View Full Version : Thanks for visiting!

4th September 2013, 08:40 PM
G'day folks,

I would like to thank Jack (Apollofish) and his lovely wife Elsie for calling in and staying with my family for a couple of days. Jack and others from this forum have just completed Cape York. Unfortunately, i helped organise the trip and at the end, i had to bail out due to ill-health.

Anyhow, we had a fantastic catch-up and Jack de-briefed my family and I on there fantastic Cape York adventure. I gave both Jack and Elsie a quick tourist guide around where i live and around Coffs Harbour on Tuesday. They left this morning and headed south down the coast, back towards Mexico (Victoria) lol

As i write this thread both Jack and Elsie are relaxing at a caravan park in the Lakes in Forster Tuncurry, NSW, good onya folks!

PS, thanks for calling in, if i would have known that you were a farking Collingwood supporter i would have told you to fark off. lol



4th September 2013, 10:35 PM
Right you Mongrel,

PS, thanks for calling in, if i would have known that you were a farking Collingwood supporter i would have told you to fark off. lol

And here I was about to start a post praising you and telling the world what a great guy you are, I take it all back. That was below the belt.

Now before anyone gets to sensitive we're just taking the piss out of each other.

Paul, his lovely wife Ally and children welcomed us into their home with open arms. Intention was to drop in and say hello but they wouldn't let us leave - even trained the dog to do a welcome dance.
Paul and the family treated us like long time friends (which we will become) and opened their beautiful home to us. Paul cooked us dinner and took us on a tour of his part of paradise, showed us places we would never have seen.
Thanks again mate to you, Ally and your wonderful children, can't wait to return the favour.
All the best next week Friday, hope the professor can work his magic with your condition. Seeing first hand what you go through every morning just to get up and about was eye opening. Your attitude to your predicament is amazing, many a lesser man would have given up. Keep fighting mate!

PS sorry about backing over that Greens election poster on your front lawn, I called the local candidate in Coffs and they'll have it replaced by morning. lol

5th September 2013, 06:13 AM
That's great stuff guys. Well done.

5th September 2013, 06:50 AM
Where did Paul take you in Coffs?

5th September 2013, 07:40 AM
Where did Paul take you in Coffs?
Hi trekster,

Took us for a tour of the beaches and up the mountain - no 4wd stuff. Also showed us a magnificent old three that I believe you showed him only recently.

5th September 2013, 08:38 AM
I`m visiting you when I come to Aus Paul, whether that is a good thing or not,who knows..............:biggrin:

5th September 2013, 09:15 AM
I`m visiting you when I come to Aus Paul, whether that is a good thing or not,who knows..............:biggrin:

G'day fracster,

You are more than welcome mate, you will get the same treatment as everyone that visits us!

PS, i hope you are not a Liverpool supporter. lol

