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View Full Version : flod water in gympie (sunny coast)

10th January 2011, 11:12 PM
thought eveyone might be interested in the floods up here
im on the southside of gympie and have been cut of from town and the highway
the water lvl was at 18.5m 5.20pm with town being cut of round 15 i think but its supose to peak at 20+ meters tonight.
water will be here for a wile so getting threw gympie will be impossable

here is a few pics coz i know every one likes pictures lol

10th January 2011, 11:22 PM
great pics, i'm sure the patrol can make it thru that puddle!!!!!

10th January 2011, 11:27 PM
great pics, i'm sure the patrol can make it thru that puddle!!!!!

lol i wish i could get out if that was the case but most all crossings but 1 are 1.5m or more

10th January 2011, 11:51 PM
couple of new ones. the river is over 19 meaters now. if it hits 20 we will have no power :(

11th January 2011, 12:36 AM
Awesome photos, never seen anything like it with my own ewes before.
Another meter would be a huge amount of water with the river already that wide, good luck keeping your power on!

11th January 2011, 12:38 AM
lol i know how high the river is if it goes out lol.
i hope it starst to go down tonight then i might b able 2 get down the coast at the end of the week

11th January 2011, 06:21 AM
I've just been watching the news and it looks just unbelievable

11th January 2011, 08:00 AM
Good luck with it all guys and stay safe. I can't believe the amount of water coming down!!!

11th January 2011, 02:01 PM
a few more pics 4 u guies. i sent some to channel 7 and they seemd interested so u might see some on tv. ill try take 1 with the patrol in it see if i can get it on tv lol

Finly Owner
11th January 2011, 10:35 PM
Any news of gunalda and such up that way?

12th January 2011, 08:01 PM
Any news of gunalda and such up that way?

not to sure on how gunalda is going u cant get in or outa town here. i cant even get accross town. the water is falling its no 17m at the moment

Finly Owner
12th January 2011, 11:30 PM
Be the same as here, only the big floods are being mentioned, while Logan is actually very close to record itself.