View Full Version : Gamming pc,

29th September 2013, 01:15 AM
Just thought I share my gaming pc I built last year,


29th September 2013, 05:38 AM
Holy fark!!!!!!!

C'mon gotta give me a spec rundown

That must of cost u a small fortune 2 build

29th September 2013, 08:48 AM
Holy fark!!!!!!!

C'mon gotta give me a spec rundown

That must of cost u a small fortune 2 build

X2. I recently seen one on FB, bloke filled the Fish tank of mineral oil and threw it in.. No specs but I'm guessing SSD's due to HDD's moving internals...

29th September 2013, 09:56 AM
Overclocked to the edge of meltdown hey!!!!!

Surprised you are not actually running coolant.

29th September 2013, 02:15 PM
Looks great mate!

May be somewhere I remake my boring gray box in to something like this!


29th September 2013, 09:06 PM
You guys have too much time and money on your hands!

30th September 2013, 06:30 PM
i2600k overlocked to 4.8 stable.
2x 560 gtx ti
16GB (4x4GB) 2133MHz DDR3
2x256gb raid 0

Watercooling all imported from usa, 1000$ in waterblock

30th September 2013, 06:35 PM
i2600k overlocked to 4.8 stable.
2x 560 gtx ti
16GB (4x4GB) 2133MHz DDR3
2x256gb raid 0

Watercooling all imported from usa, 1000$ in waterblock

does it have minesweeper?

30th September 2013, 06:43 PM
Does it give cuddles...

30th September 2013, 06:45 PM
Does it give cuddles...

Dont worry mate, you wont be replaced in the near future......

30th September 2013, 07:08 PM
I'm lazy I guess, I just bought a Dell Alienware PC. Not for games but as a server for home movies, music, pictures etc...... I work with computers for a living. So I'd rather go to the dentist than muck around with computers at home.

30th September 2013, 08:39 PM
does it have minesweeper?

Does it give cuddles...

Bahahahahahaha.. Pmsl...

30th September 2013, 09:27 PM
i2600k overlocked to 4.8 stable.
2x 560 gtx ti
16GB (4x4GB) 2133MHz DDR3
2x256gb raid 0

Watercooling all imported from usa, 1000$ in waterblock

What sort of boost?

30th September 2013, 09:27 PM
solitaire looks great ...

30th September 2013, 09:28 PM
carby or efi?

30th September 2013, 09:30 PM
Bet it would struggle to run an emulator to play pong though.

30th September 2013, 09:39 PM
lol i'll get a pic of my media server,

30th September 2013, 09:42 PM
lol i'll get a pic of my media server,

Is that the kid that delivers your newspaper?

30th September 2013, 09:47 PM

30th September 2013, 09:51 PM
i2600k overlocked to 4.8 stable.
2x 560 gtx ti
16GB (4x4GB) 2133MHz DDR3
2x256gb raid 0

Watercooling all imported from usa, 1000$ in waterblock
Finally!!! A man who can speak my language here too!!!

Is that usable stable, running a Prime Test or OCCT, etc etc? Or just bootable to Windoes? I had a golden 2600K last year but kinda melted it and the motherboard together benching it at 5.6ghz at -70c. LN2 is different to play with. Turns out it wasn't so golden...was around $1500 down the toilet within a matter of 2 minutes.
Now I'm back to a i5-2500K water cooled, 2 x 120Gb SSd's in Raid 1 and 2 680GTX's on a U3011. Awesome for playing BF3 on full specs too.
Sorry I just get carried away with this stuff. I'd love to show you my first full custom case I made with watercooled GPU's and a vapochilled CPU. You a member of OCAU? I did a build thread on there....Don't want to put the picks up here in your thread. Unless you don't care. lol
Pc's and 4bys I could talk all day about.

30th September 2013, 09:53 PM
You need a monitor this stuff is no good without one lol

30th September 2013, 10:01 PM
You need a monitor this stuff is no good without one lol
Dell U3011 is the only monitor you need. OR three of them. lol.

30th September 2013, 10:04 PM
I hope that's the dimensions or stands for "unreal 3011cm widescreen"

30th September 2013, 10:09 PM
Sorry. U3011 is the model number, it is the supreme of big LCD screens for pc's. 30inch screen at 2560 x 1600 resolution. Love these screens. Nothing better.

30th September 2013, 10:54 PM
haha mate , 4.8 stable 24 hours running prime 95 temps about 67c. can run stable for at 5.1 for 12 hours but the volts are way over that happy medium. Mate post away I started the thread. 2500k's can clock alittle better, its all about that happy medium.

30th September 2013, 10:57 PM
I only run 3 screen on my pc in my workshop,


30th September 2013, 11:32 PM
Workstations at work have 8 screens. They run redhat Linux. Very easy to loose your mouse pointer....

30th September 2013, 11:41 PM
haha mate , 4.8 stable 24 hours running prime 95 temps about 67c. can run stable for at 5.1 for 12 hours but the volts are way over that happy medium. Mate post away I started the thread. 2500k's can clock alittle better, its all about that happy medium.
Yeah I got rid of all my sub zero stuff. Became too expensive, then I bought a Patrol... Just running the 2500k stock under water with 680GTX's in SLI. I found in gaming the heat output from over clocking vs actual real performance difference wasn't worth it. As it stands now I average 75 frames in BF3 on my U3011 on Ultra high settings. Over clocked I averaged 82 frames per second. Not enough to convince me overclocking the pc was worth it. High end pc gear these days is more than enough to run anything at stock speeds.
I used to spend hours everynight just benching my pc's, trying to squeeze everything out of them. CBF now...
This was my first custom vapo case I made. Max sub temps was around -15c on this little unit. Vapo PE it was. GPU's were water cooled too.

