missus came to our aid and we had it erected just in time for the next little down pour. My 2 girls went off in search of WA 489's girls, which was good, as it gave me and the missus time to get stuff sorted.

After everything was set up it was time to relax and catch up with the rest of the members.
I must apologies for the quality of photos but once again the missus failed miserably in her one and only duty and forgot the camera!!!!

the Old Guard, Stropp & Doggy
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131005_173258_2476x1393_zps6e4a7904.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131005_173258_2476x1393_zps6e4a7904.jpg.html)

WA489 giving us a brief demonstration in the dangers of playing with fire....... this happened to be the on going theme of the evening :tease:
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131005_173310_2476x1393_zps4fe67f5c.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131005_173310_2476x1393_zps4fe67f5c.jpg.html)

OD thought it looked like a lot of fun, so he wanted to have a go too........ and Doggy proving that he can indeed wear and upside down frown but it sure does look painful!!!!!!!
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131005_173355_2476x1393_zpsa22bf20e.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131005_173355_2476x1393_zpsa22bf20e.jpg.html)

Chez WA489..................... now my missus wants a camper/trailer
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131005_174215_2476x1393_zpse0fb23c0.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131005_174215_2476x1393_zpse0fb23c0.jpg.html)

Chez Clunk Mahal............... yes a trailer/camper would be a good idea
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131006_074556_2476x1393_zps66b5084a.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131006_074556_2476x1393_zps66b5084a.jpg.html)

http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131005_204118_2476x1393_zps7de8b0bd.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131005_204118_2476x1393_zps7de8b0bd.jpg.html)

Doggy doesn't love me anymore
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131006_074056_2476x1393_zps17ef9b5d.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131006_074056_2476x1393_zps17ef9b5d.jpg.html)

"Woof woof woof".......... "Be quiet Doggy!!!!!"
http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131006_074345_2476x1393_zpsb2c56b09.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131006_074345_2476x1393_zpsb2c56b09.jpg.html)

6th October 2013, 10:16 PM
Ever seen the Dawn of the Dead?????????? It's really scary

http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l570/clunk71/20131006_073959_2476x1393_zps52456017.jpg (http://s1124.photobucket.com/user/clunk71/media/20131006_073959_2476x1393_zps52456017.jpg.html)

6th October 2013, 10:22 PM
Suffice to say, our weekend wasn't about the 4wding, as we didn't get up to any......... it was all about meeting up with new people (Fatboy & missus) and getting to better know the ones I've met already.

Thanks to all to those who came and made it a great weekend for me and my family................................

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, when's the next one!!!!!!!????????? hahahahahahaha

6th October 2013, 10:24 PM
oh and by the way, i think it only fair that one of the crew who arrived on Friday should write their account........................................ hey Doggy!!!!!!???????

P.S. my apologies but thats all the pics I've got, the others were way too blurry

6th October 2013, 10:47 PM
Not much to say???? Great job mate and i was only an hour early so i had breakfast at the blue wren ;)

6th October 2013, 10:53 PM
Not much to say???? Great job mate and i was only an hour early so i had breakfast at the blue wren ;)

so what about yours and Stropps shenanigans today, what ya get up to????

6th October 2013, 10:58 PM
Well no footage but i lost my front number plate :D

6th October 2013, 10:58 PM
Cheers clunk,I'm sure the others will put some more pics up aswell.To everyone that came along..Was great to meet up.And get on it......just a little,atleast after the first couple of drinks the pain eased...who would have thought that alfoil got hot so quick on the fire...DOH....anyway a drop of the good oil sorted it out.......And the pizza in the campoven was tasty too...other than that it was pretty quiet and a tidy affair.

6th October 2013, 11:05 PM
thats because we were on our best behaviour mate!!!!! lol

6th October 2013, 11:13 PM
oh and by the way, i think it only fair that one of the crew who arrived on Friday should write their account........................................ hey Doggy!!!!!!???????

Ok, met up with Fatboy and Jodie at the Dwelly Pub, well actually the Visitor Centre and we headed of the find the campsite.
Was a bit worried but finally found it, we were going to camp at Feral Flats but it was under water, which turned out great because we had the upper campsite to ourselves so we did not have to put up with any ferals...............that was until the Possum Poacher from down South arrived on Saturday..LMAO
Set up camp, got the chainsaw going, got some bloody great wood then chilled out around the fire.

