View Full Version : Surging at 2000RPM 4th gear

24th September 2013, 01:57 PM
Hi guys,

Well my troll has just hit 106000 kms I have noticed that it is starting to surge in 4th gear I hit 2000rpm and it just jumps up to 2200rpms instantly and has a bit of a power surge, I think its a bad thing and will get it checked out but what you guys think.......

24th September 2013, 07:21 PM
G'day Tim,
Mines an 08 CRD and done near 170Km. and not (so far) had that little trick.
Gotta say though, having driven an old 4.2 non turbo for years, this thing still blows me the way it rockets at around 2+ thou. RPM's.
Only in fourth though????? Man, that's wierd.
Have you given it a thorough test/belting? Say, run it to just below the red line in all gears with the foot fairly hard down but exactly the same pedal in each gear. Wouldn't like to do it to my wagon UNLESS I had a mystery only in one gear when it seems it should be in each. It sounds like a turbo question and if it is I'd expect it in all gears at the same revs..
Sorry I can't help more, but one of the gurus will have a few more clues. Or a lot.
Good luck
p.s. lucky bugger!! Looked at your profile. Lucky bugger!! And I'm down South remembering up North. Lucky bugger!!

8th October 2013, 05:21 PM
Not the turbo...... Mate mechanic checked it out nothing wrong with turbo but clutch was slipping and grabbing....... Took to a motor mech nek minit. $ 3150 later new clutch....... How much you guys paying down south? I think Darwin is a bloody rip off some times

9th October 2013, 06:37 PM
G'day Tim
can't help with an idea on prices.
Reckon you'd be open to a bit of jerkin about up there though. Been there a coupla times and found very little that wasn't priced up for 'freight'
Still like to be there though