Then I went a Vapochill LS. Much colder temps.

Then it just got worse. No case, just the mobo on a bench in the garage with a dry ice pot on it, then the step up to LN2. That didn't last long at all. I kinda wasn't used to -140c temps and spilling this stuff accidentally on a mother board worth $400 hurts alot. Then I gave up. In killing components.
I just game now and shoot people to let off steam.

30th September 2013, 11:58 PM
You guys all have too much time and money! I work with computers everyday I completely understand all the stuff you guys are talking about, I have a high end computer myself and have overclocked to 4.2ghz on air stable and use able in windows but I just don't see the point. My PC has 13tb internal plus ssd for OS. all I use my computer is as a data media server for the devices in my house. I can play any games I want but tbh I would much prefer to get out there in the real world and do stuff!

1st October 2013, 12:35 AM
You guys all have too much time and money! I work with computers everyday I completely understand all the stuff you guys are talking about, I have a high end computer myself and have overclocked to 4.2ghz on air stable and use able in windows but I just don't see the point. My PC has 13tb internal plus ssd for OS. all I use my computer is as a data media server for the devices in my house. I can play any games I want but tbh I would much prefer to get out there in the real world and do stuff!

Mate I understand your frustration, I made the decision at 15 i was not gong to go into pc's professionally and always kept it as a passion and hobbie.

1st October 2013, 12:58 AM
Mate I understand your frustration, I made the decision at 15 i was not gong to go into pc's professionally and always kept it as a passion and hobbie.

No not frustration mate just I don't get it. I don't understand the draw of games sure I did at one stage of my life( probably about 15 also Lol) but I grew up and found bigger thins like the great outdoors. I too didn't want to go into computers an kept it as a hobby until 2 year ago. Its an easy job computers it just comes easy to some and I guess I'm lucky. Quick question and I know its always the big debate but why do u run Intel?

1st October 2013, 01:19 AM
I don't understand the tech talk but i'm a gamer (PS3 :D) thats some serious gear tho! Good stuff, i like it !

1st October 2013, 01:25 AM
No not frustration mate just I don't get it. I don't understand the draw of games sure I did at one stage of my life( probably about 15 also Lol) but I grew up and found bigger thins like the great outdoors. I too didn't want to go into computers an kept it as a hobby until 2 year ago. Its an easy job computers it just comes easy to some and I guess I'm lucky. Quick question and I know its always the big debate but why do u run Intel?

Its a good release from reality and TBH i would have had my car impounded or against a pole if i didn't have my playstation. I work long hours and all my mates where usually asleep when i used to go out for a midnight / weekend run to blow off steam so kicking back racing/ shooting whatever infront of a screen works for me lol

1st October 2013, 10:05 AM
Quick question and I know its always the big debate but why do u run Intel?
Pre Intel's Core 2 Duo days AMD were the cpu to have. Now intels cpu's are just a lot more faster, can be overclocked to insane speeds quite easily and run quite cool too. I was an AMD fanboy for many years but eventually succumb to Intel.
My 2c.

1st October 2013, 03:26 PM
The intels now seem to have more "features". they can do more in automatically in the back ground to make it easier.

But end of the day, it depends on what you can afford and what is good at the time. Especially with how fast technology is advancing now days.

1st October 2013, 08:45 PM
Just found this thread and brought a lot of deja vu for me.
I used to spend countless hours and coins, watercooling and OC-ing my rigs with the latest and greatest specs, pushing those clocks to extremes. It was kind of like an addiction.
Then I sort of grew out of it and nowdays I just go out and by the "current" specced rig, build it and let it do it's thing no tweaking. The amount of $ I spent at places like MSY and Centrecom, comes close to how much I spent on my last 2 4x4's at ARB lol.

1st October 2013, 11:47 PM
Yeah I was just playing the beta release of Battlefield 4 tonight and thinking I need to upgrade my two graphics cards for a faster single card. There's 12hunge gone in that thought...
I know many dont understand but its a form of release to me to chuck my Senheisser headphones on and play shoot'em ups online line against other people around oz.
I do go outside too but at night when the kids have gone to bed, the wife doesn't want any love, I lock myself in my gaming room and could play until 2 or 3 in the morning.

2nd October 2013, 10:09 PM
Some benches, I don't game at all anymore more the challenge to build the system.




2nd October 2013, 10:16 PM
You guys all have too much time and money! I work with computers everyday I completely understand all the stuff you guys are talking about, I have a high end computer myself and have overclocked to 4.2ghz on air stable and use able in windows but I just don't see the point. My PC has 13tb internal plus ssd for OS. all I use my computer is as a data media server for the devices in my house. I can play any games I want but tbh I would much prefer to get out there in the real world and do stuff!

Can I have your computer then???? :)

2nd October 2013, 11:46 PM
Whats tha point of building a fast pc if you dont use its speed? Tis' nice and quick though.

3rd October 2013, 12:53 AM
Whats tha point of building a fast pc if you dont use its speed? Tis' nice and quick though.

Enjoying the build.

my network atm


Smoothwall standalone os/firewall


Plus my network in workshop,

3rd October 2013, 12:58 AM
Some benches, I don't game at all anymore more the challenge to build the system.



sure you dont game i see cod and rainbow6 on your desktop:p

3rd October 2013, 01:15 AM
lol look at dates at bottom right hand corner,

3rd October 2013, 01:22 AM
6 .8. 2012 for cod lol not that long lol

3rd October 2013, 02:12 AM
lol i rest my case