View Full Version : Is anyone watching Dangerous Drives on ONE???

28th September 2013, 08:54 PM
Is anyone watching it?

28th September 2013, 08:56 PM
nooooooo........ stupid terrestrial tv not working, currently watching wreck it Ralph

28th September 2013, 08:56 PM
You are!!!

28th September 2013, 09:05 PM
Was some Jeeps doing a snow trip in Moab, Utah

Was just curios if anyone else was watching and if they where could they explain 2 me why they weren't using snow chains.

28th September 2013, 09:05 PM
Yep.. Having a good laugh..

28th September 2013, 09:07 PM
There jeep drivers..
But what are they testing??

28th September 2013, 09:10 PM
There testing a hemi in the heep..

28th September 2013, 09:21 PM
yeh was a good laugh, i'm surprised they made it out.

Nice sounding jeep though

28th September 2013, 09:35 PM
Yeah it was very odd. Had potential to be epic!!!

No I don't think it was the Hemi they were testing? That was in the big one on 38s, the other jeep running in 3rd with all the gear that they did not mention once???

So what got me was why on earth the Disco was in the front at all?? At any time??? It was on BFG ATs and looked like 33s?? And the big jeep running 38s was at the back??!!! Trail blaze on AT 33s in big snow like that is silly!

Hey Todd, the main use for snow chains is when driving on bitumen for breaking up ice on the road to allow for better grip. Big chains on big tyres can help a little but they did not really have a "grip" problem at all if you think about it, especially the bigger more aggressive tyres. I could not imagine fitting chains to my Simex for instance.

28th September 2013, 09:35 PM
Yea just finished here. Was a good watch.. Some lovely scenery, and that hemi did sound nice..

28th September 2013, 09:40 PM
Thanks Daz, I've never driven in snow, just thought towards then end when they were ramming the snow that snow chains might of been useful, but obviously not

28th September 2013, 09:45 PM
Thanks Daz, I've never driven in snow, just thought towards then end when they were ramming the snow that snow chains might of been useful, but obviously not

Yeah nah at that point he was a snow plough! Either needed to get up on top of it or move it out of the way. It is Power sucking stuff mate! Very similar to driving on soft dry sand. Deep, loose, soft and difficult to deal with.

28th September 2013, 11:50 PM
Yeah it was very odd. Had potential to be epic!!!

No I don't think it was the Hemi they were testing? That was in the big one on 38s, the other jeep running in 3rd with all the gear that they did not mention once???

So what got me was why on earth the Disco was in the front at all?? At any time??? It was on BFG ATs and looked like 33s?? And the big jeep running 38s was at the back??!!! Trail blaze on AT 33s in big snow like that is silly!

Hey Todd, the main use for snow chains is when driving on bitumen for breaking up ice on the road to allow for better grip. Big chains on big tyres can help a little but they did not really have a "grip" problem at all if you think about it, especially the bigger more aggressive tyres. I could not imagine fitting chains to my Simex for instance.

Yea it was weird they kept referring to the test car as the hemi, the big one was the 'beast' or along the lines of... Hehehe.. Beast...
But the Landy was trip leader, local bloke with the knowledge of the area..
Should have left his at home and shot gun with one if the others..