Had a bloody ripper of a weekend, really great to finally meet everyone....................Yep, when is the next one?????????????????????????

6th October 2013, 11:19 PM
ok so i'll add to clunks fine thread.
Neil wasn't too impressed with doggys fire wood, hahahaha was the running joke of the night aaaaaaaannd delete!!
yes thank jess and neil for probably the nicest pizza ive tasted in a long time.
i got out for a few runs through the mud, me and fatboy had a run saturday which was good.
me and stropp found that gravel pit i was talking about on the way out and had a couple of runs up it

6th October 2013, 11:28 PM
Oh yes forgot the camp oven pizza, bloody beautiful............thanks to Jess and...forgot her name but their eldest daughter.

6th October 2013, 11:39 PM
Was the pizza as good as mine is tonight. 35043

And last nights homemade/work nachos 35044

6th October 2013, 11:54 PM
Well guys it was a great weekend, I left directly after work at 5 pm Friday and arrived at the camp site around 716 pm that night. Met afatboy and Jody and doggy there and setup and had a great night with clear skies,
That changed early Saturday morning with light drizzle until such time as I left to meet the rest of the crew at dwelly, I arrived at 0930 to find all of them except clunk waiting for me. When the clunks arrived and after a brief how do you do to all we headed off to the camp site, all went well until I took a wrong turn but we did eventually get to the camp site and everyone set up camp. Neil couldn't wait to set up his tahg mah trailer tent and show it off, it's very well setup and very usable. The evening got off to a great start with the weather clearing and Neil bringing out a bottle of red called dingo creek but forever known as drongo creek, quite a nice drop with a fair kick :) that along with the camp oven pizza made sure the Neil and his wife jess are always welcome on the trips. We had another light drizzle early Sunday morning and it was a slow start for some who over indulged the night prior, with everyone going different directions rusty and I headed off the long way back to dwellingup through the bush, it was quite an easy drive even after all the rain. All in all it was a great weekend and it was great to meet the new faces, pics tomorrow as I don't have a computer at home.

6th October 2013, 11:55 PM
Was the pizza as good as mine is tonight. 35043

And last nights homemade/work nachos 35044

Better mate they were free and we got to see Neil burn himself numerous times as well( some people are slow learners lol)

7th October 2013, 12:41 AM
Was the pizza as good as mine is tonight. 35043

And last nights homemade/work nachos 35044

Home made dough, cooked in the camp oven. Your pizza would have to be very veey special to beat it.....

7th October 2013, 12:56 AM
well work payed for the pizza every sunday night shift is takeaway for our crew and i cook my own nachos from scratch..

In all honesty yours is 100 time better than mine cause i am at work and you were off camping. lucky buggers

7th October 2013, 05:17 AM
well work payed for the pizza every sunday night shift is takeaway for our crew and i cook my own nachos from scratch..

In all honesty yours is 100 time better than mine cause i am at work and you were off camping. lucky buggers

Should have pulled a sticky!!!! Lol

7th October 2013, 05:54 AM
Should have but it would have looked a bit suss meh I ll be at the next one for sure

7th October 2013, 07:37 AM
Finally, after all this time you blokes managed to get a meet up done....lol

Great write up and pics gents, love the pic of the firewood in the back...LMAO

7th October 2013, 10:57 AM
As a result of that day..i got drive the golden turd35048

7th October 2013, 01:00 PM
pics as promised

7th October 2013, 01:02 PM
I thought it never rained in beautiful WA, perfect weather and all that?

7th October 2013, 01:13 PM
"WA Members Dwellingup Sleepover 5/6/13 - YES IT ACTUALLY"

It actually what? TELL US WHAT IT ACTUALLY DID!?

7th October 2013, 01:14 PM
and last but not least we had our mascot "the condom" lol

7th October 2013, 01:16 PM
I would not like to go camping with you guys, too many photos, too much evidence!

7th October 2013, 01:17 PM
I thought it never rained in beautiful WA, perfect weather and all that?

the first one was put off due to storms, this one was a little damp. drizzle saturday but it fined up for the evenings festivities but that was not going to deter us, it was great despite the weather.

