View Full Version : Patrol involved in a crash, yesterday on North Stradbroke Island

26th September 2013, 09:00 AM
2 car crash yesterday on North Stradbroke Island, obvoiusly a GU Patrol, hope its not someone from here, or someone you know.

Wishing everyone envolved all the best for a speedy recovery.


26th September 2013, 09:06 AM
Looking like the Toyota may have been to blame by the position they are on the road.... hope everyone recovers, so hard when kids involved.

26th September 2013, 09:32 AM
not good at all. its amazing to see how little damage to the patrol was done compared to the tarago!

26th September 2013, 09:53 AM
Looking like the Toyota may have been to blame by the position they are on the road.... hope everyone recovers, so hard when kids involved.

If thats the case, i can understand how easy it could happen on that road, lots to look at driving along, lots of funny camber bends, sand across the road in places and no white centre lines ,tourists that don't know the road.

Patrol could just have easily been cutting the corner, so the torago and the patrol swerved to avoid each other, ending up where they did.

not good at all. its amazing to see how little damage to the patrol was done compared to the tarago!

I think the damage to the patrol will be worse on the other side front, and i bet its quite bad, i would not be surpized if its a write off, i think the Torago looks worse at a glance because the side doors are still open.

26th September 2013, 10:18 AM
There was also a roll over in glasshouse last night that required the EMQ chopper to trsnsport to hospital , a timely reminder to play safe , they also attended the roll over at double island last week . My sisters hubby is a pilot with them , they post on facebook EMQ rescue 500 , its worth following to see what they get up to ,
Once again play safe and hope you never need them


26th September 2013, 11:00 AM
Overseas tourist hired the van. Looks like they were driving on the wrong side of the road to me.

26th September 2013, 04:23 PM
With all those terrible injuries I can't help thinking seat belts weren't worn either.

26th September 2013, 05:44 PM
drove that road several times on the weekend and if it happened late afternoon the sun is absolutely blinding on many parts along that stretch!

26th September 2013, 07:33 PM
With all those terrible injuries I can't help thinking seat belts weren't worn either.

The broken front passenger seat in the Tarago is consistent with a person being hurled forwards then bouncing back into the seat. I agree that seatbelts were the likely contributor to the injuries suffered.

Hope they all recover ok :(

26th September 2013, 08:06 PM
Small update, while this looks like the same link as above, its a little more up to date, the main thing is they have added 2 more pictures of the crash scene (click arrows to scroll)


26th September 2013, 08:19 PM
I'll add a couple of more views from the emq guys3465734658