View Full Version : Please look after your gear!!!!!

First Patrol
5th October 2013, 06:33 PM
Hi guys, now I just got back from a trail bike ride and saw a cruiser doing a recovery ( patrol would not need to! Lol). I stopped and watched and geez some very poor practice was taking place! I'm no expert mechanic nor sparky but when it comes to rigging loads and weight limits this is my field.

They had a brand new 8t endless sling (the sort cranes use)wrapped around a tree on a choke they winched the heap of land cruiser out no prob. They then dragged that sling of 6m long through the mud and back into the back of the LC. I went over and said hello and they said they got a 8t sling as they keep breaking the 5t sling they norm use.

What they do wrong here?

We'll as that sling was around the tree unprotected the bark has put little cuts in the outer layer ( no prob strength is on the inside) they then dragged it in the mud prob filling it up with grit. Now over time the grit inside grinds away at the inner and stuffs it. As they had it choked around the tree there sling was only good for 75% of 8t so continue doing this and yes they will replace that 8t sling just as often as there 5t sling.

Please understand your sling configuration and the consequences Of the rating of it.

Protect it at all times from rain dirt and sharp edges and out of uv light when not in use.

Your life may depend on it sometime

Treat it right and it will last a lifetime!!!

Just food for thought although patrol owners have more brains!!

Any other load related questions you have or rigging questions ask away

Take it easy

First Patrol
5th October 2013, 06:55 PM
Also if they wrapped the sling around joining both ends to a shackle it would increase the sling swl. A 8t synthetic sling is way to bulky and a waste of time in my book for a average 4x4 considering it breaks at 40t diff between swl and wwl!

Sorry for boring you on the simple stuff!!

5th October 2013, 07:20 PM
Thanks appreciate your knowledge.

5th October 2013, 10:15 PM
Thanks for your input First Patrol, I appreciate your expertise and gather you are a Rigger or Dogman? Reading your description I assume the Sling you talk about was a Tree Trunk Protector. 3 m to 5m long and rated to 8000kgs or more. You are right it would certainly be used eye to eye with a shackle but I have a 12t Tree Truck Protector that I use and love it.

The concept is less about the breaking strain which you accurately advise is Sh1t loads but ore about the width of the strap to Protect the tree from Ring Bark Damage. I assume they were Winching from the sling as an anchor point?

Hope I read you right?

Your are very right though mate PLEASE LOOK AFTER YOUR GEAR!!!

that sling would go through the washing machine after that day if I owned it.

Shaun 4x4
5th October 2013, 10:58 PM
Mudrunner, An endless sling is one that is a complete loop. Like a big circle.
Not open like a tree trunk protector with eyelets on either side.

5th October 2013, 11:04 PM
Mudrunner, An endless sling is one that is a complete loop. Like a big circle.
Not open like a tree trunk protector with eyelets on either side.

Thanks Shaun, I missed that.

Shaun 4x4
5th October 2013, 11:06 PM
Glad I could help for a change :)

First Patrol
6th October 2013, 06:14 AM
Lol shit I gave the tree no concern here. You are right a wide flat sling would be better on Mother Nature

6th October 2013, 12:11 PM
Had to stop the greenies from saying all 4x4ers were tree KILLERS lol
Its all in the tread lightly campaign , minimum impact on the environment.
But by all means enjoy