7th October 2013, 02:19 PM
"WA Members Dwellingup Sleepover 5/6/13 - YES IT ACTUALLY"

It actually what? TELL US WHAT IT ACTUALLY DID!?

Try reading it on something other than your crapple and you might see!!!!!

7th October 2013, 02:31 PM
PC you knob!!!!

7th October 2013, 02:37 PM
PC you knob!!!!

so what does it say at the top of this page? and please don't call me a knob Winnie, it's not very nice

7th October 2013, 03:17 PM
PC you knob!!!!

now now girls play nice :)

7th October 2013, 03:29 PM
All them pics just make me want more pizza...Love the condom man.must be a payback for calling me possum eater all night.......great forum meet up I must say..to meet up with people in the middle of now where and hit it off is a pleasure to be part of such a great online community to actually being friends and hopefully stay in contact for a while yet...Also I found out which way the WA tribe will be heading next year and when we are leaving,,so now I have some direction..
So to all those who attended it was a pleasure meeting you all and using your first aid kits....not just once..lol

7th October 2013, 03:31 PM
so what does it say at the top of this page? and please don't call me a knob Winnie, it's not very nice

oooooo sorry clunk, you really are a Caring Understanding Nice Type! :) hahahhahaha

7th October 2013, 03:32 PM
oooooo sorry clunk, you really are a Caring Understanding Nice Type! :) hahahhahaha

shut it twat, I'm not that nice!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahahaa

7th October 2013, 03:44 PM
oooooo sorry clunk, you really are a Caring Understanding Nice Type! :) hahahhahaha

bwaaa haaaa

7th October 2013, 03:46 PM
I would not like to go camping with you guys, too many photos, too much evidence!

dont worry the meetup in the middle is not far off and i beleive by the time the pizza is cooked and ready to eat you would be asleep and we can get MORE photos of that event LOL

7th October 2013, 03:49 PM
It happened one time! Hahah

7th October 2013, 10:11 PM
Got a couple more

8th October 2013, 08:24 PM
sooooo JELLY...................very Jelly................again im so JELLY.........

8th October 2013, 09:03 PM
sooooo JELLY...................very Jelly................again im so JELLY.........

And icecream

8th October 2013, 09:50 PM
sooooo JELLY...................very Jelly................again im so JELLY.........

You wait 3 more days Mr jelly......

8th October 2013, 10:05 PM
sooooo JELLY...................very Jelly................again im so JELLY.........

Never mind Timmo, next time just do a quick sprint down and join us :)

8th October 2013, 10:11 PM
Never mind Timmo, next time just do a quick sprint down and join us :)

What am I waiting for Tas......

8th October 2013, 10:12 PM
yes clunky and need ice cream

23rd March 2014, 05:44 PM
cant believe i missed this! gutted.... i should check more sections of the forum!

28th March 2014, 10:10 PM
cant believe i missed this! gutted.... i should check more sections of the forum!

Bloody hell he's alive!!!!!! LOL........... Finally got all the water drain from your Ute hey????

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Forum Runner

28th March 2014, 10:31 PM
You'll have to come to the next one..Doggy's wood he cut and tried to burn should be dry enough to burn by then.

28th March 2014, 10:45 PM
You'll have to come to the next one..Doggy's wood he cut and tried to burn should be dry enough to burn by then.

lol funny as

28th March 2014, 10:48 PM
You'll have to come to the next one..Doggy's wood he cut and tried to burn should be dry enough to burn by then.
How would you like to be Infracted Possum, it was special slow burning wood mate...lol

4th May 2014, 11:31 PM
How would you like to be Infracted Possum, it was special slow burning wood mate...lol

slow burning alright. took 2 days to burn those 3 rings lol

4th May 2014, 11:34 PM
So when is the next one?

5th May 2014, 10:40 PM
I won't be able to make it for a while as I'm doing 7 days during winter :( it's so busy at work at the moment.

5th May 2014, 10:54 PM
mate the last one to so long to organise I thought I would ask early..don't care if it's about the same time...sept oct.

5th May 2014, 10:54 PM
same place is fine for me probably being the most southern.

5th May 2014, 11:06 PM
When is it, where is it?????????????????

5th May 2014, 11:20 PM
New thread started here http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?p=503614